

工学博士, 讲师











2015.10 - 2016,10     University of Minnesota, Twin Cities,化工与材料科学,联合培养博士

2012,09 - 2016,12      西安交通大学,化工学院,化学工程, 工学博士
2011.09 - 2012.07      西安交通大学,化工学院,化学工程, 硕博连读
2007,08 - 2011,07      西安交通大学,能动学院,化学工程与工艺,工学学士








2017.08    The 20th Conference of Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES'17), Tianjin, China.

2017.07    2017年中国过程系统工程年会(PSE2017), 昆明,云南

2017.05    The 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes (AdCONIP 2017), Taipei, China.

2016.11    2016 AIChE Annual Meeting(16AIChE), San Francisco, California.

2015.08    The 18th Conference of Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and  Pollution Reduction (PRES'15), Kuching, Malaysia.

2014.06    The 24th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE24), 2014, Budapest, Hungary.


[1].Kang L., Tang W., Liu Y., Daoutidis, P., Control configuration selection using agglomerative hierarchical clustering: graph-theoretic approach. Journal of Process Control, 2016, 46:43-54.

[2].Kang, L.; Liu, Y; Wu, L., Synthesis of Multi-period Heat Exchanger Networks Based on Features of Sub-period Durations. Energy, 2016, 116:1302-1311.
[3].Kang, L., Liu, Y., Multi-objective optimization on a heat exchanger network retrofit with a heat pump and analysis of CO2 emissions control. Applied Energy, 2015, 154: 696-708.

[4].Kang, L., Liu, Y., Liang, X., Multi-objective optimization of heat exchanger networks based on analysis of minimum temperature difference and accumulated CO2 emissions. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 87: 736-748.

[5].Kang, L.; Liu, Y., Target-Oriented Methodology on Matching Heat Transfer Areas for a Multiperiod Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53 (45): 17753 - 17769.

[6].Kang, L.; Liu, Y., Retrofit of Heat Exchanger Networks for Multiperiod Operations by Matching Heat Transfer Areas in Reverse Order. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53 (12): 4792 - 4804.