





































2001-2005 中国石油大学(华东)       本科

2006-2009 中国地质大学(北京)       硕士

2012-2015 中国地质大学(北京)       博士

2014-2015 麻省州立大学 (波士顿)   访学

2016-2018 国家海洋局第二研究所   博后


2019-2021 西安交通大学图书馆        副馆长

2018-2020 西安交通大学地环系        副主任

2018-2019 西安市未央区人民政府    副区长

2016-今      西安交通大学                   教授

2021-今      民盟西安交通大学委员会 副主委

2023-今      第十三届陕西省政协        委员 




【53】Jun Chen, Wenting Quan, Xianqiang He, Min Xu, Caipin Li, and Delu Pan*. Modeling the satellite instrument visibility range for detecting underwater targets,ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 2025. Accepted.

【52】Jun Chen, Ming Xu, Wenting Quan, Xianqiang He, and Delu Pan*. The importance of global synchronous observation for estimating oceanic chlorophyll-a, Ecological Indicators. 2024.  166: 112299.

【51】Jingfan Li, Jun Chen*, and Wenting Quan. Long-term continuous monitoring of the diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm from global oceans using combined SeaWiFS and MODISA data, International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2024. 45: 1539-1555.

【50】Xianhui Dou, Kun Li, Qi Zhang, Chenyang Ma, Hongzhao Tang, Yonggang Qian*, Jun Chen, Jinglun Li, Yichao Li, Tao Wang, Feng Wang, Juntao Yang, and Xining Liu. Estimation of Land Surface Temperature from CHINESE ZY1-02E IRS Data, Remote Sensing. 2024.

【49】Jun Chen, Jingfan Li, Xianqiang He, Junwu Tang, and Delu Pan*. A neural network spectral relationship to improve an inherent optical properties data processing system for residual error correction, Optics Express. 2023. 31(24): 39583-39605.

【48】Wenting Quan, and Jun Chen*Algal biological features viewed in satellite observations: a case study in Bohai sea, Remote Sensing. 2023. 15: 4999. 

【47】Jun Chen, Xianhui Dou, Xianqiang He, Min Xu, Xinyue Li, and Delu Pan*. Estimating the model parameters for remote sensing reflectance pixel by pixel: a neural network approach for optically deep waters, International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2023. 44 (15): 4666-4683.

【46】Tao Cai, and Jun Chen*. An operational model for separating the absorption of optically active constituents from SeaWiFS measurements, International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2023. 44 (14): 4506-4528.

【45】Jun Chen, Na Xu, Xianqiang He, Wenting Quan, Qingyin He, Qijin Han, and Delu Pan*. Determining pseudo-invariant calibration sites for comparing inter-mission ocean color data, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 2022. 192(29): 377-394.

【44】Jiannan Cai, Ling Meng, Hailong Liu, Jun Chen*, and Qianguo Xing*. Estimating Chemical Oxygen Demand in estuarine urban rivers using unmanned aerial vehicle hyperspectral images, Ecological Indicators. 2022, 139, 108936.

【43】Jiannan Cai, Jun Chen*, Xianhui Dou, and Qianguo Xing*. Using machine learning algorithms with in-situ hyperspectral reflectance data to assess comprehensive water quality of urband rivers, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.2022. 60: 5523113.

【42】Jun Chen, Xianqiang He, Wenting Quan, Lingling Ma, Min Jia, and Delu Pan. A statistical analysis of residual errors in satellite remote sensing reflectance data from oligotrophic open oceans, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2022. 60: 4203912.

【41】Jun Chen, Wenting Quan, Kexin Wang, Qijin Han, Jia Liu, Qianguo Xing, and Na Xu.Using triple collocation observations to estimate satellite measurement noise,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.2022.60: 1-11.

【40】Jun Chen, Wenting Quan, Hongtao Duan, Qianguo Xing, and Na Xu. An improved inherent optical properties data processing system for residual error correction in turbid natural waters, IEEE Journal of Selected Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing. 2021. 14: 6596-6607.

【39】Jun Chen, Xianqiang He, Zhongli Liu, Nan Lin, Qianguo Xing, and Delu Pan. Sun glint correction with an inherent optical properties data processing system, International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2021. 42(2): 617-638.

【38】Zhongli Liu, Jun Chen*, Tingwei Cui, Junwu Tang, and Lin Wang. A combined semi-analytical algorithm for retrieving total suspended sediment concentration from multiple missions: a case study of the China Eastern Coastal Zone, International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2021.  42(20): 8004-8033.

