Basic Information



  • 博士
  • 特聘研究员(副教授)
  • 博士生导师
  • 入选陕西省高层次人才项目
  • 西安交通大学青年拔尖人才B类

Contact Information

  • 邮箱: fu.liu "at"
  • 主页:
  • 地址: 陕西省 西安市 碑林区 咸宁西路28号 西安交通大学 东二楼277,邮编710049


Work Experience

 2020.08 - 至今,      特聘研究员, 西安交通大学 电子与信息学部 电子科学与工程学院
 2017.03 - 2020.06,博士后研究员,阿尔托大学(芬兰)电子工程学院 电子与纳米工程系
 2014.12 - 2016.10,博士后研究员,伯明翰大学(英国)物理与天文学院

Educational Experience

 2014.05 - 2014.08,伯明翰大学(英国)物理与天文学院,短期访问
 2011.09 - 2015.02,香港城市大学 物理与材料学系,博士
 2008.09 - 2011.07,北京师范大学 物理系,理学硕士
 2004.09 - 2008.06,中国矿业大学 理学院 应用物理系,理学学士

Research Fields


  • ​​​​​​​复杂人工电磁材料(超构材料与超构表面)
  • 带电粒子光子


  1. A. Pitilakis#, O. Tsilipakos#, F. Liu#, K. M. Kossifos, A. C. Tasolamprou, D.-H. Kwon, M. S. Mirmoosa, D. Manessis, N. V. Kantartzis, C. Liaskos, M. A. Antoniades, J. Georgiou, C. M. Soukoulis, M. Kafesaki, and S. A. Tretyakov, “A multi-functional reconfigurable metasurface: Electromagnetic design accounting for fabrication aspects,IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 69, 1440 (2021).
  2. F. Liu, T. Xu, S. Wang, Z. H. Hang, and J. Li, “Polarization beam splitting with gauge field metamaterials,Adv. Opt. Mater. 2019, 1801582 (2019).
  3. F. Liu*, B. Chowkwale, P. Jayathurathnage, and S. A. Tretyakov, “Pulsed self-oscillating nonlinear systems for robust wireless power transfer,Phys. Rev. Appl. 12, 054040 (2019). (Editors’ Suggestion)
  4. F. Liu*#, O. Tsilipakos#, A. Pitilakis, A. C. Tasolamprou, M. S. Mirmoosa, N. V. Kantartzis, D.-H. Kwon, J. Georgiou, K. Kossifos, M. A. Antoniades, M. Kafesaki, C. M. Soukoulis, and S. A. Tretyakov, “Intelligent metasurfaces with continuously tunable local surface impedance for multiple reconfigurable functions,Phys. Rev. Appl. 11, 044024 (2019). (Editors’ Suggestion)
  5. F. Liu, A. Pitilakis, M. S. Mirmoosa, O. Tsilipakos, X. Wang, A. C. Tasolamprou, S. Abadal, A. Cabellos-Aparicio, E. Alarcón, C. Liaskos, N. V. Kantartzis, M. Kafesaki, E. N. Economou, C. M. Soukoulis, and S. A. Tretyakov, “Programmable metasurfaces: state of the art and prospects,ISCAS, 2018.
  6. F. Liu, S. A. R. Horsley, and J. Li, “Invisibility cloaking using pseudomagnetic field for photon,Phys. Rev. B 95, 075157 (2017). (Editors’ Suggestion)
  7. Y. Liu, Z. Liang, F. Liu, O. Diba, A. Lamb, and J. Li, “Source illusion devices for flexural Lamb waves using elastic metasurfaces,Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 034301 (2017).
  8. F. Liu, and J. Li, “Gauge field optics with anisotropic media,Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 103902 (2015).
  9. W. Gao, M. Lawrence, B. Yang, F. Liu, F. Fang, B. Béri, J. Li, and S. Zhang, “Topological photonic phase in chiral hyperbolic metamaterials,Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 037402 (2015). (ESI highly cited paper)
  10. F. Liu, Z. Liang, and J. Li, “Manipulating polarization and impedance signature: a reciprocal field transformation approach,Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 033901 (2013). (Editors’ Suggestion)
  11. M. Kang, F. Liu, and J. Li, “Effective spontaneous PT-symmetry breaking in hybridized metamaterials,Phys. Rev. A 87, 053824 (2013).