serving as general chair for ICEICT 2021
发布者: 陈晓明 | 2021-03-02 | 394

I am honored to serve as the general chair for ICEICT 2021. http://www.iceict.org/ICEICT2021/index.asp


ICEICT 2021 will be held in Xi’an, China on August 20-22, 2021, sponsored by Xi'an Jiaotong University and IEEE Harbin Section. It is the fourth forum to provide a platform for bringing together researchers, practitioners, and academia to present and discuss ideas, challenges and potential solutions on established or emerging topics related to research and practice in antennas, information technology and communication systems.


Papers accepted by ICEICT 2021 will appears in the IEEE Xplore and be indexed by EI. Welcome to submit your contributions to the conference!