
论文标题    A Further Study on the Equivalent Method of Lumped Masses in Dynamic Modeling of Cam Mechanisms
作者    WANG Jing,JIANG Qi
发表/完成日期    2006-02-01
期刊名称    Journal of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers
期卷    Vol.27 No.1
论文简介    A Further Study on the Equivalent Method of Lumped Masses in Dynamic Modeling of Cam Mechanisms Jing Wang and Qi Jiang ABSTRACT A study is developed on the equivalent concept and the method of lumped masses in dynamic modeling of cam mechanisms. The method of using double lumped equivalent masses located in two ends of a component to substitute the mass of it in modeling (DLEM Method) is put out and proved to be true. Further study shows that the method of using one lumped mass for one component is unreasonable. An example is given to indicate that using the DLEM Method can greatly improve the accuracy of the dynamic model of cam mechanisms. Keywords: cam mechanism, dynamic model, mass, equivalent method. 凸輪機構動力學模型質量等效方法之進一步研究 摘要:对凸轮机构从动系统动力学模型中质量等效的概念和方法进行了较深入研究,提出并论证了单元两点分布质量的质量等效方法;证明了对于纵向运动单元采用单元一点集中质量的等效方法是不合理的;通过计算实例说明用了单元两点分布质量的等效方法建立的动力学模型,可大大提高分析精度。 关键词:凸轮机构。动力学模型,质量,等效方法