栗建兴 教授、博导
博士研究生:王宇、郭任彤、孙婷、卢知为、张稼麟、窦振科、石晓华、魏可佳、崔利捷、任泳铮、 周俊林、黄雅清、高帆
66. Mingxuan Wei, Siyu Chen, Yu Wang, Pei-Lun He, Xichen Hu, Mingyang Zhu, Hao Xu, Weijun Zhou, Jiao Jia, Xulei Ge, Lin Lu, Boyuan Li, Feng Liu, Min Chen, Liming Chen, Pavel Polynkin, Jian-Xing Li*, Wenchao Yan*, and Jie Zhang. Experimental Evidence of Vortex γ Photons in All-Optical Inverse Compton Scattering, arXiv: 2503.18843 (2025).
65. Zhi-Wei Lu, Hanxu Zhang, Tao Li, Mamutjan Ababekri, Xu Wang, and Jian-Xing Li. Nuclear Excitation and Control Induced by Intense Vortex Laser. arXiv: 2503.12812 (2025).
64. Kun Xue, Yue Cao, Feng Wan, Zhong-Peng Li, Qian Zhao, Si-Man Liu, Xin-Yu Liu, Li-Xing Hu, Yong-Tao Zhao, Zhong-Feng Xu, Tong-Pu Yu*, and Jian-Xing Li*. Compact Efficient Polarizers for Relativistic Electron Beams. arXiv: 2408.08563 (2024).
63. Jing-Jing Jiang, Kai-Hong Zhuang, Jia-Ding Chen, Jian-Xing Li*, and Yue-Yue Chen*. Manipulation of spin and orbital angular momenta of γ photon in nonlinear Compton scattering. arXiv: 2410.20658 (2024). Accepted by Phys. Rev. Lett.
62. Zhen-Ke Dou, Chong Lv, Yousef I. Salamin, Nan Zhang, Feng Wan∗, Zhong-Feng Xu, and Jian-Xing Li*. Compact Spin-Polarized Positron Acceleration in Multi-Layer Microhole Array Films. Phys. Rev. E 111, 035209 (2025).
61. Zhong-Peng Li, Yu Wang, Ting Sun, Feng Wan, Yousef I. Salamin, Mamutjan Ababekri, Qian Zhao, Kun Xue, Ye Tian, Wen-Qing Wei, and Jian-Xing Li*. Ultrafast Structured Spin-Manipulation of Relativistic Lepton Beams. Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 075001 (2025).
60. Li-Jie Cui, Ke-Jia Wei, Chong Lv, Feng Wan*, Yousef I. Salamin, Lei-Feng Cao*, and Jian-Xing Li*. Generation of Ultra-Collimated Polarized Attosecond γ-Rays via Beam Instabilities. Phys. Rev. A 111, 023505 (2025).
59. Zhi-Wei Lu, Liang Guo, Mamutjan Ababekri, Jia-lin Zhang, Xiu-Feng Weng, Yuanbin Wu, Yi-Fei Niu*, and Jian-Xing Li*. Angular Momentum-Resolved Inelastic Electron Scattering for Nuclear Giant Resonances. Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 052501 (2025).
58. Mamutjan Ababekri, Yu Wang, Ren-Tong Guo, Zhong-Peng Li, and Jian-Xing Li*. Dynamics of Relativistic Vortex Electrons in External Laser Fields. Phys. Rev A 110, 052207 (2024).
57. 郭任彤,马木提江·阿巴拜克热,卢知为,徐忠锋,栗建兴*. 高能涡旋粒子的产生与碰撞:进展、前景及挑战. 原子能科学技术 58(6), 1169 (2024). 封面文章
56. Yu Wang, Mamutjan Ababekri, Feng Wan, Jia-Xing Wen, Wen-Qing Wei, Zhong-Peng Li, Hai-Tao Kang, Bo Zhang, Yong-Tao Zhao, Wei-Min Zhou, and Jian-Xing Li*. Manipulation of γ ray polarization in Compton scattering. Phys. Plasmas 31, 053105 (2024).
