Prof. Gang He (何刚)

  Prof. Gang He (何刚 教授)

  Academic Positions

  Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2015-present, Professor

  Education and Postdoctoral Training  

  Post doctoral fellow, Surface/Material Science (Apr. 1, 2014-Mar. 31, 2015)

  National Institute for Nanotechnology 

  Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta, Advisor: Prof. Jillian M. Buriak

  Post doctoral fellow, Material Science (Oct. 1, 2011-Mar. 31, 2014)

  Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta, Advisor: Prof. Eric Rivard

  Ph. D, Chemistry and Material Science (Sep. 1, 2005-Jun. 30, 2011)

  School of Chemistry and Materials Science, Shaanxi Normal University, Advisor: Prof. Yu Fang (房喻院士)

  B.Sc., Chemistry (Sep. 1, 2001-Jun. 30, 2005) 

  School of Chemistry and Materials Science, Shaanxi Normal University

  Prof. Bin Rao (饶彬 研究员)   

  Academic Positions

  Xi'an Jiaotong University,   2020-present, Professor    

  Education and Postdoctoral Training  

  Post doctoral fellow,  (Jul. 12, 2016-Dec. 30, 2019)

  School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences,

  Nanyang Technological University, Advisor: Prof. Rei Kinjo

  Ph. D, Materials Science and Engineering (Sep. 1, 2013-Jun. 30, 2016)

  Frontier Institute of Science and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Advisor: Prof. Xiaoming Zeng

  M. Sc. Organic Chemistry (Sep. 1, 2009-Jun. 30, 2012)

  Department of Chemistry, Sichuan University, Advisor: Prof. Meiming Luo

  B.Sc., Chemistry (Sep. 1, 2005-Jun. 30, 2009)      Department of Chemistry, Sichuan University

  Dr. Yueyan Zhang(张越巘 副教授)

  Academic Positions

  Xi'an Jiaotong University,   2019-present, Post doctoral fellow,   

  Education and Postdoctoral Training  

  Ph. D, Chemistry (Aug. 13, 2013 - May 30, 2019)

  Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Arizona, (美国亚利桑那大学)Advisor: Prof. Jeffrey Pyun

  B.Sc., Chemistry (Sept. 1, 2009 - June 30, 2013) 
  School of Chemistry and Materials Science, Nankai University

  Dr. Guoping Li(李国平 特聘研究员)

  Academic Positions

  Xi'an Jiaotong University,   2021-present, Post doctoral fellow,   

  Education and Postdoctoral Training  

  cooperation research, (Nov. 21, 2019- Nov. 21, 2020),

  School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Advisor: Prof. Qichun Zhang

  Ph. D, Materials Science and Engineering (Sep. 1, 2016-Dec. 15, 2020),

  Frontier Institute of Science and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Advisor: Prof. Gang He

  M. Sc., Organic Chemistry (Sep. 1, 2013-Jun. 28, 2016),

  College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lanzhou University, Advisor: Prof. Xiaoping Cao

  Dr. Ruyi Zheng(郑如意 特聘研究员)

  Academic Positions

  Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2024-present, Associate Professor

  Education and Postdoctoral Training

  Postdoctoral research associate, Geologic hydrogen storage (Jan. – Dec., 2023)

  Earth and Environmental Sciences Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, advisors: Dr. Mohamed Mehana and Timothy Germann

  Postdoctoral research associate, Hydrate-based hydrogen storage and functional materials (Nov., 2021 – Dec., 2022)

  Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Cornell University, Advisor: Prof. Greeshma Gadikota

  Associate researcher, phase behavior of gas hydrates and wettability alteration (Jan., 2021 – Nov., 2021)

  Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department, University of Kansas, Advisor: Prof. Shahin Negahban

  Ph.D., Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (Aug., 2017 – Dec., 2020)

  Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department, University of Kansas, Advisors: Profs. Xiaoli Li and Shahin Negahban

  M.S., Reservoir Engineering (Sep., 2014 – Jun., 2017)

  School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), Advisor: Prof. Shuxia Li

  B.S., Petroleum Engineering (Sep., 2010 – Jun., 2014)

  School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China)

  Dr. Wenxin Wei (魏文欣 特聘研究员)

  Academic Positions

  Xi’an Jiaotong University, 2024-present, Associate Professor

  Education and Postdoctoral Traning

  Postdoc, Fudan University (Mar., 2022-Mar., 2024)