【37】Jun Chen, Xianqiang He, Zhongli Liu, Na Xu, Lingling Ma, Qianguo Xing, Xiuqing Hu, and Delu Pan. An approach to cross-calibrating multi-mission satellite data for the open ocean, Remote Sensing of Environment. 2020. 246: 111895.

【36】Yingying Gai, Dingfeng Yu, Yan Zhou, Lei Yang, Chao Chen, and Jun Chen. An improved model for chlorophyll-a concentration retrieval in coastal waters based on UAV-Borne hyperspectral imagery: A case study in Qingdao, China, Water. 2020. 12(10), 2769.

【35】Qianguo Xing, Deyu An, Xiangyang Zheng, Zhenning Wei, Xinhua Wang, Lin Li, Liqiao Tian, Jun Chen. Monitoring seaweed aquaculture in the Yellow Sea with multiple sensors for managing the disaster of macroalgal blooms, Remote Sensing of Environment. 2019. 231: 111279.

【34】Jun Chen,  Xianqiang He, Xiaogang Xing, Qianguo Xing, Zhongli Liu, and Delu Pan. An inherent optical properties data processing system for achieving consistent ocean color products from different ocean color satellites, Journal of Geophysical Research-Ocean. 2019. 125, e2019JC015811.

【33】Jun Chen, Qijin Han, Yanlong Chen, and Yongdong Li. A Secchi depth algorithm considering the residual error in satellite remote sensing reflectance data, Remote Sensing. 2019,11(16), 1948.

【32】Jun Chen, Xiangguang Zhang, Xiaogang Xing, Joji Ishizaka, and Zhifeng Yu. A spectral selective attenuation mechanism-based Kpar algorithm for biomass heating effect simulation in the open ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research-Ocean. 2017. 122: 9370–9386.

【31】Jun Chen, Xianqiang He, Bin Chen, Delu Pan. Deriving colored dissolved organic matter absorption coefficient from ocean color with a neural quasi-analytical algorithm, Journal of Geophysical Research-Ocean. 2017. 122, 8543–8556

【30】Jun Chen, Zhongping Lee, Chuanmin Hu, Jianwei Wei. Improving satellite data products for open oceans with a scheme to correct the residual errors in remote sensing reflectance, Journal of Geophysical Research-Ocean. 2016, 121: 3866–3886.

【29】Zhongping Lee, Shaoling Shang, Gong Lin, Jun Chen, David Doxaran. On the modeling of hyperspectral remote-sensing reflectance of high-sediment-load waters in the visible to shortwave-infrared domain, Applied Optics. 2016. 55: 1738-1750.

【28】Jun Chen, Wenting Quan, Tingwei Cui, Qingjun Song, Changsong Lin. Remote sensing of absorption and scattering coefficient using neural network model: development, validation, and comparison, Remote Sensing of Environment. 2014: 149: 213-226.

【27】Jun Chen, Tingwei Cui, Junwu Tang, Qingjun Song. Remote sensing of diffuse attenuation coefficient using MODIS imagery of turbid coastal waters: a case study in Bohai Sea. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2014, 140: 78-93.

【26】Jun Chen, Tingwei Cui, Joji Ishizaka, Changsong Lin. A neural network model for remote sensing of diffuse attenuation coefficient in global oceanic waters, Remote Sensing of Environment. 2014: 148: 168-177.

【25】Jun Chen, Tingwei Cui, Wenting Quan. A neural network-based four-band model for estimating the total absorption coefficients from the global oceanic and coastal waters, Journal of Geophysical Research-Ocean. 2015. 120: 36-49.

【24】Jun Chen, Tingwei Cui, Changsong Lin. An operational model for filling the black strips of the MODIS 1640 band and application to atmospheric correction, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans. 2013, 118: 6006-6016.

【23】Jun Chen, Wenting Quan, Guoqing Yao, Tingwei Cui. Retrieval of absorption and backscattering coefficients from HJ-1A/CCD imagery in coastal waters, Optics Express. 2013. 21(5): 5803-5821.

【22】Jun Chen, Tingwei Cui, Changsong Lin. A three-band semi-analytical model for deriving total suspended sediment concentration from HJ-1A/CCD data in turbid coastal waters, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 2014, 93:1-13.

【21】Jun Chen, Tingwei Cui, Zhongfeng Qiu, Changsong Lin. A simple two-band semi-analytical model for retrieval of specific absorption coefficients in coastal waters, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 2014. 91: 85-97.

【20】Jun Chen, Tingwei Cui, Changsong Lin. An improved SWIR atmospheric correction model: a cross-calibration-based model, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2013. 52(7): 3959-3967.

