
       在国内外学术期刊IEEE Transactions Circuit and Systems I: Regular Papers、IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics、IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics、IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics、IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics、IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II:Express Briefs、IET Power Electronics、Nonlinear Analysis、International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications、International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos、Nonlinear Dynamics、Physics Letters A、International Journal of Electronics、Mathematics and Computers in Simulation、International Journal of Modern Physics B、Chaos, Solitons & Fractals、Microwave and Optical Technology Letters、Chinese Physics B、物理学报、中国电机工程学报以及电工技术学报等上共发表论文80余篇。其中,SCI论文70余篇,ESI高被引论文1篇,SCI H-Index为16。另外,已授权国家发明专利3项,出版个人学术专著1部


  1. Liu Wei, Zhang Hao*.Ripple-response Modeling and Design-oriented Analysis of Output Common Power Flow Regulation in Bipolar SIDO DC-DC Converters.[J] IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2023. DOI:10.1109/TIE.2023.3247794Early Access)

  2. Liu Wei, Zhang Hao*.Cycle Skipping-Induced Bifurcation Analysis of Single-Inductor Bipolar-Output  DC-DC Converters with One-Cycle Control. [J] IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs.2023.DOI:10.1109/TCSII.2023.3248179Early Access)

  3. Liu Wei, Zhang Hao* et al. Dynamical Analysis of Hybrid-Scale Bifurcation in One-Cycle Controlled Single-Inductor Dual-Output Buck DC-DC Converters. [J]International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. 2023.33(1):2350004(25Pages)

  4. Zhang Hao*, Liu Wei, Wan Xiaojin et al. Ripple-Based Analysis of Asymmetrical Subharmonic Instability  in Grid-Connected Inverters with One-cycle Compensation. [J]International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. 2023.33(1):2350001 (16Pages)

  5. Zhang Hao*, Dong Dachu, Liu Wei et al.Systematic Synthesis of Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output DC-DC Converters for Nonisolated Applications. [J] IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. 2022. 10(6)6470-6481

  6. Zhang Hao*, Ren Han, Yi Chuanzhi, Dong Dachu.Ripple-Based Matrix Modeling and Cross-Coupling Effect Analysis of Double-Input DC-DC Boost Converters. [J]Science China: Technological Sciences. 2022. 65(8):1878-1890

  7. Zhang Hao*, Ren Han et al. Dynamical Analysis of Border Collision Bifurcation in One-Cycle Controlled Single-Inductor Dual-Output Boost DC-DC Converters. [J]International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. 2022, 32(5): 2250064 (19Pages)

  8. Zhang Hao*,Gao Jiao, Yi Chuanzhi, Dong Dachu et al. SPICE-Based Circuit Analysis of Power Flow Coupling Effect in Double-Input Cuk-Buck DC-DC Converters. [J] IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 2022, 37(4):4385-4396

  9. Liu Wei, Zhang Hao*, Dong Dachu et al. Multi-Harmonic Interaction and Stability Analysis of Two-Stage Double-Input Buck Inverter. [J] IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. 2022,10(1)468-661

  10. Zhang Hao*,Dong Dachu, Jing Min et al.Topology Derivation of Multiple-Port DC-DC Converters Based on Voltage-Type Ports.[J] IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2022. 69(5): 4742-4753ESI Highly Cited Paper)

  11. Zhang Hao*,Gao Jiao, Wan Xiaojin et al. Bifurcation-Based Dynamical Stability and Coupling Analysis of Dual-Input Buck-Boost DC-DC Converters.[J] International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. 2022. 32(1):2250012 (16pages)

  12. 张书琦,张浩*特高压换流变压器混合式有载分接开关拓扑推衍方法与时序调控策略.[J]中国电机工程学报. 2022. 42(20):7658-7666

  13. Zhang Hao*, Ren Han, Dong Dachu,Jing Min.Synthesis and Analysis of Multiple-Output DC-DC Converters.[C]The 2nd China International Youth Conference on Eletercical Engineering. 2021,Nov. DOI: 10.1109/CIYCEE53554.2021.9676818 (Best Paper Award

  14. Zhang Hao*, Jing Min, Liu Wei et al. Design-Oriented Analysis of Cross-Regulation in Single-Inductor Dual-output Buck-Boost DC-DC Converters.[J] International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications. 2021. 49(12):3966-3993

  15. Zhang Hao*,Liu Wei, Ding Honghui et al. Multi-harmonic Oscillation and Stability Analysis of Double-Input Buck/Buck-Boost Inverter.[J] IET Power Electronics.2021.14(1):38-50