55. Mamutjan Ababekri, Jun-Lin Zhou, Ren-Tong Guo, Yong-Zheng Ren, Yu-Han Kou, Qian Zhao, Zhong-Peng Li, and Jian-Xing Li*. Generation of Ultrarelativistic Vortex Leptons with Large Orbital Angular Momenta. Phys. Rev. D 110, 076024 (2024).
54. Chong Lv, Feng Wan,∗ Yousef I. Salamin, Qian Zhao, Mamutjan Ababekri, Ruirui Xu, and Jian-Xing Li*. Generation of High-Brilliance Polarized γ-Rays via Vacuum Birefringence. arXiv: 2401.14075 (2024).
53. Ting Sun, Qian Zhao*, Feng Wan, Yousef I. Salamin, and Jian-Xing Li*. Generation of ultrabrilliant polarized attosecond electron bunch via dual-wake injection. Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 054001 (2024).
52. Mamutjan Ababekri, Ren-Tong Guo, Feng Wan*, B. Qiao, Zhongpeng Li, Chong Lv, Bo Zhang, Weimin Zhou, Yuqiu Gu, and Jian-Xing Li*. Vortex γ photon generation via spin-to-orbital angular momentum transfer in nonlinear Compton scattering. Phys. Rev. D 109, 016005 (2024).
51. Ren-Tong Guo, Mamutjan Ababekri*, Qian Zhao, Yousef I. Salamin, Liang-Liang Ji, Zhi-Gang Bu, Zhong-Feng Xu, Xiu-Feng Weng*, and Jian-Xing Li*. Generation of γ photons with extremely large orbital angular momenta. Phys. Rev. A 110, 032202 (2024).
50. Qian Zhao, Ting Sun, Kun Xue, Feng Wan*, and Jian-Xing Li*. Cascade of polarized Compton scattering and Breit-Wheeler pair production. Phys. Rev. D 108, 116012 (2023).
49. Feng Wan, Chong Lv, Kun Xue, Zhen-Ke Dou, Qian Zhao, Mamutjan Ababekri, Wen-Qing Wei, Zhong-Peng Li, Yong-Tao Zhao, and Jian-Xing Li*. Simulations of spin/polarization-resolved laser-plasma interactions in the nonlinearQED regime. Matter Radiat. Extremes 8, 064002 (2023).
48. Zhi-Wei Lu, Liang Guo, Zheng-Zheng Li, Mamutjan Ababekri, Fang-Qi Chen, Changbo Fu, Chong Lv, Ruirui Xu, Xiangjin Kong, Yi-Fei Niu*, and Jian-Xing Li*. Manipulation of Giant Multipole Resonances via Vortex γ Photons. Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 202502 (2023).
47. Kun Xue, Ting Sun, Ke-Jia Wei, Zhong-Peng Li, Qian Zhao, Feng Wan*, Chong Lv*, Yong-Tao Zhao, Zhong-Feng Xu, and Jian-Xing Li*. Generation of high-density high-polarization positrons via single-shot strong laser-foil interaction. Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 175101 (2023). Editors' Suggestion.
46. Wen-Qing Wei, Feng Wan*, Yousef I. Salamin, Jie-Ru Ren, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan, Christoph H. Keitel, Jian-Xing Li*, Yong-Tao Zhao*. All-optical ultrafast spin rotation for relativistic charged particle beams. Phys. Rev. Research 5, 023030 (2023).
45. Qian Zhao, Yan-Xi Wu, Mamutjan Ababekri, Zhong-Peng Li, Liang Tang*, and Jian-Xing Li*. Angle-dependent pair production in the polarized two-photon Breit-Wheeler process. Phys. Rev. D 107, 096013 (2023).
44. Zhi-Wei Lu, Xin-Di Hou, Feng Wan*, Yousef I. Salamin, Chong Lv, Bo Zhang, Fei Wang, Zhong-Feng Xu, and Jian-Xing Li*. Diagnosis of ultrafast ultraintense laser pulse characteristics by machine-learning-assisted electron spin. Matter Radia. Extremes 8, 034401 (2023).