  Ph.D., (Sep., 2017-Dec., 2021)

  Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Advisor: Prof. Katharina Landfester, Prof. Kai Zhang

  M.S., Chemical Engineering (Sep., 2014-Jun., 2017)

  College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, Advisor: Prof. Jun Li

  B.S., Chemical Engineering (Sep., 2010-Jun., 2014)

  College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University

  Dr. Ze-Hua Wu (吴泽华 特聘研究员)

  Academic Positions

  Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2024-present, Associate Professor

  Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 2022-2024, Research Associate

  Education and Postdoctoral Training

  Postdoc, Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research, (Mar., 2019-Feb., 2022)

  Advisor: Prof. Dr. Klaus Müllen

  Ph.D., (Sep., 2013-Jun., 2018)

  College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lanzhou University, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Hao-Li Zhang

  B.S, Applied Chemistry (Sep., 2009-Jun., 2013),

  Shandong University

  Dr. Yawen Li (李亚雯 博士后)

  Academic Positions

  Xi'an Jiaotong University,   2021-present, Post doctoral fellow

  Education and Postdoctoral Training

  Ph. D, Materials Chemistry,Successive Postgraduate and Doctoral program 2015.09-2021.07

  College of Chemistry and Materials Science, Northwest University, Prof. Liping Cao 

  B.S, Chemistry (2011.09-2015.07)

  Xinyang College 


  Dr. Wenqiang Ma(马文强 博士后)

  Academic Positions

  Xi'an Jiaotong University,   2023-present, Post doctoral fellow

  Education and Postdoctoral Training

  Ph. D, Materials Science and Engineering (Sep. 10, 2018-Jul. 13, 2022),

  Frontier Institute of Science and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Advisor: Prof. Gang He

  M. Sc., Organic Chemistry (Sep. 14, 2015-Jun. 20, 2018),

  College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lanzhou University, Advisor: Prof. Yongqiang Tu

  B.Sc., Chemistry (Sep. 12, 2011-Jul. 1, 2015),

  College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shaanxi Normal University

Ph.D Students

Mengying Guo (郭梦莹)


Rui Ding (丁  睿)

Qi Sun (孙琪)


Xu Liu (刘旭)


Xuri Zhang (张旭日)


Wenxi He (何文曦)


Zengrong Wang (王增榕 )


Chenjing Liu (刘晨晶)


Yujing Gao (高钰婧)


Naiyao Li (李乃垚)


Yi Qiao (乔易)


Liang Xu (徐亮)


Heng Zhang (张恒)


Zhikang Han (韩志康)




Cui Yi (易翠)



Zhaoguang Zhang (张朝光)


Zhaohui Cui (崔朝晖)







Master Students

Yujie Zhao (赵玉婕)

Siyu Sun (孙思宇)

Zeyu Zhang (张泽宇)

Haiyan Yu(喻海燕)


Yuxin Tan(谭雨昕)


Junjie Huang(黄俊杰)


Xinping Gao(高鑫平)


Yuxiang Zhang(张宇翔)


Tianyue Yuan(苑天悦)


Huiruo Dong(董卉若)


Xinyu Wang(王馨雨)


Lijie Ding(丁立杰)



Former Students

Dr. Weidong Zhang (张维东)


Dr. Letian Xu (许乐天)


Dr. Guoping Li (李国平)


Dr. Xiaodong Yang (杨小东)


Dr. Kun Zhou (周   琨)


Dr. Zhijun Wang (王之君)


Dr. Wenqiang Ma (马文强)


Dr. Bingjie Zhang (张冰洁)


Dr. Sikun Zhang (张思坤)











Available  Available Available








Available  Available Available



Dongdong Chigan(叱干东东)


Ruitong Song(宋睿桐)


Ben He(何奔)


Shuai Shi(师帅)


Weijie Song(宋玮婕)




Visiting Students 


Yanyu Qi  






Available  Available Available





Available  Available Available





Available  Available Available




Undergraduate Students:

1. Jie Huang from Xi'an University of Technology University
2. Li Li from Chang'an University
3. Congcong Sang from Chang'an University
4. Yueyue Wu from Chang'an University
5. Yixing Du from Chang'an University
6. Qiang Zhao from Chang'an University
7. Ke Ma from Chang'an University
8. Qiang Shen from Chang'an University
9. Xiangting Yue from Chang'an University
10. Qi Zheng Yue from Chang'an University