






陕西省杰出青年基金获得者  ​​​材料科学与工程学院副院长














E-mail: mafei@mail.xjtu.edu.cn



2021年  当选陕西省纳米科技学会第三届理事会理事长


2024年  当选陕西省真空学会副理事长


2018年  当选中国机械工程学会表面工程分会委员


2015年  当选第八届中国真空学会薄膜专业委员会委员




(1) 新能源材料以及光电催化制氢催化剂


(1) 功能薄膜材料的制备及光电特性研究


(2) 石墨烯类二维晶体的设计与制备表征


(4) 低维材料的结构与物理特性理论预测


(5) 金属结构材料表面改性以及表面工程




1997年9月-2001年7月  陕西师范大学物理系   本科


2001年9月-2004年7月  陕西师范大学物理学   硕士


2004年9月-2008年6月  西安交通大学材料学院 博士




2008年07月-2010年01月   西安交通大学材料学院 讲师


2010年01月-2014年11月   西安交通大学材料学院 破格副教授


2014年12月-今                   西安交通大学材料学院教授


2007年03月-2008年02月   香港城市大学物理与材料系 RA


2011年03月-2011年08月   香港城市大学物理与材料系 Senior RA


2012年12月-2013年01月   香港城市大学物理与材料系 Senior RA


2013年07月-2013年08月   香港城市大学物理与材料系 Senior RA


 2014年07月-2014年08月  香港城市大学物理与材料系 Research Fellow


2015年07月-2015年08月   香港城市大学物理与材料系 Research Fellow


2016年01月-2016年02月   香港城市大学物理与材料系 Research Fellow


2023年07月    国家教学成果奖二等奖


2022年07月    王宽诚育才奖


2022年04月    西安交通大学授课比赛(传统赛道)一等奖


2021年07月    西安交通大学优秀研究生导师


2021年07月    西安交通大学优秀共产党员


2021年04月    获陕西省杰出青年基金


2020年12月    西安交通大学材料学院“百人明星”——教书育人Star


​​​​2019年03月    陕西省科学技术奖二等奖


2018年11月    第十二届陕西省青年科技奖


2018年02月    教育部自然科学二等奖


2017年11月    林孟良教书育人奖


2017年04月    陕西高等学校科学技术奖一等奖


2013年06月    陕西省科学技术奖三等奖


2011年06月    陕西高等学校科学技术一等奖

2011年06月    入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划
2009年12月    西安交通大学优秀博士论文
2006年06月    陕西省科学技术奖二等奖

2005年06月    陕西高等学校科学技术奖一等奖


(269) Hui Ma, Danmin Peng, Hongwei Bao, Zhipeng Sun, Jibin Zhang, Fei Ma, Interaction between Xe bubbles and grain boundaries as well as the influences on structural evolution in UO2: A molecular dynamics simulation, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 594 (2024) 155039.

(268) Hongqiang Xin, Lan Sun, Yiwei Zhao, Zhengfei Dai, Qiaomei Luo, Shengwu Guo, Danyang Li, Ya Chen, Naoki Ogiwara, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Bo Huang, Fei Ma, Surpassing Pt hydrogen production from {200} facet-riched polyhedral Rh2P nanoparticles by one-step synthesis, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 330 (2023) 122645.

(267) F. N. Li, H. W. Bao, Y. Li, F. Ma, H. X. Wang, Laser induced diamond/graphite structure for all-carbon deep-ultraviolet photodetector, Applied Surface Science 636 (2023) 157818.

(266) 王琛,曾超凡,路文墨,宁海玥,马飞,Al2O3钝化层对a-IGZO薄膜晶体管电性能的增强机制研究,稀有金属材料与工程,52(2023)2103.

(265) Yiwei Zhao, Jin Cao, Zeying Zhang, Si Li, Yan Li, Fei Ma, Shengyuan A. Yang, Berry curvature dipole and nonlinear effect in two-dimensional Nb2n+1SinTe4n+2, Physical Review B 107 (2023) 205124.

(264) Lizhai Zhang, Huiyan Xu, Yuhong Huang, Hongbing Lu, Taotao Ai, Kewei Xu, Fei Ma, Paul K. Chu, Polar Cubic CeO2 nanoparticles on graphene for enhanced room-temperature NO2 sensing performance, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 6 (2023) 10551.

(263) Hongqiang Xin, Lan Sun, Yiwei Zhao, Yuanjiang Lv, Qiaomei Luo, Shengwu Guo, Danyang Li, Ce Mu, Bo Huang, Fei Ma, Size-controllable Rh2P nanoparticles on reduced graphene oxide toward highly hydrogen production, Chemical Engineering Journal 466 (2023) 143277.

(262) Wenshuo Wu, Chen Wang, Chunjiao Chen, Jiaxin Song, Fei Ma, Design of antireflection and enhanced thermochromic properties of TiO2/VO2 thin films, Advanced Materials Interfaces (2023) 2202506.

(261) Min Wang, Yuhong Huang, Fei Ma, Gangqiang Zhu, Jianmin Zhang, Xiumei Wei, Pengfei Hou,  Ruhai Du, Jing Liu, Theoretical insights into the mechanism of nitrogen-to-ammonia electroreduction on TM/g-C9N10, Molecular Catalysis 547 (2023) 113391.

(260) Min Wang, Yuhong Huang, Fei Ma, Xiumei Wei, Pengfei Hou, Gangqiang Zhu, Ruhai Du, Jianmin Zhang, Newly designed photocatalyst of Fe4 Single clusters on g-C6N6 for nitrogen reduction reaction, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1222 (2023) 114074.

(259) Chen Wang, Chaofan Zeng, Haiyue Ning, Fengnan Li, Mingxia Liu, Kewei Xu, Fei Ma, Enhanced performances of a-IGZO TFTs with oxide passivation layers fabricated by hollow cathode assisted PLD, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 961 (2023) 170972. 

(258) Chen Wang, Chaofan Zeng, Wenmo Lu, Haiyue Ning, Fengnan Li, Fei Ma, High performance Schottky barrier TFTs with Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide/Mo Schottky junction, IEEE Electron Device Letters (2023)

(257) Ce Mu, Hongqiang Xin, Qiaomei Luo, Yan Li, Fei Ma, Fabrication of Ru nanoclusters on Co-doped NiSe nanorods with efficient electrocatalytic activity towards alkaline hydrogen evolution via hydrogen spillover effect, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 11 (2023) 7016.