43. Feng Wan, Ting Sun, Bai-Fei Shen, Chong Lv, Qian Zhao, Mamutjan Ababekri, Yong-Tao Zhao, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan*, Christoph H. Keitel, and Jian-Xing Li*. Enhanced signature of vacuum birefringence in a plasma wakefield. arXiv: 2206.10792 (2022).
42. Ting Sun, Qian Zhao*, Kun Xue, Zhi-Wei Lu, Liang-Liang Ji, Feng Wan, Yu Wang, Yousef I. Salamin and Jian-Xing Li*. Production of polarized particle beams via ultraintense laser pulses. Rev. Mod. Plasma Phys. 6, 38 (2022).
41. Zhi-Wei Lu, Qian Zhao*, Feng Wan, Bo-Chao Liu, Yong-Sheng Huang, Zhong-Feng Xu, Jian-Xing Li*. Generation of arbitrarily polarized muon pairs via polarized e − e + collision. Phys. Rev. D 105, 113002 (2022).
40. Qian Zhao, Liang Tang, Feng Wan, Bo-Chao Liu, Ruo-Yu Liu, Rui-Zhi Yang, Jin-Qing Yu*, Xue-Guang Ren, Zhong-Feng Xu, Yong-Tao Zhao, Yong-Sheng Huang*, and Jian-Xing Li*. Signatures of linear Breit-Wheeler pair production in polarized γγ collisions. Phys. Rev. D 105, L071902 (2022).
39. Ya-Nan Dai, Bai-Fei Shen, Jian-Xing Li, Rashid Shaisultanov, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan, Christoph H. Keitel, and Yue-Yue Chen. Photon polarization effects in polarized electron–positron pair production in a strong laser field. Matter Radiat. Extremes 7, 014401 (2022).
38. Yu Wang, Mamutjan Ababekri, Feng Wan, Qian Zhao, Chong Lv, Xue-Guang Ren, Zhong-Feng Xu, Yong-Tao Zhao, and Jian-Xing Li. Brilliant circularly polarized γ-ray sources via single-shot laser plasma interaction. Opt. Lett. 47, 3355-3358 (2022).
37. Kun Xue, Ren-Tong Guo, Feng Wan, Rashid Shaisultanov, Yue-Yue Chen, Zhong-Feng Xu, Xue-Guang Ren, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan, Christoph H. Keitel, Jian-Xing Li*. Generation of arbitrarily polarized GeV lepton beams via nonlinear Breit-Wheeler process. Fundamental Research 2, 539 (2022).
36. Feng Wan, Wei-Quan Wang, Qian Zhao, Hao Zhang, Tong-Pu Yu*, Wei-Min Wang, Wen-Chao Yan, Yong-Tao Zhao, Karen Z. Hatrsagortsyan, Christoph H. Keitel, Sergei V. Bulanov, Jian-Xing Li*. Generation of quasi-monoenergetic proton beams via quantum radiative compression. Phys. Rev. Appl. 17, 024049 (2022).
35. Wei-Yuan Liu, Kun Xue, Feng Wan, Min Chen*, Jian-Xing Li*, Feng Liu, Su-Ming Weng, Zheng-Ming Sheng, and Jie Zhang. Trapping and acceleration of spin-polarized positrons from γ photon splitting in wakefields. Phys. Rev. Research 4, L022028 (2022).
34. Ting Sun, Yu Wang, Ren-Tong Guo, Zhi-Wei Lu, Jian-Xing Li*. Review on laser-driven high-energy polarized electron and positron beams and gamma-rays. Acta Physica Sinica, 70, 087901 (2021).
33. Ren-Tong Guo, Yu Wang, Rashid Shaisultanov, Feng Wan, Zhong-Feng Xu, Yue-Yue Chen*, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan*, Jian-Xing Li*. Stochasticity in radiative polarization of ultrarelativistic electrons in an ultrastrong laser pulse. Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033483 (2020).
