
Adv Funct Mater: Etching-free epitaxial growth of gold on silver nanostructures
发布者: 高传博 | 2015-07-19 | 767

Hongpo’s work on the etching-free epitaxial growth of Au on Ag nanostructures for high chemical stability and plasmonic activities has been accepted by the Advanced Functional Materials (impact factor: 11.8). This work has been selected as back cover of the issue. Congratulations!

Title: Etching-free epitaxial growth of gold on silver nanostructures for high chemical stability and plasmonic activity

Authors: Hongpo Liu, Tingzhuo Liu, Lei Zhang, Lu Han, Chuanbo Gao,* and Yadong Yin*

Link to the Publisher  |  Journal Back Cover  |  Highlight by XJTU  |  Highlight by MaterialsViews China  | Highlight by Science Foundation in China Most Accessed 08/2015  |  Included in AFM Hot Articles List Top10, 08/2015  |  Included in AFM  Hot Articles List Top10, 09/2015  |  第四版




Abstract: A robust method for epitaxial deposition of Au onto the surface of Ag nanostructures is demonstrated, which allows effective conversion of Ag nano­structures of various morphologies into Ag@Au counterparts, with the anisotropic ones showing excellent plasmonic properties comparable to the original Ag nanostructures while significantly enhanced stability. Sulfite plays a determining role in the success of this epitaxial deposition as it strongly complexes with gold cations to completely prevent galvanic replacement while it also remains benign to the Ag surface to avoid any ligand-assisted oxidative etching. By using Ag nanoplates as an example, it is shown that the corresponding Ag@Au nanoplates possess remarkable plasmonic properties that are virtually Ag-like, in clear contrast to Ag@Au nanospheres that exhibit much lower plasmonic activities than their Ag counterparts. As a result, they display high durability and activities in surface-enhanced Raman scattering applications. This strategy may represent a general platform for depositing a noble metal on less stable metal nanostructures, thus opening up new opportunities in rational design of functional metal nanomaterials for a broad range of applications.



该研究是在国家自然科学基金的支持下完成的,论文发表在材料领域权威期刊Advanced Functional Materials(影响因子:11.382)上,并被选为后封面。