(256) Qiaomei Luo, Lan Sun, Yiwei Zhao, Chen Wang, Hongqiang Xin, Danyang Li, Fei Ma, Synergistic effects of 1T MoS2 and interface engineering on hollow NiCoP nanorods for enhanced hydrogen evolution activity, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 145 (2023) 165.

(255) F.N. Li, Y. Li, H.W. Bao, H.X. Wang, Fei Ma, Fabrication of hydroxyl terminated diamond by high-voltage hydroxide ion treatments, Applied Surface Science 622 (2023) 156909.

(254) Danyang Li, Qiaomei Luo, Hongqiang Xin, Chen Wang, Yiwei Zhao, Huizhong Bai, Fei Ma, Wood-derived porous carbon frameworks for a high-performance hydrogen evolution reaction, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 11 (2023) 5462.

(253) Pengfei Hou, Yuhong Huang, Fei Ma, Gangqiang Zhu, Ruhai Du, Xiumei Wei, Jianmin Zhang, Min Wang, Sceening of single-atom catalysts of transition metal supported on MoSe2 for high-efficiency nitrogen reduction reaction, Molecular Catalysis 537 (2023) 112967.

(252) Pengfei Hou, Yuhong Huang, Fei Ma, Xiumei Wei, Ruhai Du, Gangqiang Zhu, Jianmin Zhang, Min Wang, S and N coordinated single-atom catalysts for electrochemical CO2 reduction with superior activity and selectivity, Applied Surface Science 619 (2023) 156747. 

(251) Min Li, Qinglong Fang, Xumei Zhao, Caijuan Xia, Anxiang Wang, You Xie, Fei Ma, Jianmei She, Zhongxun Deng, Theoretical screening of a graphyne-supported transition metal single-atom catalyst for the N2 reduction reaction, Physcial Chemistry Chemical Physics, 25 (2023) 18224.

(250) Guanjun Chen, Jinheng Ma, Junxuan Zhang, Ying Lin, Tong Wang, Yan Cheng, Haibo Yang, Fei Ma, Insight into the synergy of platinum and nickel carbonate hydroxide for efficient methanol electro-oxidation, Applied Surface Science 616 (2023) 156587.

(249) Chunjiao Chen, Huizhong Bai, Hongwei Bao, Haodong Xu, Shuohan Yang, Hui Ma, Yan Li, Fei Ma, The atomic structure evolution and strengthening mechanism in three-dimensional network graphene enhanced Cu: A molecular dynamics simulation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 963 (2023) 171293.

(248) Huizhong Bai, Guijin Zou, Hongwei Bao, Suzhi Li, Fei Ma, Huajian Gao, Deformation coupled Moire Mapping of Superlubricity in Gaphene, ACS Nano 17(2023) 12594.

(247) Yiwei Zhao, Yan Li, Fei Ma, Performance upper limit of sub-10 nm monolayer MoS2 transistors with MoS2-Mo electrodes, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 (2022) 12100.

(246) Lizhai Zhang, Chuangbei Ma, Jinniu Zhang, Yuhong Huang, Huiyan Xu, Hongbing Lu, Kewei Xu, Fei Ma,Enhanced NO2-sensing performances of CeO2 nanoparticles on MoS2 at room temperature, Applied Surface Science 600 (2022) 154157.

(245) 肖坤宇,徐彤,苏成明,张鹏,马飞,液压支架关键部件失效分析与寿命评估研究进展,中国表面工程,35(2022)97.

(244) Chen Wang, Wenmo Lu, Fengnan Li, Haiyue Ning, Fei Ma, Persistent photoconductivity in a-IGZO thin films induced by trapped electrons and metastable donors, Journal of Applied Physics 131 (2022) 125709.

(243) Chen Wang, Wenmo Lu, Fengnan Li, Qiaomei Luo, Fei Ma, Migration of weakly bonded oxygen atoms in a-IGZO thin films and the positive shift of threshold voltage in TFTs, Chinese Physics B 31 (2022) 096101.

(242) Haoliang Sun, Xiaoxue Huang, Yuanjiang Lv, Fei Ma, Guangxin Wang, Akiyoshi Osaka, Microstructure evolution and highly sensitive surface enhanced Raman scattering properties of self-formation dual-scale Ag nanoparticles/Ag-Zr alloy film, Thin Solid Films 758 (2022) 139421.

(241) Yuanjiang Lv, Haoliang Sun,  Pengyan Shi, Xinxin Lian, Haoge Zhang, Saibo Li, Shihao Liang, Guangxin Wang, Fei Ma, The effect of Co content and annealing temperatures on the resistivity in Ag-Co films, Nanomaterials 12(2022) 2297.

(240) Jiaxin Song, Yiwei Zhao, Lan Sun, Qiaomei Luo, Huiyan Xu, Chen Wang, Hongqiang Xin, Wenshuo Wu, Fei Ma, VO2/ATO nanocomposite thin films with enhanced solar modulation and high luminous transmittance for smart windows, Ceramics International 48 (2022) 15868.

(239) Yuanjiang Lv, Haoliang Sun, Xinxin Lian, Haoge Zhang, Pengyan Shi, Fei Ma, Guangxin Wang, Surface morphology evolution behavior and SERS performance of Mo-Ag-Cu-Co films, Applied Surface Science 604 (2022) 154594.

(238) Qiaomei Lou, Yiwei Zhao, Lan Sun, Chen Wang, Hongqiang Xin, Jiaxin Song, Danyan Li, Fei Ma, Interface oxygen vacancy enhanced alkaline hydrogen evolution activity of cobalt-iron phosphide/CeO2 hollow nanorods, Chemical Engineering Journal 437 (2022) 135376.

(237) Wenmo Lu, Chen Wang, Qiaomei Luo, Yong Song, Fengnan Li, Fei Ma, Influences of vacuum annealing induced oxygen defects on the transfer characteristics of a-ITO thin film transistors, Materials Letters 311 (2022) 131565.

(236) Xiangtai Liu, Shaoqing Wang, Lang He, Yifan Jia, Qin Lu, Haifeng Chen, Fei Ma, Yue Hao, Growth characteristics and properties of Ga2O3 films fabricated by atomic layer deposition technique, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 10 (2022) 16247.

(235) Mingxia Liu, Hao Jiang, Gengrong Chang, Yangyang Xu, Fei Ma, Kewei Xu, Effect of laser remelting on corrosion and wear resistance of Fe82Cr16SiB alloy coatings fabricated by extreme high-speed laser cladding, Materials Letters 325 (2022) 132823.

