


     贾涛    博士 








Email: jiatao@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
















  1. 企业新产品开发的双元绿色创新驱动因素及绩效影响研究(19BGL096) 国家社会科学基金项目  2020.1-2022.12   主持

  2. 易腐品供应链的一体化运作策略研究(71271168)国家自然科学基金项目  2013.1-2016.12  主持

  3. 基于商业信用的供应链内资金流与物流整合研究(70871097) 国家自然科学基金项目    2009.1-2011.12   主持

  4. 闭环供应链的牛鞭效应及其协调研究(71572138) 国家自然科学基金项   2016.1-2019.12   参与

  5. 风险环境下大型复杂工程项目现金流动态均衡调度优化研究 (71371150)国家自然科学基金项目  2014.1-2017.12  参与

  6. 突发事件应急救援及处置的前摄性/反应性调度优化研究(70971105) 国家自然科学基金项目 2010.1-2012.12  参与

  7. 运输管理中占线问题的竞争策略研究(70471035)国家自然科学基金项目    2005.1-2007.12  参与

  8. 加气站与燃气汽车规模化发展互动过程研究 (70222208)国家自然科学基金项目   2003.1-2005.12  参与



  1. Jinliang Chen, Yaxin Zhao, Yu Wang, Tao Jia. How boundary-spanning search brings about innovation performance: the contingent effects of in house training of employees and communication investment[J]. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management (2023), doi:10.1080/09537325.2023.2222197.

  2.  Yu Wang, Tao Jia, Jinliang Chen, Hongyi Sun. Matching buyer-supplier interaction with governance mechanisms for business performance: the moderated mediation model with innovation ambidexterity[J]. Internation al Journal of  Technology Management (2022), 90(3/4): 182-215.

  3. Yukang He, Tao JiaWeibo Zheng. Simulated annealing for centralised resource-constrained multiproject scheduling to minimise the maximal cash flow gap under different payment patterns[J]. Annals of Operations Research (2023), doi: 10.1007/s10479-023-05580-3.

  4. Yukang He, Tao Jia, Weibo Zheng. Tabu search for dedicated resource-constrained multiproject scheduling to minimise the maximal cash flow gap under uncertainty[J]. European Journal of Operation Research (2023), 310: 34-52.

  5. Xiaocui Li, Nengmin Wang, Bin Jiang, Tao Jia. Institutional pressures and proactive environmental strategy: The mediating effect of top managerial environment attitude and the moderating effect of new media pressure[J]. Business Strategy and the Environment (2023), 32(8): 6106-6123.

  6. Qiujun Chen, Tao Jia, Nengmin Wang, Jinliang Chen. How does environmental cooperation with customers affect financial performance? Amotivation-opportunity-ability perspective[J]. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications (2022), doi: 10.1080/13675567.2022.2140793.

  7. Feng Lin, Peng Wu, Jinzhao Shi, Tao Jia, Xingxuan Zhuo. Impacts of expiration date on optimal ordering policy for deteriorating items under two-level trade credit: quantity loss and quality loss[J]. Journal of the Operational Research Society (2021), doi: 10.1080/01605682.2021.1897484.

  8. Yu Wang, Tao Jia, Jinliang Chen, Qiujun Chen. Does supplier involvement enhance financial performance? The encapsulation effects of product modularity and smartness[J]. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal (2022), 27(2):144-161.

  9. Zhu G, Chou M C, Jia T. National brand's promotional pricing and advertising policies: spillover effect and quality difference[J]. Engineering Optimization (2021), doi: 10.1080/0305215X.2021.1974429.

  10. LIN, F., JIA, T.*, K. FUNG, R.Y., WU, P. Impacts of inspection rate on integrated inventory models with defective items considering capacity utilization: rework- versus delivery-priority, Computers & Industrial Engineering (2021), doi: 10.1016/j.cie.2021.107245.

  11. WANG, Y., SUN, H., JIA T., CHEN, J. The impact of buyer-supplier interaction on ambidextrous innovation and business performance: the moderating role of competitive environment. International Journal of Logistics Management, 2021, 32(2): 673-695.

