






  • 1996年9月-20017月,西安交通大学医学院,医学学士;
  • 2001年9月-200612月,西安交通大学医学院,医学博士。



  • 20081月-20106月,第四军医大学,药学系药理学教研室,博士后;
  • 20107-20149月,西安交通大学第一附属医院,药学部,临床药师;
  • 20149月-2020年1月,西安交通大学第一附属医院,临床研究中心,副主任;
  • 2020年1月至今,暨南大学附属第一医院,临床研究部,主任;


  • 暨南大学附属第一医院临床研究部,主任;
  • 中国医疗保健国际交流促进会循证医学分会临床研究学组,组长;
  • 中华医学会临床流行病学和循证医学分会循证医学学组,委员;
  • 中国康复医学会循证康复医学工作委员会,副主任委员;

  • 中国医药教育协会医药统计专业委员会,委员;
  • 《中国循证医学杂志》第七届编委会,委员;
  • 《中国循证心血管医学杂志》第三届编委会,委员;
  • 《中国医学伦理学》青年编委会,委员、副秘书长;
  • 广东省医学会临床研究学分会,委员;
  • 广东省医学会循证医学分会,委员;
  • 陕西省药学会医疗器械专业委员会,副主任委员;
  • 陕西省医学会临床流行病学分会,委员;
  • 陕西省药学会临床药理专业委员会,委员;
  • 陕西省药理学会临床个体化用药专业委员会,委员;
  • 《中国全科医学》杂志,审稿专家



  • 西安交大一附院2019年度“优秀青年科研工作者”;
  • 西安交大一附院2014年度“优秀青年科研工作者”;
  • 西安交大一附院2013年度“五佳药师”。


  • 暨南大学附属第一医院临床研究部
  • 电子邮箱:lyujun2020@jnu.edu.cn
  • ORCID:0000-0002-2237-8771






  • 医务人员如何兼顾“上临床”与“做科研”