(234) Mingxia Liu, Zhao Li, Geng-Rong Chang, Zhi-Fu Yin, Xiu-Ping Zhang, Yu Meng, Yang-Yang Xu, Fei Ma, Ke-Wei Xu, An invetigation of the surface quality and corrosion resistance of laser remelted and extreme high-speed laser cladded Ni-based alloy coating, International Journal of Electrochemical Science 12 (2022) 220537.

(233) Tingting Liang, Syama Lenus, Yaoda Liu, Ya Chen, Thangavel Sakthivel, Fuyi Chen, Fei Ma, Zhengfei Dai, Interface and M3+/M2+ valence dual-engineering on Nickel Cobalt sulfoselenide/black phosphorus heterostructure for efficient water splitting electrocatalysis, Energy & Environmental Materials 6 (2022) e12332.

(232) Yan Li, Xinru Ma, Hongwei Bao, Jian Zhou, Fei Ma, Jingbo Li, Carrier-driven magnetic and topological phase transitions in two-dimensional III-V semiconductors, Nano research 16  (2022) 3443.

(231) Pengfei Hou, Yuhong Huang, Fei Ma, Gangqiang Zhu, Jianmin Zhang, Xiumei Wei, Peiyuan Du, Jing Liu, Single-atom catalyst of TM@D-silicene-an effective way to reduce N2 into ammonia, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (2022) 3486.

(230) Pengfei Hou, Yuhong Huang, Fei Ma, Gangqiang Zhu, Jianmin Zhang, Xiumei Wei, Peiyuan Du, Jing Liu, Computational screening and catalytic origin of transition metal supported on g-t-C3N4 as single-atom catalysts for nitrogen reduction reaction, Applied Surface Science 599 (2022) 153880.

(229) Qinglong Fang, Min Li, Xumei Zhao, Lin Yuan, Boyu Wang, Caijuan Xia, Fei Ma, van der Waals graphene/MoS2 heterostructures: tuning the electronic properties and Schottky barrier by applying a biaxial strain, Materials Advances 3 (2022) 624.

(228) Peiyuan Du, Yuhong Huang, Gangqiang Zhu, Fei Ma, Jianmin Zhang, Xiumei Wei, Pengfei Hou, Min Wang, Jing Liu, Nitrogen reduction reaction on single cluster catalysts of defective PC6-trimeric or tetrameric transition metal, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (2022) 2219.

(227) 包宏伟,李燕,马飞,金属钨辐照缺陷与氢/氦作用的计算模拟研究进展,稀有金属材料与工程 51(2022)1100.

(226) Hongwei Bao, Yaping Miao, Fei Ma, Effect of point defects and nanopores on the fracture behaviors in single-layer MoS2 nanosheets, Nano Express 2 (2021) 040006.

(225) Hongwei Bao, Haodong Xu, Yan Li, Huizhong Bai, Fei Ma, The interaction mechanisms between dislocations and nano-precipitates in CuFe alloys: A molecular dynamic simulation, International Journal of Plasticity 155 (2022) 103317.

(224) Hongwei Bao, Yaping Miao, Yan Li, Huizhong Bai, Fei Ma, Unveiling the moire pattern evolution and superlubricity in twisted bilayer 2D phosphorene at atomistic scale, Applied Surface Science 606 (2022) 154796.

(223) Huizhong Bai, Hongwei Bao, Yan Li, Haodong Xu, Suzhi Li, Fei Ma, One-dimensional strain solitons manipulated superlubiricity on graphene interface, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13 (2022) 7261.

(222) Huizhong Bai, Hongwei Bao, Yan Li, Haodong Xu, Suzhi Li, Fei Ma, Moire Pattern based univeral rules governing interfacial superlubricity: A case of grahene, Carbon 191 (2022) 28.

(221) Long Zhang, Jiang Li, Zehui Yang, Lan Sun, Guanjun Chen, Wangcong An, Hanyue Cheng, Hongbo Wang, Xingang Wang, Yongnan Chen, Fei Ma, Phosphorun-doping-induced optimization of atomic hydrogen binding energy in MoSe2 under high coverage for efficient electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reactions, ChemistrySelect 6(2021) 1305.

(220) Yijin Wang, Mingxia Liu, Chengming Su, Peng Zhang, Baosuo Chi, Kewei Xu, Fei Ma​​​​​​ Wear Properties of self-lubircating CrxSy/Ni coatings on 304 stainless steel by pre-placed laser cladding, Surface Engineering 37 (2021) 1541.

(219) Yaping Miao, Hongwei Bao, Wei Fan, Yan Li, Fei Ma, The adsorption behaviors of pristine MoS2 and N-MoS2 monolayer: A First-principles calculation, Surface and Interface 27 (2021) 101580.

(218) Dong Yang, Qianfeng Xia, Haitao Gao, Sufang Dong, Guangyuan Zhao, Yingfei Zeng, Fei Ma, Tingwei Hu, Fabrication and mechanism of Pb-intercalated graphene on SiC, Applied Surface Science 569 (2021) 151012. 

(217) Haodong Xu, Hongwei Bao, Yan Li, Huizhong Bai, Fei Ma, Atomic scale insights into the rapid crystallization and precipitation behaviors in FeCu binary alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 882 (2021) 160725.

(216) Hongqiang Xin, Zhengfei Dai, Yiwei Zhao, Shengwu Guo, Jun Sun, Qiaomei Luo, Pengfei Zhang, Lan Sun, Naoki Ogiwara, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Bo Huang, Fei Ma, Recording the Pt-beyond hydrogen production electrocataqlysis by dirhodium phosphide with an overpotential of only 4.3 mV in alkaline electrolyte, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 297 (2021) 120457.

(215) Lan Sun, Zhengfei Dai, Lixiang Zhong, Yiwei Zhao, Yan Cheng, Shaokun Chong, Guanjun Chen, Chunshuang Yan, Xiaoyu Zhang, Huiteng Tan, Long Zhang, Khang Ngoc Dinh, Shuzhou Li, Fei Ma, Qingyu Yan, Lattice strain and atomic replacement of CoO6 octahedra in layered sodium cobalt oxide for boosted water oxidation electrocatalysis, Applied Catalysis B: Enviromental, 297 (2021) 120477. 