  12. Lin Feng, Jia Tao*, Wu Feng and Yang Zhen. Impacts of two-stage deterioration on an integrated inventory model under trade credit and variable capacity utilization. European Journal of Operational Research, 2019, 272(1): 219-234.
  13. Wang Yu, Jia Tao, Chen Jinliang* and Sun Hongyi. Recombine supplier-side search via innovation ambidexterity: an empirical study on Hong Kong manufacturing firms. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2019, 49(2), 178–199.
  14. Sisi Zhao, Feng Wu*, Tao Jia, Lei Shu. The impact of product returns on price and delivery time competition in online retailing[J], Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2018(125): 658-667.
  15. Weibo Zheng, Zhengwen He*, Nengmin Wang, Tao Jia. Proactive and reactive resource-constrained max-NPV project scheduling with random activity duration[J]. Journal of Operation Research Society, 2018, 69(1): 115-126.
  16. Pingping Feng, Feng Wu*, Richard Y.K. Fung, Tao Jia. Evaluation of two transshipment policies in a two-location decentralized inventory system under partial backordering[J]. Transportation Research Part E, 2018(118): 207-224.
  17. Dandan Gao, Ningmin Wang*, Zhengwen He, Tao Jia. The bullwhip effect in an online retail supply chain: a perspective of price-sensitive demand based on the price discount in E-commerce[J]. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2017, 64(2): 134-148.
  18. Minjing Ning, Zhengwen He*, Tao Jia, Nengmin Wang. Metaheuristics for multi-mode cash flow balanced project scheduling with stochastic duration of activities[J]. Automation in Construction, 2017,81: 224-233.
  19. Jia Tao*, Yuwei Liu, Nengmin Wang, Feng Lin. Optimal production-delivery policy for a vendor-buyers integrated system considering postponed simultaneous delivery[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2016, 99: 1-15. SCI 收录号:000383930600001
  20. Jia Tao, LIN F, HE Z, et al. Line of credit payment scheme and its impact on the retailer’s ordering policy with inventory-level-dependent demand[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2016. SCI 收录号:000385069100001
  21. Li S, Wang N, Jia T, et al. Multiobjective Optimization for Multiperiod Reverse Logistics Network Design[J]. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2016, 63(2):1-14.
  22. Shi Z, Wang N*, Jia T, et al. Reverse Revenue Sharing Contract versus Two-Part Tariff Contract under a Closed-Loop Supply Chain System[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016.
  23. Jia T, Li X, Wang N, et al. Integrated Inventory Routing Problem with Quality Time Windows and Loading Cost for Deteriorating Items under Discrete Time[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, (1):1-14. SCI 收录号:000330901400001
  24. Zhengwen He, Renjing Liu, Jia T. Metaheuristics for multi-mode capital-constrained project payment scheduling[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2012, 223(3):605-613.
  25. He Zhengwen, Wang Nengmin, Jia Tao, Xu Yu. Simulated annealing and tabu search for multi-mode project payment scheduling[J], European Journal of Operational Research, 2009, 198: 688-696.SCI 收录号:000266138000002
  26. 童霞, 贾涛, 陈秋俊, 王玉. “绿色+创新” 视角下产品模块化策略实现企业绩效的作用机理研究[J]. 科技管理研究, 2023, 43(05): 97-107.
  27. 贾涛, 严蕊, 王玉, 陈秋俊. 客户参与、 双元绿色创新与企业绩效——产品智能化的调节作用[J]. 科技进步与对策, 2023, 40(07): 91-101.
  28. 陈秋俊,贾涛,王能民,王玉.制度压力对绿色供应链管理实践的影响研究——创新能力的调节作用[J].工业工程与管理, 2021,26(3):40-47.