32. Feng Wan, Yu Wang, Ren-Tong Guo, Yue-Yue Chen, Rashid Shaisultanov, Zhong-Feng Xu, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan*, Christoph H. Keitel, Jian-Xing Li*. High-energy gamma-photon polarization in nonlinear Breit-Wheeler pair production and gamma-polarimetry. Phys. Rev. Research 2, 032049(R) 2020.
31. Kun Xue, Zhen-Ke Dou, Feng Wan, Tong-Pu Yu, Wei-Min Wang, Jie-Ru Ren, Qiao Zhao, Yong-Tao Zhao, Zhong-Feng Xu, Jian-Xing Li*. Generation of highly-polarized high-energy brilliant gamma-rays via laser-plasma interaction. Matter Radia. Extremes 5, 054402 (2020).
30. Xiang-Yan An, Min Chen, Jian-Xing Li, Su-Ming Weng, Feng He, Zheng-Ming Sheng, Jie Zhang. Mapping electromagnetic fields structure in plasma using a spin polairzed electron beam. Phys. Plasma. 26, 123106 (2019).
29. Yang-Yang Liu, Yousef I. Salamin, Zhen-Ke Dou, Zhong-Feng Xu, Jian-Xing Li*. Low-divergence vortex γ-rays from scattering laser bullets off ultrarelativistic electrons. Opt. Lett. 45, 395 (2020).
28. Yan-Fei Li, Rashid Shaisultanov, Yue-Yue Chen, Feng Wan, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan*, Christoph H. Keitel, Jian-Xing Li*. Polarized ultrashort brilliant multi-GeV Gamma-rays via single-shot laser-electron interaction. Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 014801 (2020).
27. Feng Wan, Rashid Shaisultanov, Yan-Fei Li, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan*, Christoph H. Keitel, Jian-Xing Li*. Ultrarelativistic polarized positron jets via collision of electron and ultraintense laser beams. Phys. Lett. B 800, 135120 (2020).
26. Huai-Hang Song, Wei-Min Wang*, Jian-Xing Li*, Yan-Fei Li, Yu-Tong Li. Spin-polarization effects of an ultrarelativistic electron beam in an ultraintense two-color laser pulse. Phys. Rev. A 100, 033407 (2019).
25. Yan-Fei Li, Ren-Tong Guo, Rashid Shaisultanov, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan, Jian-Xing Li*. Electron polarimetry with nonlinear Compton scattering. Phys. Rev. Appl. 12, 014047 (2019).
24. Feng Wan, Kun Xue, Zhen-Ke Dou, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan, Wenchao Yan*, Danila Khikhlukha, Sergei V. Bulanov, Georg Korn, Yong-Tao Zhao, Zhong-Feng Xu, and Jian-Xing Li*. Imprint of the stochastic nature of photon emission by electrons on the proton energy spectra in the laser-plasma interaction. Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 61, 084010 (2019).
23. Yan-Fei Li, Rashid Shaisultanov, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan*, Feng Wan, Christoph H. Keitel, Jian-Xing Li*. Ultrarelativistic electron beam polarization in single-shot interaction with an ultraintense laser pulse. Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 154801 (2019).
22. Yan-Fei Li, Jian-Xing Li*, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan, Yong-Tao Zhao*, Bo Zhang, Yu-Tong Li, Yang-Yang Liu, Ze-Long Zhang, Zhong-Feng Xu, and Christoph H. Keitel*. Determining Carrier-Envelope Phase of Relativistic Laser Pulses via Electron Momentum Distribution. Phys. Rev. A 99, 013850 (2019).
21. Yan-Fei Li, Yong-Tao Zhao, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan, Christoph H. Keitel, and Jian-Xing Li*. Electron-Angular-Distribution Reshaping in Quantum Radiation-Dominated Regime. Phys. Rev. A 98, 052120 (2018).
20. Yue-Yue Chen*, Jian-Xing Li, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan*, Christoph H. Keitel. Gamma-ray beams with large orbital angular momentum via nonlinear Compton scattering with radiation reaction. Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 074801 (2018).
19. Jian-Xing Li*, Yue-Yue Chen, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan*, Christoph H. Keitel. Single-shot carrier-envelope phase determination of long superintense laser pulses. Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 124803 (2018).