(214) Pengfei Zhang, Yaoda Liu, Tingting Liang, Edison Huixiang Ang, Xu Zhang, Fei Ma, Zhengfei Dai, Nitrogen-doped carbon wrapped Co-Mo2C dual Mott-Schottky nanosheets with large porosity for efficient water electrolysis, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 284 (2021) 119738.

(213) Lan Sun, Qiaomei Luo, Zhengfei Dai, Fei Ma, Material libraries for electrocatalytic overall water splitting, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 444 (2021) 214049.

(212) Hongbo Wang, Hao Zhu, Yangshuo Sun, Fei Ma, Yuanzhen Chen, Dejun Zeng, Liang Zhou, Dayan Ma, Ultra-thin pine tree-like MoS2 nanosheets with maximally exposed active edges terminated at side surfaces on stainless steel fiber felt for hydrogen evolution reaction, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 876 (2021) 1602163.

(211) Bingrui Ma, Shuaishuai Xin, Yanjun Xin, Xiaoming Ma, Chunlei Zhang, Mengchun Gao, Fei Ma, Yumiao Ma, Visible-light driven photoelectrocatalytic degradation of p-chloronitrobenzene by BiOBr/TiO2 nanotube arrays photelectrodes: Mechanisms, degradation pathway and DFT calculation, Separation Purification Technology, 268 (2021) 118699.

(210) Qinglong Fang, Xumei Zhao, Lin Yuan, Boyu Wang, Caijuan Xia, Fei Ma, Non-invasively improving the Schottky barrier of MoS2/metal contacts by inserting a SiC layer, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021, in press.

(209) Tingwei Hu, Dong Yang, Haitao Gao, Xiangtai Liu, Kewei Xu, Qianfeng Xia, Fei Ma, Atomic structure and electronic properties of the intercalated Pb atoms underneath a graphene layer, Carbon, 179 (2021) 151.

(208) Xiangtai Liu, Kai Cheng, Ruiqi Li, Yifan Jia, Qin Lu, Shaoqing Wang, Haifeng Chen, Fei Ma, Doping induced indirect-to-direct bandgap transition of two-dimensional Ga2O3, Applied Surface Science, 553 (2021) 149458.

(207) Yong Xin, Hongwei Bao, Zhipeng Sun, Jibin Zhang, Shichao Liu, Zixuan Guo, Haoyu Wang, Fei Ma, Yuanming Li, Effects of Th doping on mechanical properties of U1-xThxO2: An atomistic simulation, Acta Physica Sinica, 70 (2021) 122801.

(206) Peiyuan Du, Yuhong Huang, Jingnan Wang, Gangqiang Zu, Fei Ma, Jianmin Zhang, Xiumei Wei, Pengfei Hou, Jala Bib Khan, The electronic and optical properties of PC6/WS2 heterostructure modulated via biaxial strain and external electric field, Surface and Interface, 24 (2021) 101100.

(205) Qinglong Fang, Xumei Zhao, Caijuan Xia, Fei Ma, Interfacial defect engineering on electronic states and electrical properties of MoS2/metal contacts, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 864 (2021) 158134.

(204) Mingxia Liu, Wenkang Zhang, Gengrong Chang, Xiaohua Zhang, Dong Wang, Binfeng He, Fuxing Fu, Yu Meng, Fei Ma, Kewei Xu, Shot-peened surface residual stress relaxation and fatigue resistance of 17-4PH steel at elecated temperature, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 50 (2021) 1549.

(203) Yiwei Zhao, Yan Li, Shuixing He, Fei Ma, Semiconductor-semimetal transition of MoTe2 monolayer modulated by charge-injection and strain engineering, Chemical Physics Letters, 770 (2021) 138473.

(202) Jingnan Wang, Yuhong Huang, Gangqiang Zhu, Jianmin Zhang, Xiumei Wei, Fei Ma, Interfacial defect engineering the electronic states and photocatalytic properties of blue phosphorus/WS2 heterostructures, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 859 (2021) 157873.

(201) Weiwei Liu, Hongwei Bao, Yan Li, Fei Ma, Highly tunable electronic structure and liner dichroism in 90 degrees twisted alpha-phosphorus carbide bilayer: a first-principles calculation, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23 (2021) 7080. 

(200) Jingnan Wang, Yuhong Huang, Fei Ma, Jianmin Zhang, Xiumei Wei, Gangqiang Zhu, Peiyuan Du, Strain engineering the electronic and photocatalytic properties of g-C6N6/graphene heterostructures, Materials Today Communications, 26 (2021) 101969.

(199) Jinniu Zhang, Deying Leng, Lizhai Zhang, Gang Li, Fei Ma, Jianzhi Gao, Hongbing Lu, Benpeng Zhu, Porosity and oxygen vacancy engineering of mesoporous WO3 nanofibers for fast and sensitive low-temperature NO2 sensing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 853 (2021) 157339.

(198) Lizhai Zhang, Jinniu Zhang, Yuhong Huang, Huiyan Xu, Xiaolin Zhang, Hongbing Lu, Kewei Xu, Paul K. Chu, Fei Ma, Hexagonal ZnO nanoplates/graphene composites with excellent sensing performance to NO2 at room temperature, Applied Surface Science, 537 (2021) 147785.

(197) Qiaomei Luo, Chen Wang, Hongqiang Xin, Yuyang Qi, Yiwei Zhao, Jun Sun, Fei Ma, Hollow, Sandwiched Structure of Ni-modifiec MoS2 wrapped into symmetrical N-doped carbon toward a superior hydrogen evolution eletrocatalyst, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 9 (2021) 732.

(196) Jingnan Wang, Yuhong Huang, Fei Ma, Jianmin Zhang, Xiumei Wei, Jing Liu, Strain engineering the eletronic and photocatalytic properties of WS2/blue phosphene van der Waals heterostructures, Catalysis Science & Technology, 11 (2021) 179.

(195) Tingwei Hu, Dong Yang, Wei Hu, Qianfeng Xia, Fei Ma, Kewei Xu, The structure and mechanism of large-scale indium-intercalated graphene transferred from SiC buffer layer, Carbon, 171 (2021) 829.

(194) Jingnan Wang, Yuhong Huang, Fei Ma, Jianmin Zhang, Xiumei Wei, Gangqiang Zhu, Electronica states and photocatalytic performance of SnS2-based binary and ternary vdW heterostructure, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 849 (2020) 156627.

