Joural Articles


  1. Liangxing Li, Flow and Heat Transfer Research in Multiphase Flow and Porous Media[M], MDPI, St. Alban-Anlage 66m, 4052 Basel, Switzerland, 2024. ISBN 978-3-7258-1140-3 (PDF),
  2. 邵婧,李良星,于汶珊著,能源电力企业碳中和管理[M],北京:化学工业出版社,2023.12.
  3. 邵婧,李良星著,可持续消费促进机制及循环经济[M], 北京:机械工业出版社,2020.12



  1. 李良星,李翔宇,王闻婕,赵佳元,赵浩翔,一种多孔介质内气液两相流流型智能识别方法,申请日期 20220127日,授权公告日,20240124. 【发明专利
  2. 李良星,张双雷,王凯琳,一种铅冷快堆核主泵的水力性能优化设计方法[P]CN112069619B, 申请日期 20200907日,授权公告日,20210901. 【发明专利】
  3. 李良星,李翔宇,赵浩翔,王凯琳,高温铅铋泵热工水力性能和腐蚀速率测量实验系统及方法[P]CN112096622B, 申请日期 20200907日,授权公告日,20210628. 【发明专利】
  4. 李良星,赵浩翔,李翔宇,王凯琳,一种液态金属泵叶片表面处液态金属流速测量实验系统[P]CN112083185B, 申请日期 20200907日,授权公告日,20210622. 【发明专利】
  5. 李良星,谢伟,王文鹏,一种颗粒堆积床内气液两相流含气率测量装置及方法[P]CN109765334B, 申请日期 20181211日,授权公告日,20200828. 【发明专利】
  6. 王华胜,李良星,王凯琳,张双宝,用于识别高温颗粒--蒸汽三相动态变化的可视化装置[P]CN108169259A, 申请日期 20180210日,授权公告日,20181023. 【实用新型】
  7. 王华胜,王凯琳,张双宝,李良星,李会雄,一种自动控制的液滴释放装置[P]CN107702887A, 申请日期 20171013日,授权公告日,20180706. 【实用新型】


      1 李良星,张拯政,王闻婕,多相流相界面形状参数提取软件(v1.0), 登记号:2022SR0917292,软件开发完成日期:20220415日,登记日期:20220711, 中华人民共和国国家计算机软件著作权

  2 李良星,许向阳,民用飞机着陆距离计算软件v1.0, 登记号:2023SR1755621,软件开发完成日期:20230601,登记日期:20231225中华人民共和国国家计算机软件著作权登记证书




  1. Liangxing LiLatest Progress and Applications of Multiphase Flow and Heat TransferApplied Science-Basel, 12(8): 3369, 2024. 001211382800001; IDS: PA5W8
  2. Liangxing LiZhao Jiayuan, Shao Jing, Coupled performance evaluation method of heat exchanger in a lead-cooled fast reactor based on life-cycle cost and exergy analysis, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 199: 110355, Sep.1, 2024. WOS: 001155947800001; IDS: GX4B6EI: 20240315406609
  3. Xiao Zeng, Liangxing Li Shuanglei Zhang, Jie Pei, Xiangyu Li, Wei Li, Yong Guo, Fengyang Quan, Yidan Yuan1*, Weimin Ma, A Scoping Study on Remelting Process of a Debris Bed in the Lower Head of Reactor Pressure Vessel, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 189: 109848, Sep.1, 2023.WOS: 000981969400001; IDS: F4HI4EI: 20231613889495
  4. Xiangyu Li, Liangxing Li*, Weimin Ma. Two-phase flow patterns identification in porous media using feature extraction and SVM [J]. International Journal of Multiphase Flow156:104222, 2022 SCI: 000862876000005
  5. Xiangyu Li, Liangxing Li*, Wenjie Wang, et al., Machine learning techniques applied to identify the two-phase flow pattern in porous media based on signal analysis[J]. Applied Sciences-Basel, 12(17): 8575, 2022 . SCI: 000852503500001
  6. Liangxing Li*, Haoxiang Zhao, Jiayuan Zhao, Xiangyu Li. Single/Multi-Objective Optimi- zation Design and Numerical Studies for Lead-to-Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Heat Exchanger Based on Genetic Algorithm [J]. Applied Sciences-Basel, 12:7656, 2022. SCI: 000838841700001
  7. Haoxiang Zhao, Liangxing Li, Xiangyu Li, Zhengzheng Zhang. Experimental study and analysis on the interfacial drag of two-phase flow in porous media[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2022, 172: 109085. SCI: 000793300600005
  8. Zhengzheng Zhang, Liangxing Li, Weimin Ma, Yidan Yuan, et al., Experimental and numerical studies on the two-dimensional flow characteristics in the radially stratified porous bed, International Communications On Heat and Mass Transfer, 1331059402022SCI:000806173800006
  9. Xiangyu Li, Liangxing Li, Haoxiang Zhao, Xiaoming Yang, et al., Identification of two-phase flow pattern in porous media based on signal feature extraction, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 83:102123, 2022.SCI:000744536000004