  16. Zhang Hao*, Liu Wei, Ding Honghui et al. Modeling and Stability Analysis of Dynamic Oscillation Behaviors in Double-Input Buck/Buck-Boost DC-DC Converters Using Frequency Selective Approach.[J] International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications. 2021.49(2):380-400

  17. Zhang Hao*, Jing Min, Liu Wei, Dong Shuai. Effect of Modal Interaction on Transient Behavior in Double-Input SEPIC DC-DC Converters.[J] International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. 2020. 30(10):2050145(16Pages)

  18. Zhang Hao*, Jing Min,Liu Wei,Dong Dachu. Multiple-Harmonic Modeling and Analysis of Single-Inductor Dual-Output Buck DC-DC Converters. [J] IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. 2020.8(4):3260-3271

  19. Cai Xinshan, Liu Chongxin, Wang Yaoyu and Zhang Hao. A novel 4D chaotic system with nonhyperbolic hyperbolic shape equilibrium points: Analysis, circuit implementation and color image encryption.[J] International Journal of Modern Physics B. 2019.33(3):1950383 (28Pages)

  20. Zhang Hao*, Jing Min, Dong Shuai, Dong Dachu et al. Stability and Evolutionary Trend of Hopf Bifurcations in Double-input SEPIC DC-DC Converters.[J] International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. 2019. 29(14) :1950192 (18Pages)

  21. Zhang Hao*, Li Weijie, Ding Honghui,Yi Chuanzhi et al. Observer-Pattern Modeling and Nonlinear Modal Analysis of Two-Stage Boost Inverters. [J] IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 2018,33(8):6822-6836

  22. Zhang Hao*, Yi Chuanzhi, Luo Pengcheng. Current Ripple Recovery Modeling Technique for Voltage-Mode Control Converters.[J] IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II:Express Briefs. 2018, 65(2): 211-215

  23. Zhang Hao*, Dong Shuai, Yi Chuanzhi et al. Fast-Scale Non-linear Distortion Analysis of Peak-Current Controlled Buck-Boost Inverters.[J] International Journal of Electronics. 2018,105(2):274-288

  24. Zhang Hao*, Li Weijie, Ding Honghui et al. Nonlinear Modal Analysis of Transient Behavior in Cascade DC-DC Boost Converters.[J] International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. 2017. 27(9) :1750140(17Pages)

  25. Zhang Hao*, Yi Chuanzhi, Wei Tianhang. Non-linear Modal Analysis of Transient Interaction Behaviors in SEPIC DC-DC Converters.[J] IET Power Electronics. 2017.10(10):1190-1199

  26. Zhang Hao*, Wan Xiaojin, Li Weijie et al. Observer-Pattern Modeling and Slow-Scale Bifurcation Analysis of Two-Stage Boost Inverters. [J] International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos.2017.27(6):1750096(18Pages)

  27. Zhang Hao*, Ding Honghui, Yi Chuanzhi. Design-Oriented Analysis of Slow-Scale Bifurcations in Single Phase DC-AC Inverters via Autonomous Transformation Approach.[J] International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos.2017.27(6): 1750086(13Pages)

  28. Zhang Hao*, Luo Pengcheng, Ding Huifang. Dynamical and Scale Invariance of Charged Particles Slipping on a Rough Surface with Periodic Excitation.[J] Physics Letters A.2017.316(25-26):2055-2064

  29. Zhang Hao*, Luo Pengcheng, Ding Huifang. Bifurcation Analysis of Charged Particles Moving on a Rough Surface under Different Damping Effects.[J] International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos.2017.27(5):1750069(16Pages)

  30. Zhang Hao*, Dong Shuai, Guan Weimin et al. Adaptive Control of Fast-Scale Bifurcation in Peak Current Controlled Buck-Boost Inverter via One-Cycle Compensation.[J] International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos.2016.26(12):1650201(16Pages)

  31. He Bo, Ding Huifang, Zhang Hao* et al. Nonlinear Dynamics of Charged Particle Slipping on Rough Surface with Periodic Force.[J] Nonlinear Dynamics.2016. 85(4): 2247-2259 

  32. Zhang Hao*, Dong Shuai, Zhang Yuan et al. Intermediate-Frequency Oscillation Behavior of One-Cycle Controlled SEPIC Power Factor Correction Converter via Floquet Multiplier Sensitivity Analysis.[J] International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos.2016. 26(10): 1650163(15Pages)

  33. Zhang Hao*, Dong Shuai, Guan Weimin et al. Analysis of Fast-Scale Bifurcation in Peak Current Controlled Buck-Boost Inverter Based on Unified Averaged Model.[J] International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos.2016.26(5):1650074(11Pages)


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