(193) Changfa Zhu, Fei Ma,  Zhengfei Dai, Dayan Ma, Atomic layer deposition of TiO2 thin films on the inner walls of steel tubes increases anti-coking properties, ACS Omega, 5 (2020) 32102.

(192) Y Liu, T Liang, Y Li, Y. Zhao, Z Guo, Fei Ma, Z. Dai, Silicene oxide: a potential Battery500 cathode for sealed non-aqueous lithium - oxygen batteries, Materials Today Energy, 18 (2020) 100503.

(191) Zhi Yang, Yunjin Sun, Fei Ma, Interlayer spacing of multilayer graphene oxide: Influences of oxygen-containing group density, thickness, temperature and strain, Applied Surface Science, 529 (2020) 147075.

(190) Yan Li, Hongwei Bao, Jian Zhou, Fei Ma, Tunable charge density wave in a lateral black/blue phosphorene heterostructure: A first-pricinples calculation, Physical Review B, 102 (2020) 165308.

(189) Xingtian Yin, Yuxiao Guo, Jie Liu, Wenxiu Que, Fei Ma, Kewei Xu, Photoinduced phase segregation leading to evident open-circuit voltage loss in efficient inorganic CsPbIBr2 solar cells, Journal of Physical Chemistry Lettes, 11 (2020) 7035.

(188) Tingting Liang, Yaoda Liu, Pengfei Zhang, Chuntai Liu, Fei Ma, Qingyu Yan, Zhengfei Dai, Interface and valence modulation on scalabale phosphorene/phosphide lamellae for efficient water electrolysis, Chemical Engineering Journal, 395 (2020) 124976.

(187) Yunjin Sun, Xing Tang, Hongwei Bao, Zhi Yang, Fei Ma, The effects of hydroxide and epoxide functional groups on the mechanical properties of graphene oxide and its failure mechanism by molecular dynamica simulations, RSC Advances, 10 (2020) 29610.

(186) Qiaomei Luo, Yiwei Zhao, Yuyang Qi, Hongqiang Xin, Chen Wang, Guanjuan Chen, Jun Sun, Mingxia Liu, Kewei Xu, Fei Ma, Plasma-assisted nitrogen doping in N-Co-P hollow nanocube for efficient hydrogen evolution electrocatalysis, Nanocale, 12 (2020) 13708.

(185) Yaping Miao, Hongwei Bao, Wei Fan, Fei Ma, Modulation of the electronic structure and magnetism performance of V-doped monolayer MoS2 by strain engineering, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 142 (2020) 109459.

(184) Guanjun Chen, Huaqiang Shan, Yan Li, Hongwei Bao, Tingwei Hu, Long Zhang, Shuai Liu, Fei Ma, Hollow PtCu nanoparticles encapsulated into a carbon shell via mild annealing of Cu metal-organic frameworks, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8 (2020) 10337.

(183) Tingting Liang, Yaoda, Liu, Yize Cheng, Fei Ma, Zhengfei Dai, Scalable synthesis of a MoS2/black phosphorus heterostructure for pH-Unviersal hydrogen evolution catalysis, Chemcatchem, 12 (2020) 2840.

(182) Jingnan Wang, Yuhong Huang, Jiaxin Guo, Jianmin Zhang, Xiumei Wei, Fei Ma, Optoelectronic response and interfacial properties of BiOI/BiOX (X=F, Cl, Br) heterostructure based on DFT investigation, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 284 (2020) 121181.

(181) Yanan Zheng, Lan Sun, Weiwei Liu, Chen Wang, Zhengfei Dai, Fei Ma, Tungsten oxysulfide nanosheets for highly sensitive and selective NH3 sensing, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8 (2020) 4206.

(180) Yiwei Zhao, Yan Li, Mingxia Liu, Kewei Xu, Fei Ma, Strain-controllable phase and magnetism transitions in Re-doped MoTe2 monolayer, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124 (2020) 4299.

(179) Long Zhang, Yuyang Qi, Lan Sun, Guanjun Chen, Luxue Wang, Mingshuo Zhang, Dejun Zeng, Yongnan Chen, Xingang Wang, Kewei Xu, Fei Ma, Facile route of nitrogen doping in nickel cobalt phosphide for highly efficient hydrogen evolution in both acid and alkaline electrolytes, Applied Surface Science 512 (2020) 145715.

(178) Jun Sun, Shuai Liu, Chen Wang, Yu Bai, Guanjun Chen, Qiaomei Luo, Fei Ma, Interface tuning charge transport and enhanced thermoelectric properties in flower-like SnSe2 hierarchical nanostructures, Applied Surface Science 510 (2020) 145478.

(177) Hafiz Humza Haseeb, Yan Li, Sana Ayub, Qinglong Fang, Lijun Yu, Kewei Xu, Fei Ma, Defective phosphorene as a promising anchoring material for Lithium-Sulfur batteriers, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (2020) 2739.

(176) Guanjun Chen, Zhengfei Dai, Hongwei Bao, Long Zhang, Lan Sun, Huaqiang Shan, Shuai Liu, Fei Ma, Enhanced anti-CO posioning of platinum on mesoporous carbon spheres by abundant hydroxyl groups in methanol eletro-oxidation, Electrochimica Acta 336 (2020) 135751.

(175) Hongbo Wang, Yangshuo Sun, Fei Ma, Liang Zhou, et al, Se molarity tuned composition and configuration of Ni3Se2/NiSe core-shell nanowire heterostructures for hydrogen evolution reaction, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 819 (2020) 153056.

(174) Z.Z. Wang, Y. Bai, W. Fan, Y. Gao, Q. Liu, R.J. Wang, W.Z. Tao, F. Ma, Effect of Sc substitution on thermophysical properties of tetragonal ScYSZ: Molecular dynamics simulation, Computational Materials Science 174 (2020) 109478.

(173) Jinniu Zhang, Lizhai Zhang, Deying Leng, Fei Ma, Ziyan Zhang, Yuanyi Zhang, Wei Wang, Qingfei Liang, Jianzhi Gao, Hongbing Lu, Nanoscale Pd catalysts decorated WO3-SnO2 heterojunction nanotubes for highly sensitive and selective acetone sensing, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 306 (2020) 127575.

(172) Lizhai Zhang, Jinniu Zhang, Yuhong Huang, Huiyan Xu, Xiaolin Zhang, Hongbing Lu, Kewei Xu, Paul K. Chu, Fei Ma, Stability and sensing enhancement by nanocubic CeO2 with {100} polar facets on graphene for NO2 at room temperature, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (2020) 4722.