18. Yousef I. Salamin, Jian-Xing Li. Electromagnetic fields of an ultra-short tightly-focused radially-polarized laser pulse. Opt. Commun. 405, 265-270 (2017).
17. Jian-Xing Li*, Yue-Yue Chen, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan*, Christoph H. Keitel. Angle-resolved stochastic photon emission in the quantum radiation-dominated regime. Scientific Reports 7, 11556 (2017).
16. Jian-Xing Li*, K. Z. Hatsagortsyan*, Benjamin J. Galow, Christoph H. Keitel*. Attosecond Gamma-ray pulses via nonlinear Compton scattering in the radiation-dominated regime. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 204801 (2015).
15. Jian-Xing Li*, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan*, Christoph H. Keitel*. Robust signatures of quantum radiation reaction in focused ultrashort laser pulses. Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 044801 (2014).
14. Jian-Xing Li, Yousef I. Salamin, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan, Christoph H. Keitel. Fields of an ultrashort tightly focused laser pulses. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 33, 405-411 (2016).
13. Jian-Xing Li, Benjamin Galow, Christoph H. Keitel, Zoltan Harman. Ion acceleration by short chirped laser pulses. Appl. Sci. 5, 36-47 (2015).
12. Yousef I. Salamin, Jian-Xing Li, Benjamin J. Galow, Christoph H. Keitel. Feasibility of electron cyclotron autoresnance acceleration by a short terahertz pulse. Opt. Express 23, 17560-17567 (2015).
11. Yousef I. Salamin, Jian-Xing Li, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan, Matteo Tamburini, Antonino Di Piazza, Christoph H. Keitel. Particle beams in ultrastrong laser fields: direct laser acceleration and radiation reaction effects. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 594, 012018 (2015).
10. Benjamin J. Galow, Jian-Xing Li, Yousef I. Salamin, Zoltan Harman, Christoph H. Keitel. High-quality multi-GeV electron bunch via cyclotron autoresonance. Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 16, 081302 (2013).
9. Yousef I. Salamin, Jian-Xing Li, Benjamin J. Galow, Zoltan Harman, Christoph H. Keitel. Laser acceleration of proton bunches by petawatt chirped linearly polarized laser pulses. Phy. Rev. A 85, 063831 (2012).
8. Jian-Xing Li, Yousef I. Salamin, Benjamin J. Galow, Christoph H. Keitel. Acceleration of proton bunches by petawatt chirped radially polarized laser pulses. Phys. Rev. A 85, 063832 (2012).
7. Jian-Xing Li, Xiao-Long Fan, Wei-Ping Zang, Jian-Guo Tian. Vacuum electron acceleration driven by two crossed Airy beams. Opt. Lett. 36, 648-650 (2011).
6. Jian-Xing Li, Wei-Ping Zang, Jian-Guo Tian. Analysis of electron capture acceleration channel in an Airy beam. Opt. Lett. 35, 3258-3260 (2010).
5. Jian-Xing Li, Wei-Ping Zang, Jian-Guo Tian. Electron acceleration in vacuum induced by a tightly focused chirped laser pulse. Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 031103 (2010).
4. Jian-Xing Li, Wei-Ping Zang, Jian-Guo Tian. Vacuum laser-driven acceleration by Airy beams. Opt. Express 18, 7300-7306 (2010).
3. Jian-Xing Li, Wei-Ping Zang, Jian-Guo Tian. Simulation of Gaussian laser beams and electron dynamics by Weniger transformation method. Opt. Express 17, 4959-4969 (2009).
2. Jian-Xing Li, Wei-Ping Zang, Ya-Dong Li, Jian-Guo Tian. Acceleration of electrons by a tightly focused intense laser beam. Opt. Express 17, 11850-11859 (2009).
1. Lin Dai, Jian-Xing Li, Wei-Ping Zang, Jian-Guo Tian. Vacuum electron acceleration driven by a tightly focused radially polarized Gaussian beam. Opt. Express 19, 9303-9308 (2011).