  10. Jiayuan Zhao, Liangxing Li, Wei Xie, Haoxiang Zhao. Flow and heat transfer characteristics of liquid metal and supercritical CO2 in a twisted tube heat exchanger. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 174: 107453, 2022.SCI:000744796700003

  11. Zhang, Shuangbao, Liangxing Li, Zhengzheng Zhang, Shuanglei Zhang. Three-dimensional modeling and loss-of-coolant accident analysis of high temperature gas cooled reactor. Annals of Nuclear Energy 1502021:107840, 2021.SCI:000590396000047
  12. Kailin Wang, Liangxing Li,et al., Design and hydraulic performance studies on an axial lead-bismuth pump for Gen-IV reactors, International Journal of Energy Research, 45: 11822-11836, 202. SCI:000556031800001

  13. Liangxing Li, Zhihao Xu, Wei Xie, Zhengzheng Zhang.A Sensitivity Analysis of Bubble Departure Behavior in Vertical Channel Nucleate Boiling,  International Journal of Thermal Sciences157: 106497, 2020.WOS:000565598600010
  14. Liangxing Li, Wei Xie, Zhengzheng Zhang, Shuanglei Zhang.Pressure drop in packed beds with horizontally or vertically stratified structure, Nuclear Engineering and Technology,52(11):2491-2498, 2020.WOS:000567837500009
  15. Zhengzheng Zhang, Liangxing Li, Wei Xie, Huasheng Wang. Experimental channels, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 117:110-144,2020.WOS:000537566000006
  16. Liangxing Li, Wei Xie, Experimental Investigation on Pressure Drops in Fixed Porous Beds Packed with Sand Particles, Journal of Porous Media, 23(3):267-281,2020. WOS:000530691100005
  17. Liangxing Li, Shuangbao Zhang, Kailin Wang, Huasheng Wang, Pressure Drops and Dryout Heat Fluxes of Packed Beds with Cylindrical Particles, Heat Transfer Engineering, 41(12):1-12,2019. WOS:000534130600002