(171) Yuyang Qi, Long Zhang, Lan Sun, Guanjun Chen, Qiaomei Luo, Hongqiang Xin, Jiahui Peng, Yan Li, Fei Ma, Sulfur doping enhanced desorption of intermediates on NiCoP for efficient alkaline hydrogen, Nanoscale 12 (2020) 1985.

(170) Zhigang Ding, Guangxuan Zhao, Hao Sun, Shuang Li, Fei Ma, E.J. Lavernia, Yuntian Zhu, Wei Liu, Alloying effects on the plasticity of magnesium: comprehensive analysis of influences of all fiv slip systems, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 32 (2020) 015401.

(169) Xiaqing Zhang, Yuhong Huang, Fei Ma, Jingnan Wang, Xiumei Wei, The influences of Nb and N dopants on elastic, electric and optical properties of monoclinic BiVO4, Materials Research Express, 6 (2019) 115911.

(168) Mingxia Liu, Fei Ma, Gengrong Chang, Fuxing Fu, N. Sastry Cheruvu, Lijun Yu, Jun Dai, Kewei Xu, Experimental investigation of failure behavior of the cracked 17-4PH steel blades in a top gas energy recovery turbine, Engineering Failure Analysis, 105 (2019) 545.

(167) Shuai Liu, Hanxiao Li, Wenjing Han, Jun Sun, Guanjun Chen, Jie Chen, Xu Yang, Guoxiang Chen, Fei Ma, Realizing the interface tuned thermoelectric transport performance in Bi2Te3-based hierarchical nanostructures, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (2019) 23817.

(166) Bainiu Zhuang, Zhengfei Dai, Shaofang Pang, Huiyan Xu, Lan Sun, Fei Ma, 3D ordered macroporous VO2 Thin films with an efficient thermochromic modulation capability for advanced smart windows, Advanced Optical Materials 7 (2019) 1900600.

(165) Hui Zhang, Hui Xu, Xiaofei Lou, Hong Jin, Ping Zong, Shiwei Li, Yu Bai, Fei Ma, Micro-structured Si@Cu3Si@C ternary composites anodes for high-performance Li-ion batteries, Ionics 25 (2019) 4667.

(164) Hui Zhang, Rui Chen, Xiaofeng Zhang, Ping Zong, Yu Bai, Hong Jin, Hui Xu, Kun Lian, Fei Ma, Cotton as a sustainable source of CuxO/C anode for high-performance Li-ion battery, Ionics 25 (2019) 2519-2524.

(163) Leiwen Gao, Zhongxiao Song, Yanhuai Li, Fei Ma, Switching failure behaviors and doping enhanced performance of Ni/Al2O3/p+Si resistive switching devices, Journal of Applied Physics 125 (2019) 245306.

(162) Leiwen Gao, Zhongxiao Song, Yanhuai Li, Guixiang Qian, Fei Ma, Controllable growth of conductive filaments in sandwiched CBRAM cells using self-assembled Cu/W multilayer thin films as the electrodes, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 803 (2019) 601-609.

(161) Lizhai Zhang, Junna Shi, Yuhong Huang, Huiyan Xu, Kewei Xu, Paul K. Chu, Fei Ma, Octahedral SnO2/graphene composites with enhanced gas-sensing performance at room temperatrue, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11 (2019) 12958.

(160) Hui Zhang, Ping Zong, Mi Chen, Hong Jin, Yu Bai, Shiwei Li, Fei Ma, Hui Xu, Kun Lian, In situ synthesis of multilayer carbon matrix decorated with copper particles: enhancing the performance of Si as anode for Li-ion batteries, ACS Nano 13 (2019) 3054.

(159) Hong-Bo Wang, Fei Ma, Liang Zhou, Yi Qin, Yang-Shuo Sun, Yi-Ku Xu, Yong-Nan Chen, Ke-Wei Xu, Da-Yan Ma, Polar surface dominated octagonal Sn Doped ZnO nanowires and their room-temperature photoluminance properties, Applied Surface Science 476 (2019) 265.

(158) Shuai Liu, Xin Ju, Jie Qiu, Guoxiang Chen, Jun Sun, Yong Xin, Fei Ma, Tritium-permeation-barrier properties of erbium oxide (TPB) coating on CLAM steel, Fusion Engineering and Design 138 (2019) 347.

(157) Guo Pu, Jianxiong Zou, Liwei Lin, Kun Zhang, Bo Liu, Fei Ma, Qiangbing Wang, Qiran Li, Effects of He ion irradiation on the microstructures and mechanical properties of t' phase yttria-stabilized zirconia ceramics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 771 (2019) 777.

(156) Yan Li, Wenting Wu, Fei Ma, Blue phosphorene/graphene heterostructure as a promising anode for lithium-ion batteries: a first-principles study with vibrational analysis techniques, J. Mater. Chem. A 7 (2019) 611.

(155) Tingwei Hu, Dayan Ma, Qinglong Fang, Peng Zhang, Xiangtai Liu, Ran Wei, Yi Pan, Kewei Xu, Fei Ma, Bismuth mediated defect engineering of epitaxial graphene on SiC(0001), Carbon 146 (2019) 313.

(154) Qinglong Fang, Xumei Zhao, Yuhong Huang, Kewei Xu, Tai Min, Fei Ma, Junction-configuration-dependent interfacial electronic states of a monolayer MoS2/metal contact, J. Mater. Chem. C, 7 (2019) 3607.

(153) Guanjun Chen, Zhengfei Dai, Lan Sun, Long Zhang, Shuai Liu, Hongwei Bao, Jinglei Bi, Shengchun Yang, Fei Ma, Synergistic effects of platinum-cerium carbonate hydroxides-reduced graphene oxide on enhanced durability for methanol electro-oxidation, J. Mater. Chem. A 7 (2019) 6562.

(152) Xiaqing Zhang, Yuhong Huang, Fei Ma, Zongquan Zhang, Xiumei Wei, Influences of vacancies on the structural, electronic and optical properties of monoclinic BiVO4, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 121 (2018) 85.

(151) Tingwei Hu, Xin Hui, Xiaohe Zhang, Xiangtai Liu, Dayan Ma, Ran Wei, Kewei Xu, Fei Ma, Nanostructured Bi Grown on Epitaxial Graphene/SiC, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9 (2018) 5679.

