课题组关于边缘网络计算卸载的论文被CCF B类期刊Computer Networks 接收
发布者: 蔺杰 | 2021-01-26 | 16493

A Novel Latency-Guaranteed based Resource Double Auction for Market-oriented Edge Computing——Jie Lin, Lin Huang, Hanlin Zhang, Xinyu Yang, and Peng Zhao

With the advantages of distributed architecture and edge-servers being close to end-devices, edge computing has been widely attended to provide extra computation resources to assist smart end-devices in completing computation tasks with low latency. Although considerable efforts on resource allocation have been developed to reduce energy consumption and computation latency in edge computing, the profits of edge-servers in market-oriented edge computing have not been investigated.  In addition, few efforts considered the combination of multiple constraints (such as bandwidth, latency, etc..) in resource auctions for the edge-servers with limited communication and computation resources. To this end, in this paper we propose A Novel Latency-Guaranteed based Resource Double Auction for Market-oriented Edge Computing (LGRDA) scheme, which can selectively allocate the limited communication and computation resources of edge-servers to computation tasks of end-devices through bidding with the objective of maximizing the profits of edge-servers and achieving great efficiency of resource utilization, as well as guaranteeing acceptable latency for offloaded computation tasks. Particularly, a market-oriented edge computing is considered in our scheme, in which edge-servers offer computation services according to benefits that can be gained through bidding among end-devices, thereby achieving selective resource allocation in edge-servers. LGRDA conducts a resource-task matching model to match the limited communication and computation resources of edge-servers to computation tasks of end-devices with the considering the combination of multiple constraints (such as bandwidth, latency, etc.), and then a multi-user double auction scheme is proposed to effectively select the winning matches (i.e., resource-task pairs). Through extensive performance evaluation, our data shows that our LGRDA scheme can achieve individual rationality, budget balance and truthfulness. Additionally, our data also shows that LGRDA can significantly increase the system efficiency of market-oriented edge computing in terms of resource utilization rate and average profits for edge-servers, as well as the number of winning matches, in comparison with existing schemes