  18. Liangxing Li, Kailin Wang, Shuangbao Zhang, Xianliang Lei, An experimental study on two-phase flow resistances and interfacial drag in packed porous bed, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 50(6):842-848, 2018. (WOS:000439417300004; IDS: GN8MN; EI: 20180204619320)
  19. Jialun Liu, Huixiong Li, Xianliang Lei, Kaikai Guo, Liangxing Li, Numerical study on the effect of pipe wall heat storage on density wave instability of supercritical water, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 335:106-115,2018.
  20. Jialun Liu, Huixiong Li, Xianliang Lei, Qing Zhang, Liangxing Li, An improved model on flow distributions of supercritical pressure water in parallel heated pipes, Applied Thermal Engineering, 130:793-803, 2018.
  21. Liangxing Li, Xumao Zou, Huasheng Wang, Shuangbao Zhang, Kailin Wang, Investigations on Two-phase Flow Resistances and Its Model Modifications in a Packed Bed, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol.101, 24-34, 2018. (WOS: 000428829600003; IDS: GB1SD ; EI: 20180204619320)
  22. Liangxing Li, Huasheng Wang, Xumao Zou, Liubo Kong, Flow Resistances Characteristics in a Particulate Bed with Configurations of Uniform Mixture and Stratification [J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 112:62-70, 2018. (WOS: 000419409100007; IDS: FR9QV, EI: 20174104243566).
  23. Liangxing Li, Liubo Kong, Xumao Zou, Huasheng Wang, Pressure losses and interfacial drag for two-phase flow in porous beds with coarse particles, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol.101, 481-488, 2017. (WOS: 000392767800050IDS: EI8OUEI:20165203192428)
  24. Qing Zhang, Huixiong Li, Weiqiang Zhang, Liangxing Li, Xianliang Lei, Effect of fluid temperature on the frictional coefficient of supercritical pressure water flowing in adiabatic horizontal tube, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol.75, 189-198, 2016.SCIDK4UYEI: 20163002624662
  25. Yongchang Feng, Huixiong Li, Liangxing Li, Yifan Zhang, “Investigation of the effect of magnetic field on melting of solid gallium in a bottom-heated rectangular cavity using the lattice Boltzmann method”, Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications, Vol.69, 1263-1279, 2016. SCIDM9KR EI20161902362537
  26. Yuqing Xu, Huixiong Li, Liangxing Li, Tingkuan Chen, A review of studies on the flow patterns of gas-liquid two-phase flow in vertical tubes, Development of Research in Microscale and Nanoscale Thermal and Fluid Sciences, p 153-174, January 1, 2016. [EI: 20182705436225]
  27. Liangxing Li, Xumao Zou, Jiaojiao Lou, Huixiong Li, Xianliang Lei, Pressure Drops of Single/Two-Phase Flows through Porous Beds with Multi-Sizes Spheres and Sands Particles, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol.85, 290-295, 2015. (WOS: 000361413800029; IDS: CR5VZEI: 20152400941634)
  28. Qing Zhang, Huixiong Li, Weiqiang Zhang, Liangxing Li, Xianliang Lei, Experimental study on heat transfer to the supercritical water upward flow in a vertical tube with internal helical ribs, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.89, 1044-1053, 2015. SCICO3AV EI20153001071489
  29. Yongchang Feng, Huixiong Li, Liangxing Li, Lin Bu, Tai Wang, “Numerical investigation on the melting of nanoparticle-enhanced phase change materials (NEPCM) in a bottom-heated rectangular cavity using lattice Boltzmann method”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.81, 415-425, 2015. SCIAX5FE EI20144700212297
  30. Yifan Zhang, Huixiong Li, Liangxing Li, Tai Wang, Qing Zhang, Xianliang Lei, “A new model for studying the density wave instabilities of supercritical water flows in tubes”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.75, 397-409, 2015. SCIAY0BU EI20150400455131
  31. Sachin Thakre, Liangxing Li, Weimin Ma, “An Experimental Study on Coolability of a Particulate Bed with Radial Stratification or Triangular Shape”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol.276, 54-63, 2014. SCIAO0CM EI20142717884484
  32. Libo Yan, Huixiong Li, Liangxing Li, Chao Wu, “Bubble behavior of flow boiling in horizontal rectangular channels with inclined ribs”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.75, 514-522, 2014. SCIAI8TJEI20144400140949
  33. N. Chikhi, O. Coindreau, L.X. Li, W.M. Ma, V. Taivassalo, E. Takasuo, S. Leininger, R. Kulenovic, E. Laurien,  Evaluation of an effective diameter to study quenching and dry-out of complex debris bed”, Annals of Nuclear EnergyVol.74, 24-41, 2014. SCIAR1IB EI20151000592919
  34. Yifan Zhang, Huixiong Li, Liangxing Li, Xianliang Lei, Tai Wang, “Study on two-phase flow instabilities in internally-ribbed tubes by using frequency domain method”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.65, 1-13, 2014. SCIAG0IL EI20140617269843
  35. Sachin Thakre, Weimin Ma, Liangxing Li, “A numerical analysis on hydrodynamics deformation of molten droplets in a water pool”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol.53, 228-237, 2013. [SCI: 098LG; IF: 0.905 EI20141517553804]
  36. Shengjie Gong, Weimin Ma, Liangxing Li, “An experimental study on the effect of liquid film thickness on bubble dynamics”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.51, 459-467, 2013. [SCI: 104ZV; IF: 2.064EI20130215874672]
  37. Liangxing Li, Weimin Ma, Sachin Thakre, “An experimental study on pressure drop and dryout heat flux of two-phase flow in packed beds of multi-sized and irregular particles”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol.242, 369-378, 2012.  [SCI: 903AH; EI: 20115214645019]
  38. Liangxing Li, Shengjie Gong, Weimin Ma, “Experimental study of two-phase flow regime and pressure drop in a particulate bed packed with multidiameter particles”, Nuclear Technology, Vol.177, 107-118, 2012.  [SCI: 867HS; EI: 20120214676390]
  39. Liangxing Li, Weimin Ma, “Experimental study on the effective particle diameter of a packed bed with non-spherical particles”, Transport in Porous Media, Vol.89, 35-48, 2011. [SCI: 789ZT; EI: 20112814138012]
  40. Liangxing Li, Weimin Ma, “Experimental characterization of effective particle diameter of a packed bed with multi-diameter spheres”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 241, 1736-1745, 2011. [SCI: 770ZC; EI: 20111713932430
  41. Liangxing Li, Huixiong Li, Tingkuan Chen, “Experimental investigation on the moving characteristics of molten metal droplets impacting coolant”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol.32, 962-972, 2008. [SCI: 281DH; EI: 080711096161]  
  42. Liangxing Li, Huixiong Li, Takeshi Kawai, et al., “Evaluation of the void fraction in the crescent-shape moderator cell of the CARR-CNS”, Physica B, Vol. 403, 2036-2042, 2008. [SCI: 305GC; EI: 081611208420]
  43. Liangxing Li, Huixiong Li, Jinfeng Hu, et al., “Study on void fraction distribution in the moderator cell of cold neutron source systems in China Advanced Research Reactor”, Physica B, Vol.393, 336-346, 2007. [SCI: 164OD; EI: 071410533649]
  44. Liangxing Li, Huixiong Li, Tingkuan Chen and Weimin Ma, “Dynamic characteristics of molten droplets and hot particles falling in liquid pool”, Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp.246-251, 2010.