(150) Tingwei Hu, Xiangtai Liu, Dayan Ma, Ran Wei, Kewei Xu, and Fei Ma, Formation of Micro- and Nano-Trenches on Epitaxial Graphene, Applied Science 8 (2018) 2518.

(149) Hui Zhang, Xiaofeng Zhang, Hong Jin, Ping Zong, Yu Bai, Kun Lian, Hui Xu, Fei Ma, A Robust Hierarchical 3D Si/CNTs Composite with Void and Carbon Shell as Li-ion Battery Anodes, Chemical Engineering Journal, 360 (2019) 974.

(148) W. Fan, Z.Z. Wang, Y. Bai, J.W. Che, R.J. Wang, F. Ma, W.Z. Tao, G.Y. Liang, Improved properties of scandia and yttria co-doped zirconia as a potential thermal barrier material for high temperature applications, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 38 (2018) 4502-4511. 

(147) Lizhai Zhang, Qinglong Fang, Yuhong Huang, Kewei Xu, Paul K. Chu, Fei Ma, Oxygen Vacancy Enhanced Gas Sensing Performance of CeO2/Graphene Heterostructure at Room Temperature, Analytical Chemistry, 90 (2018) 9821-9529.

(146)  Huiyan Xu, Zhengfei Dai, Chen Wang, Kewei Xu, Fei Ma, and Paul K. Chu, Vertically distributed VO2 nanoplatelets on hollow spheres with enhanced thermochromic properties, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 6 (2018) 7896.

(145) Hongwei Bao, Yuhong Huang, Zhi Yang, Yunjin Sun, Yu Bai, Yaping Miao, Paul K. Chu, Kewei Xu, and Fei Ma, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nanocrack Propagation in Single-Layer MoS2 Nanosheets, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 (2018) 1351-1360.

(144)  Xiaqing Zhang, Yuhong Huang, Fei Ma, Zongquan Zhang, Xiumei Wei, Influences of vacancies on the structural, electronic and optical properties of monoclinic BiVO4, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 121 (2018) 85-92.

(143)  Y. Bai, W. Fan, K. Liu, Y.X. Kang, Y. Gao, F. Ma, Gradient La2Ce2O7/YSZ thermal barrier coatings tailored by synchronous dual powder feeding system, Materials Letters, 219 (2018) 55-58.

(142) Tao Wang, Qinghua Zhao, Yaping Miao, Fei Ma, Yong Xie and Wanqi Jie, Lattice Vibration of Layered GaTe Single Crystals, Crystals 8 (2018) 74.

(141) Yuhong Huang, Yun Yuan, Fei Ma, Zongquan Zhang, Xiumei Wei, and Gangqiang Zhu. Structural Stability, Electronic, and Optical Properties of BiVO4 With Oxygen Vacancy Under Pressure, Phys. Status Solidi B, 2 (2018) 1700653.

(140) Yaping Miao, Yuhong Huang, Hongwei Bao, Kewei Xu, Fei Ma and Paul K Chu. Tunable magnetic coupling in Mn-doped monolayer MoS2 under lattice strain, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 30 (2018) 215801.

(139)  Tingwei Hu, Qinglong Fang, Xiaohe Zhang, Xiangtai Liu, Dayan Ma, Ran Wei, Kewei Xu, and Fei Ma, Enhanced n-doping of epitaxial graphene on SiC by bismuth, Applied Physics Letters, 113 (2018) 011602.

(138) Qinglong Fang, Xumei Zhao, Yuhong Huang, Kewei Xu, Tai Min, Paul K. Chu and Fei Ma, Interfacial electronic states and self-formed p–n junctions in hydrogenated MoS2/SiC heterostructure, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 6 (2018) 4523-4530.

(137)  Hui Yan Xu, Kewei Xu, Fei Ma, Paul K. Chu, Hexagonal VO2 particles: synthesis, mechanism and thermochromic properties, RSC Advances, 8(2018) 10064.

(136) Yan Li, Fei Ma, Lin-Wang Wang, Phosphorene oxides as promising cathode material for sealed non-aqueous Li-oxygen battery, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6 (2018) 7815.

(135) Xiangtai Liu, Qinglong Fang, Tingwei Hu, Dayan Ma, Xiaohe Zhang, Shuai Liu, Fei Ma, Kewei Xu, Thickness dependent Raman Spectra and Interfacial Interaction Between Ag and Epitaxial Graphene on 6H-SiC(0001),  Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 20 (2018) 5964

(134) Qi Hao, Wang Li, Huiyan Xu, Jiawei Wang, Yin Yin, Huaiyu Wang, Libo Ma, Fei Ma, Xuchuan Jiang, Oliver G. Schmidt, and Paul K. Chu, VO2/TiN Plamonic Thermochromic Smart Coatings for Room-Temperature Applications, Advanced Materials (2018) 1705421.

(133) Lan Sun, Tao Wang, Long Zhang, Yunjin Sun, Kewei Xu, Zhengfei Dai, Fei Ma, Mace-like hierarchical MoS2/NiCo2S4 composites supported by carbon fiber paper: An efficient electrocatalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction, Journal of Power Sources 377 (2018) 142-150.

(132) Qinglong Fang, Xumei Zhao, Yuhong Huang, Kewei Xu, Tai Min, Paul K. Chu, and Fei Ma, Structural stability and magnetic-exchange couplng in Mn-doped monolayer/bilayer MoS2, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20(2018) 553.

(131) Zhefeng Lei, Qingqing Zhang, Xiaodong Zhu, Dayan Ma, Fei Ma, Zhongxiao Song, Yongqing Fu, Corrosion performance of ZrN/ZrO2 multilayer coatings deposited on 304 stainless steel using multi-arc ion plating, Applied Surface Science 431 (2018) 170-176.

(130) Yaping Miao, Yan Li, Qinglong Fang, Yuhong Huang, Yunjin Sun, Kewei Xu, Fei Ma, Paul K. Chu, Effects of dopant separation on electronic states and magnetism in monolayer MoS2, Applied Surface Science 428 (2018) 226-232.

(129) Jianxiong Zou, Bo Liu, Liwei Lin, Yuanfu Lu, Yuming Dong, Guohua Jiao, Fei Ma, Qiran Li, Investigation of microstructure and properties of ultrathin graded ZrNx self-assembled diffusion barrier in deep nano-vias prepared by plasma ion immersion implantation, Applied Surface Science 427 (2018) 950-955.