【19】Jun Chen, Eurico D'Sa, Tingwei Cui, Xunhua Zhang. A semi-analytical total suspended sediment retrieval model in turbid coastal waters: A case study in Changjiang River Estuary, Optics Express. 2013. 21(7): 9024-9042.

【18】Jun Chen, Xunhua Zhang, Wenting Quan. Retrieval chlorophyll-a concentration from coastal waters: three-band semi-analytical algorithms comparison and development, Optics Express. 2013. 21(11): 13018-13031.

【17】Jun Chen, Yuanli Zhu, Yongsheng Wu, Tingwei Cui, Joji Ishizaka, Yongtao Ju. A neural network model for Kd(λ) retrieval and application to global Kpar monitoring, Plos One. 2015. 10: DOI:10. 1371/journal.pone.0127514.

【16】Jun Chen, Tingwei Cui, Zhongfeng Qiu, Changsong Lin. A split-window model for deriving total suspended sediment matter from MODIS data in the Bohai Sea, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Sensing. 2014, 7: 2611-2618.

【15】Jun Chen, Minwei Zhang, Tingwei Cui, Zhenhe Wen. A review of some important problems in remote sensing of chlorophyll-a concentration in coastal waters, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2013,6(5): 2275-2289.

【14】Jun Chen, Wenting Quan, Minwei Zhang, Tingwei Cui. A simple atmospheric correction algorithm for MODIS in shallow turbid waters: a case study in Taihu Lake, IEEE Journal of Selected Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing. 2013.6(4): 1825-1833.

【13】Jun Chen, Jun Fu, Jihong Sun. Using Landsat/TM imagery to estimating nitrogen and phosphorus concentration in Taihu Lake, China. IEEE Journal of Selected Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing. 2012, 5(1): 273-280.

【12】Jun Chen, Jun Fu, Jihong Sun. Theoretical Model for Estimating the Scaling Error of the Two-Band Ratio of Red to Near-Infrared in Inhomogeneous Pixels: Simulation Using a Moving  3×3 Window, IEEE Journal of Selected Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing. 2011, 4(4): 877 -881.

【11】Jun Chen, Jun Fu, Mingwei Zhang. An atmospheric correction algorithm for Landsat/TM imagery basing on inverse distance spatial interpolation algorithm: A case study in Taihu Lake, IEEE Journal of Selected Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing.2011, 4(4):882 – 889.

【10】Jun Chen, Baojun Wang, Xiaojun Gao. Scale correction of two-band ratio of red to near-infrared using imagery histogram approach: a case study on Indian remote sensing satellite in Yellow River Estuary, IEEE Journal of Selected Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing. 2012. 5(2): 663-668.

【9】Jun Chen, Kai Lu. Estimation on scale error of SSC retrieval model based on scale expansion method, IEEE Journal of Selected Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing. 2012. 5(1): 324-330.

【8】Jun Chen, Wenting Quan, Tingwei Cui, Qingjun Song. Estimation of total suspended matter concentration from MODIS data using a neural network model in the China eastern coastal zone, Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science. 2015. 155: 104-113.

【7】Jun Chen, Jianli Liu. The spatial and temporal changes of chlorophyll-a and suspended matter in the eastern coastal zones of China during 1997-2013, Continental Shelf Research. 2015. 95: 89-98.

【6】Jun Chen, Qisheng Zhao. An approach for estimating MODIS reflectance at top-of-atmosphere at 667 and 678 nm from reflectance at 645 nm in turbid waters, Earth Environmental Sciences. 2014, 71(3): 1105-1114.

【5】Jun Chen, Wenting Quan, Zhenhe Wen, Tingwei Cui. A simple “clear water” atmospheric correction algorithm for Landsat-5 sensors, International Journal of Remote Sensing. 134: 3787-3802.

【4】Jun Chen, Wenting Quan, Zhenhe Wen. The use of MODIS 250 m bands to improve the MODIS 1km ocean color atmospheric correction algorithm in turbid water, Advance in Space Research. 2013, 51: 1750-1760.

【3】Jun Chen, Shoujing Yin, Rulin Xiao, Qianxiang Xu, Changsong Lin. Deriving remote sensing reflectance from turbid case II waters using green-shortwave infrared bands based model, Advance in Space Research. 2014.53(8): 1229-1238.

【2】Jun Chen, Wenting Quan, Zhenhe Wen, Tingwei Cui. An improved three-band semi-analytical algorithm in estimating chlorophyll-a concentration in high turbid Yellow River estuary, Earth Environment Science. 2013, 6: 2709-2719.

【1】Jun Chen, Wenting Quan. An improved algorithm for retrieving chlorophyll-a from Yellow River Estuary using MODIS Imagery, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2013.185: 2243-2255.