Professor Yanzhen Zheng was elected as the young editorial board member of Journal of Rare Earths !
发布者: 郑彦臻 | 2021-01-20 | 598

郑彦臻 教授当选《中国稀土学报》青年编委!

​​​​​​​Professor Yanzhen Zheng was elected as the young editorial board member of Journal of Rare Earths !

     On December 14, 2020, "Journal of rare earth" published the recruitment notice of the first session of young editorial board members. Up to the deadline of application, nearly 170 applications were received. Through the selection process of individual application, preliminary selection of editorial department, discussion of jury and confirmation of editor in chief, and comprehensive evaluation of all aspects (age, professional title, relevance of research field, academic achievements, etc.), 54 outstanding young scholars were finally selected into this year's youth editorial board. The first youth editorial board members are listed as follows.

        2020年12月14日,《中国稀土学报》、《Journal of Rare Earths》发布了第一届青年编委的招募启事,至报名截止日期共收到近170份申请简历。经个人申报—编辑部初选—评委会讨论—主编确认的遴选流程,综合考评各方面的情况(年龄、职称、研究领域相关度、学术成果等),最终54位优秀的青年学者入选本届青年编委会。现将第一届青年编委名单公布如下(按姓氏拼音首字母排序):