  • 大数据时代的临床研究设计与实施

  • 医疗数据挖掘研究设计快速入门要点

  • 临床公共数据库与数据挖掘

  • 重症医学数据库介绍及挖掘实战

  • 重症数据挖掘三十六式

  • 基于临床大数据挖掘的队列研究

  • 基于临床大数据挖掘的横断面研究和纵向研究

  • MIMIC数据库系列案例解析


论文标题 作者 发表/完成日期 期刊名称
Delirium mediated the association between history of falls and short-term mortality risk in critically ill ischemic stroke patients Cheng HT, Xu XZ, Tang YL, Yang X, Ling YT, Tan SY, Wang ZC, Ming WK, Lyu J(通讯作者) 2024-08-26 Clinical Nursing Research
Elderly patients with dysphagia in the intensive care unit: association between malnutrition and delirium Liang X, Li XY, Cheng HT, Wei FX, Li TJ, Li YQ, Huang YT, Lyu J(共同通讯), Wang Y 2024-08-15 Nursing in Critical Care
High Cardiovascular Mortality Risk among Older Merkel Cell Carcinoma Patients Huang JN, Yu H, Xia XC, Ming WK, Wu S, Cheng LN, YY LA, Zhang JR, Jiang YZ, Chen WH, Zhao QQ, Lyu J(共同通讯), Deng LH 2024-08-09 BMC Geriatrics
Assessment of prognostic factors in patients with primary ocular adnexal lymphoma when considering competing risk elements Zeng J, Cao XF, Chen J, Liu ZP, Lyu J(共同通讯), Zhou Q 2024-08-02 Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Secular trends in incidence and mortality of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in China, 1990–2019, and predictions to 2030: Outlook for the future burden of disease Su HB, Xie SP, Lyu J(共同通讯), Liu Y, Zhang YB 2024-08-02 Tumori Journal
Risk factors, prognostic factors, and nomograms for synchronous brain metastases of solid tumors: a population-based study Liu LY, Che WQ, Xu BD, Liu YJ, Lyu J(共同通讯), Zhang YS 2024-06-26 Neurosurgical Review
Association between modified frailty index and postoperative delirium in patients after cardiac surgery: a cohort study of 2080 older adults Cheng HT, Ling YT, Li QG. Li XY, Tang YL, Guo JY, Li J, Wang ZC, Ming WK, Lyu J(通讯作者) 2024-06-25 CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics
Modified frailty index effectively predicts adverse outcomes in sepsis patients in the intensive care unit Li XY, Tang YL, Deng XW, Zhou FL, Huang XX, Bai ZH, Liang X, Wang Y, Lyu J(通讯作者) 2024-06-19 Intensive & Critical Care Nursing
Relationship between the magnitude of haemoglobin changes and long-term mortality in patients with sepsis: a retrospective cohort study Shao WM, Ye LW, Zhang LM, Wang YL, Liu H, He D, Zhu JL, Lyu J(共同通讯), Yin HY 2024-06-11 BMC Infectious Diseases
Effect of smoking on prostate cancer: results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2003–2018 and Mendelian randomization analyses He HR, Liang L, Tian T, Zhang XY, Lyu J(通讯作者) 2024-06-04 Tobacco Induced Diseases
Joinpoint Regression Analysis of Recent Trends In Desmoplastic Malignant Melanoma Incidence And Mortality: 15-Year Multicentre Retrospective Study Yu H, Zhu LN, Zhang JR, Zheng SZ, Ming WK, IP CC, Jiang YZ, Chen WH, Wu S, Lyu J(共同通讯), Deng L 2024-05-26 Archives of Dermatological Research
Braden score can independently predict mortality in critically ill patients with dementia Cheng HT, Li XY, Liang X, Tang YL, Wei FX, Wang ZC, Lyu J(共同通讯), Wang Y 2024-05-16 International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
A prognostic nomogram for the cancer-specific survival rate of choroidal melanoma using the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database Cao XF, Zeng J, Ou YL, Chen J, Lyu J(共同通讯), Zhou Q 2024-05-16 Frontiers in Medicine
Association between second-hand smoke exposure and serum sex hormone concentrations among US female adults: a cross-sectional analysis using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2013–2016 Li SN, Feng AZ, Peng YJ, Li L, Huang LY, He NX, Zeng MN, Lyu J(通讯作者) 2024-05-15 BMJ open
Effect of a Fall within Three Months of Admission on Delirium in Critically Ill Elderly Patients: A Population-based Cohort Study Bu F, Chen HT, Wang ZL, Hou YS, Zhuang Z, Li CY, Wang YQ, Zhang Y, Lyu J(共同通讯), Lyu QY 2024-05-14 Aging Clinical and Experimental Research
Nomogram predictive model for in-hospital mortality risk in elderly ICU patients with urosepsis Wei J, Liang RY, Liu SY, Dong WG, Gao J, Hua TF, Xiao WY, Li H, Zhu HQ, Hu JJ, Cao S, Liu Y, Lyu J(共同通讯), Yang M 2024-04-26 BMC Infectious Diseases
Association between the ROX index and mortality in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure: a retrospective cohort study Liu K, Ma XY, Xiao H, Gu WJ, Lyu J(共同通讯), Yin HY 2024-03-29 Respiratory Research
Development and validation of a nomogram for predicting in-hospital mortality in ICU patients with infective endocarditis Che DY, Hu JL, Zhu JL, Lyu J(共同通讯), Zhang XS 2024-03-21 BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
Prognostic nomograms for predicting long-term overall survival in spindle cell melanoma: a population-based study Lau WC, Huang L, Zheng X, Ming WK, Leong NC, Tak Wong Y, Yin Z, Yu H, Lyu J(共同通讯), Deng L 2024-03-20 Frontiers in Endocrinology
Single-cell transcriptome analysis upon ECM-remodeling meningioma cells Che WQ, Wang YJ, Yang L, Wang HQ, Wang XY, Lyu J(通讯作者) 2024-03-16 Neurosurgical Review


  • Biological Systems
  • Cancer Management and Research
  • Current Cancer Drug Targets
  • European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
  • Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  • Experimental Physiology
  • Journal of Cancer
  • Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism
  • Oncotarget
  • OncoTargets and Therapy
  • Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity
  • Pharmaceutical Biology
  • Plos One
  • Tumor Biology
  • 中国循证医学杂志
  • 中国医学科学院学报
  • 中国全科医学
  • 中国医院药学杂志