  1. 李良星,许向阳,向祖涛,石尚,雷振欣,液态铅却条件下横流管束的流动传热特性研究,核动力工程,2024
  2. 李良星,石尚赵浩翔,赵佳元,液态铅-超临界二氧化碳换热器设计及多目标优化研究,核动力工程,2024
  3. 李良星雷振欣赵浩翔石尚许向阳,向祖涛,铅-超临界二氧化碳换热器耦合流动传热特性研究,西安交通大学学报20240411网络首发
  4. 张拯政,李良星*,马卫民,元一单,杨小明,马如冰,径向分层碎片床内流动特性研究,原子能科学技术[J]56(10): 2032-2040, 2022.EI20225013249203
  5. 李翔宇,李良星,王闻婕,杨小明,马如冰,元一单,马卫民,基于支持向量机的多孔介质两相流型识别方法研究,工程热物理学报43(11): 2957-2965, 2022. EI20224613124703

  6. 张双雷,李良星,宋立明,轴流铅铋泵流场分析及优化,核动力工程43(3):158-1642022. EI20222412217599
  7. 张拯政,李良星,张双雷,李翔宇,近壁面液膜层中微孔注气气泡动力学研究,热能动力工程36(2): 57-66, 2021
  8. 王凯琳,李良星,张双雷,张拯政,轴流铅铋泵的设计及其水力性能分析西安交通大学学报5411):166-1742020. [EI: 20205009615683]
  9. 徐志昊,李良星,张拯政,流动沸腾气泡行为特性的数据驱动分析技术西安交通大学学报5411):175-1842020. [EI: 20205009615703]
  10. 张双宝,李良星,谢伟,王凯琳,球床式高温气冷堆堆芯三维建模及稳态热工水力分析[J],中国科学院大学学报, 37(2): 186-191, 2020.
  11. 李良星,王华胜,王凯琳,张双宝,砂石颗粒堆积床内流动特性研究,动力工程学报, 39(4):109-114, 2019.
  12. 李良星,王凯琳,谢伟,张双宝,分层结构颗粒堆积床内的流动阻力特性研究,西安交通大学学报53(7): 60-66,2019.EI20194307574686
  13. 邵一穷,李良星,盛天佑,多尺寸颗粒堆积多孔介质通道内流动特性研究,科技视界, 6:1-42018
  14. 邹旭毛,李良星,孔刘波,王华胜,颗粒堆积床内两相流动阻力及相间摩擦力研究,上海交通大学学报51(3), 63-68 2017. EI20172803930229
  15. 李良星,邹旭毛,孔刘波,不同堆积结构颗粒床内的流动特性研究,西安交通大学学报50(9), 49-54, 2016.EI20163802829253
  16. 郭宇朦,李会雄,雷贤良,李良星页岩气多裂缝通道中的沉降特性研究计算机仿真33(1), 116-121, 2016.
  17. 李良星,李会雄,多孔介质碎片床单相流动模型及其有效直径研究,工程热物理学报, 35(9),1785-1788,2014。【EI20144100087721
  18. 李良星,李会雄,陈听宽等,熔融液滴与冷却剂相互作用实验中液滴释放控制机构研制[J]核动力工程 29(1):42-452008 [EI: 081511195685]
  19. 李良星李会雄,陈听宽,熔融液滴在冷却剂中的运动特性实验研究[J],核动力工程, 28(5): 36-41, 2007 [EI: 074610915967]
  20. 李良星李会雄,胡金锋等,冷中子源冷包截面含气率数理模型探讨[J],工程热物理学报, 28(1): 64-67,2007 [EI: 071210503732]
  21. 王为术,李良星李会雄等,滑行过程中火箭发动机泵系统各构件温度数值模拟[J],推进技术, 26(5), 395-3972005 [EI: 05519604625]
  22. 李会雄,邓晟,李良星, 蒸汽-冷流体接触冷凝流动的数值模拟[J], 工程热物理学报, 26(6), 963-966, 2005 [EI: 05499528774]
  23. 王为术,罗毓珊,陈听宽,李会雄,李良星二次启动火箭发动机泵构件温度特性数值计算[J],推进技术, 26(4), 292-2952005 [EI: 05389374970]

Peer-review Conference papers
