
Our center successfully hosted Nano-research Symposium
发布者: 高传博 | 2013-09-08 | 861


The Nano-research symposium was hosted by center direcor Prof Yadong Yin. Invited guests include Professor Guozhong Cao and Prof Xiaohu Gao from University of Washington, and Dr Duoduo Liang from Wiley China. Besides the honorable guests, professors in XJTU including Profs. Yongquan Qu, Yaping Du, Jixiang Fang, Mingshang Jin and Chuanbo Gao contributed talks on different topics of nanoresearch. The symposium was very successful which has attracted a lot of students from FIST, XJTU and sister universities.

FIST web on this event: http://fist.xjtu.edu.cn/news/show.asp?id=220