  29. 王玉, 贾涛, 陈金亮. 供应商交互、创新双元与企业绩效:跨部门协调的作用[J]. 管理科学, 2021, 34(05): 93-107.
  30. 冯琬娟,贾涛.决策层背景多样性何以影响企业技术创新投资导向? ——股权结构的调节效应检验[J].运筹与管理, 2022, 31(06):139-146.
  31. 赖旭昕,贾涛,林峰.学习效应下考虑缺陷品的一体化供应链最优运作决策[J].工业工程与管理,2019,24(06):16-23.
  32. 朱桂阳,贾涛,林峰.短期折扣及买赠促销下非即时易腐品订货策略[J].工业工程与管理,2019,24(05):1-8+15.
  33. 朱桂阳,贾涛,林峰.考虑产品新鲜度及策略型消费的供应链两阶段模型及策略研究[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2019, 24(01): 87-95.
  34. 张锐,林峰,贾涛.考虑保质期的非即时易腐品最优订购与定价决策[J].运筹与管理, 2019, 28(05): 26-34.
  35. 林峰贾涛朱桂阳商业信用额度下易腐品最优订货策略[J]. 运筹与管理, 2018, 27(07): 28-36.
  36. 王玉, 贾涛, 乔磊. 考虑保质期的易腐品库存——买赠促销策略分析[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2017(3): 99-105.
  37. 陈志刚,贾涛,陶厚永.基于贝叶斯预测更新的报童模型[J].统计与决策, 2017(24): 39-43.
  38. 陈志刚,贾涛,陶厚永.等待或决策:基于预测更新过程的报童模型[J].系统工程, 2017, 35(04):116-121.
  39. 陈金亮, 王玉, 贾涛. 创新价值链视角下的供应商搜索与企业绩效[J]. 科研管理, 2017(S1): 128-135.
  40. 贾涛,刘玉伟,徐渝,贾娟. 库存量影响需求的反向条件延期付款订货策略[J]. 运筹与管理,2016,04:157-167.
  41. 朱桂阳, 贾涛, 林峰. 短期折扣和延时还款下零售商订货与价格决策[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2016, 21(4):26-34.
  42. 朱桂阳, 贾涛, 林峰,. 考虑缺货的两阶段腐败一体化库存-路径模型[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2016, 21(5):62-68.
  43. 林峰, 贾涛, 李然. 基于改进C-W算法的易腐品一体化库存路径问题研究[J]. 系统工程, 2016(4): 26-34.
  44. 刘玉伟, 贾涛, 高艳. 考虑分组策略的供应链一体化生产-配送模型[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2015, 20(2): 7-15.
  45. 林峰, 贾涛, 高艳, 李小凡. 考虑分割配送的易腐品一体化库存路径问题[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2015(05):45-53.
  46. 贾涛, 郑毅, 徐渝,. 顾客部分延期付款下两级商业信用易腐品订货策略[J]. 运筹与管理, 2013(2):150-158.
  47. 贾涛, 郑毅, 常建龙. 两级商业信用下存在顾客预付的易腐品库存模型[J]. 中国管理科学, 2013, 21(6):80-87.
  48. 贾涛, 刘静, 徐渝. 考虑路径腐败的可重复装货易腐品库存—路径模型[J]. 运筹与管理, 2012(5):1-7.
  49. 贾涛, 徐渝, 陈方婕,. 延时还款下投资减小订单成本的易腐品库存模型[J]. 运筹与管理, 2012(6):38-46.
  50. 何正文, 贾涛, 徐渝. 双目标突发事件应急救援前摄性调度优化[J]. 运筹与管理, 2012, 21(1):124-130.
  51. 贾涛, 刘静, 陈方婕. 异质车辆配送可重复装货易腐品库存—路径模型[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2012, 17(4):15-20.
  52. 贾涛,徐渝, 耿凯平. 部分延期付款下易腐品联合经济订货批量模型[J]. 运筹与管理, 2011, 20(4):1-9.
  53. 赵晓宇, 贾涛, 徐渝. 条件延期付款下一体化可控提前期模型研究[J]. 运筹与管理, 2011, 20(5):86-93.
  54. 贾涛, 郑毅, 吴波. 基于延时还款期的供应链协调策略研究[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2011, 03: 8-15.
  55. 刘静, 贾涛, 吉哲. 允许订单延后的易腐品库存—路径问题研究[J]. 统计与决策, 2011, 20: 42-46.
  56. 耿凯平, 贾涛. 基于商业信用的供应链库存决策问题—分类与研究方向[J]. 科技与管理, 2011, 03:74-77.
  57. 王非, 孙浩杰, 贾涛. 考虑下游配送次数的配送中心选址-库存问题研究[J]. 预测, 2011, 4: 42-47.
  58. 王非,贾涛, 胡信步. 基于可变建设成本的风险共担选址—库存模型研究[J]. 运筹与管理, 2010,19(4): 31-37.
  59. 王非,王芳, 贾涛. 引入补偿、惩罚策略的配送中心选址问题研究[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2010, 15(2):67-74.
  60. 李娟,徐渝, 贾涛. 物流金融创新下的订单融资业务风险管理[J]. 统计与决策, 2010, 19: 171-173.
  61. 贾涛, 徐渝. 需求依赖于库存量的供应链商业信用期问题研究[J]. 运筹与管理, 2009, 18(3): 8-14.
  62. 贾涛, 陈志刚, 徐渝. 基于部分延期付款的供需一体化库存模型研究[J]. 预测, 2009, 28(3): 75-80.
  63. 何正文, 贾涛, 徐渝. 截止日期约束下的融资费用最小化项目调度[J]. 系统工程学报, 2009, 24(4): 494-498.
  64. 耿凯平, 贾涛, 徐渝. 商业信用下供应链价格与库存决策问题研究[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2009, 14(4): 6-10.
  65. 何正文, 贾涛, 徐渝. 基于禁止时间窗的应急物资调度车辆路径问题[J]. 运筹与管理, 2009, 18(2):1-6.
  66. 吴波, 贾涛, 耿凯平. 两阶段可变腐败率商品的库存决策问题[J]. 西安工程大学学报, 2009, 23(1):116-119.
  67. 耿凯平, 徐渝, 贾涛. 商业信用下两阶段可变腐败率商品库存决策问题研究[J]. 运筹与管理, 2009,18(4): 31-37.