
Angewandte Chemie: Strong size-dependence in Pt-catalyzed hydrogenation reactions, by Licheng et al
发布者: 高传博 | 2016-11-01 | 910

Licheng's work has been accepted for publication by Angewandte Chemie, and was selected as a Hot Paper. Congratulations!

Title: Explaining the Size Dependence in Platinum-Nanoparticle-Catalyzed Hydrogenation Reactions

Authors: Licheng Bai, Xin Wang, Qiang Chen,* Yifan Ye, Haoquan Zheng, Jinghua Guo, Yadong Yin,* Chuanbo Gao*

Link to the Publisher: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.201609663/full

XJTU NEWS: http://news.xjtu.edu.cn/info/1004/71183.htm

X-Mol.com NEWS: http://www.x-mol.com/news/5161

Abstract: Hydrogenation reactions are industrially important reactions that typically require unfavorably high H2 pressure and temperature for many functional groups. Herein we reveal surprisingly strong size-dependent activity of Pt nanoparticles (PtNPs) in catalyzing this reaction. Based on unambiguous spectral analyses, the size effect has been rationalized by the size-dependent d-band electron structure of the PtNPs. This understanding enables production of a champion catalyst with size of 1.2 nm, which shows 6-fold increase in turnover frequency and 28-fold increase in mass activity in regioselective hydrogenation of quinoline, compared with PtNPs of 5.3 nm, allowing the reaction to proceed under ambient conditions with unprecedentedly high reaction rates. The size effect and the synthesis strategy developed in this work may provide general methodology in the design of metal-nanoparticle-based catalysts for a broad range of organic syntheses.




近日,西安交大前沿院高传博教授课题组与化工学院陈强博士、美国加州大学河滨分校殷亚东教授等合作,发现1 nm左右的铂纳米粒子在喹啉选择性加氢催化反应中具有显著的尺寸效应。喹啉选择性加氢反应是一类重要的工业反应,而贵金属纳米粒子在该反应中往往表现出较低的催化活性,使得该反应通常需要在较高的氢气压力(如10–40个大气压)和反应温度(40–200 °C)下才能进行,给工业生产带来较高的成本和安全隐患。针对这一问题,该研究团队首先在合成上实现了超小铂纳米粒子(~ 1 nm)的稳定化及其精确的尺寸调控,克服了传统负载型催化剂制备中粒径分布较宽的难题。在此基础上,他们发现相较于其它的尺寸(0.7 nm,2.4 nm,5.3 nm),1.2 nm的铂纳米粒子在喹啉选择性加氢反应中具有最优的催化活性,使得该反应在常温常压下即具有很高的反应速率,远优于文献报道的最好结果。该研究团队还通过d带电子结构分析、X射线吸收精细结构分析和核磁共振等技术手段,从贵金属纳米粒子与反应物和产物的相互作用这一角度,对这一显著的尺寸效应进行了合理的解释。

左:超小铂纳米粒子对喹啉选择性加氢反应的催化机理示意图;右:铂纳米粒子在喹啉选择性加氢反应中显著的尺寸效应(“火山曲线”)。内置: 二氧化硅负载型铂纳米催化剂的透射电镜图片。



本工作受到国家自然科学基金(21301138, 21671156)、中国博士后科学基金(2015M582634)、美国DOE等项目的支持,特此致谢。该工作于2016年11月在国际化学领域顶级期刊《德国应用化学》(Angewandte Chemie International Edition)上在线刊出,并被选为该期刊的“热点文章”(Hot Paper)。该论文的第一作者是前沿院博士生白力诚。西安交通大学是该工作的第一完成单位。