(128) 邱龙时,乔关林,马飞,徐可为,TiN薄膜的残余应力调控及力学性能研究,机械工程学报,2018.

(127) Liu Mingxia, Ma Fei, Chang Gengrong, He Binfeng, Fu Fuxing, Ye Fangxia, Yu Lijun, Dai Jun, Xu Kewei, Asymmetric Intermixing and the Stress Buildup in Ni/Al-typed Nanomultilayer with Different Characteristic Scales, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 46 (2017) 3222-3227.

(126) Long Zhang, Lan Sun, Yuhong Huang, Yunjin Sun, Tingwei Hu, Kewei Xu, and Fei Ma, Hydrothermal synthesis of N-doped RGO/MoSe2 composites and enhanced electro-catalytic hydrogen evolution, Journal of Materials Science, 52 (2017) 13561-13571.

(125) Zhi Yang, Yuhong Huang, Fei Ma, Yaping Miao, Hongwei Bao, and Kewei Xu, Misorientation angle depended deformation of bilayer graphene sheets under in-plane loading, Integrated Ferroelectrics 179 (2017) 120-129.

(124) Long Zhang, Tao Wang, Lan Sun, Yunjin Sun, Tingwei Hu, Kewei Xu, and Fei Ma, Hydrothermal synthesis of 3D hierarchical MoSe2/NiSe2 composite nanowires on carbon fiber paper and their enhanced electrocatalytic activity for the hydrogen evolution reaction, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5(2017) 19752.

(123) Hongwei Bao, Yuhong Huang, Zhi Yang, Yaping Miao, Yunjin Sun, Yu Bai, Kewei Xu, and Fei Ma, Circular torsion induced fan-blade shaped wrinkling in two-dimensional nano-rings, Phys Chem Chem Phys 19 (2017) 25360.

(122) Weixia Liu, Leiwen Gao, Kewei Xu, Fei Ma, Impact of ultrathin Al2O3 interlayers on resistive switching in TiOx thin films deposited by atomic layer deposition, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 35 (2017) 041001.

(121) Xianglong Nie, Dayan Ma, Fei Ma, Kewei Xu, Thermal Stability, structural and electrical characteristics of the modulated HfO2/Al2O3 films fabricated by atomic layer deposition Journal of Materials Science, 52 (2017) 11524.

(120) Zhi Yang Fei Ma, Kewei Xu, Grain boundaries guided vibration wave propagation in polycrystalline graphene, RSC Advances 7 (2017) 244667.

(119) Zhi Yang, Yuhong Huang, Hongwei Bao, Kewei Xu, Fei Ma, Synergistic effects of grain boundaries and edges on fatigue deformations of sub-5 nm graphene nanoribbons, Journal of Materials Science 52 (2017) 10871-10878.

(118) Tingwei Hu, Hongwei Bao, Shuai Liu, Xiangtai Liu, Dayan Ma, Kewei Xu, Near-free-standing epitaxial graphene on rough SiC substrate by flash annealing at high temperature, Carbon 120 (2017) 219-225.

(117) Lizhai Zhang, Qinglong Fang, Yuhong Huang, Kewei Xu, Fei Ma, Paul K. Chu, Facet-engineered CeO2/graphene composites for enhanced NO2 gas-sensing, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 5 (2017) 6973-6981.

(116) Leiwen Gao, Yanhuai Li, Qin Li, Zhongxiao Song, Fei Ma, Enhanced Resistive Switching Characteristics in Al2O3 Memory Devices by Embedded Ag Nanoparticles, Nanotechnology, 28 (2017) 215201.

(115) Yan Li, Fei Ma, Size and Strain Tunable Band Alignment of Black-Blue Phosphorene Lateral Heterostructure, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19 (2017) 12466-12472.

(114) Yun Yuan, Yuhong Huang, Fei Ma, Zongquan Zhang, Xiumei Wei, Effects of Oxygen Vacancy on the Mechanical, Electronic States and Optical Properties of Monoclinic BiVO4, Journal of Materials Science 52 (2017) 8546-8555.

(113) Qinglong Fang, Yuhong Huang, Yaping Miao, Kewei Xu, Yan Li, and Fei Ma, Interfacial Defect Engineering on Electronic States of Two-Dimensional AlN/MoS2 Heterostructure, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121(2017) 6605-6613.

(112) Shuai Liu, Nan Peng, Yu Bai, Huiyan Xu, D. Y. Ma, Fei Ma and Kewei Xu, General solvothermal approach to synthesize telluride nanotubes for thermoelectric applications, Dalton Transactions, 46(2017) 4174-4178.

(111) 孙兰,张龙,马飞,过渡金属硫族化合物二维晶体基复合材料的研究进展(邀请撰稿),中国材料进展 36 (2017) 40.

(110) Hongwei Bao, Yuhong Huang, Zhi Yang, Yaping Miao, Paul K Chu, Kewei Xu, Fei Ma, Tensile loading induced phase transition and rippling in single-layer MoS2, Applied Surface Science 404 (2017) 180.

(109) Shuai Liu, Nan Peng, Chongjian Zhou, Yu Bai, Shuang Tang, Dayan Ma, Fei Ma, Kewei Xu, Fabriation of Bi2Te3-xSex nanowires with tunable chemical compositions and enhanced thermoelectric properties, Nanotechnology 28 (2017) 085601.

(108) Shuai Liu, Nan Peng, Yu Bai, Dayan Ma, Fei Ma, Kewei Xu, Fabrication of Cu-doped Bi2Te3 nanoplates and their thermoelectric properties, Journal of Electronic Materials, 46 (2017) 2697-2704.

(107) Y.X. Li, Z.X. Song, F. Jiang, Q. Sun, Fei Ma, H.R. Wang, K. Chen, Thermal annealing induced mazy structure on MoO3 thin films and their high sensing performance to NO gas at room temperature, Ceramics International 42 (2016) 18318.

(106) Ziqiang Xu, Man Li, Xia Li, Xiangmei Liu, Fei Ma, Shuilin Wu, K.W.K. Yeung, Yong Han, Paul K. Chu, Antibacterial Activity of Silver Doped Titanate Nanowires on Ti Implants, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8 (2016) 16584.

(105) Yaping Miao, Yuhong Huang, Qinglong Fang, Zhi Yang, Kewei Xu, Fei Ma, Paul K. Chu, Tuning of Electronic States and Magnetic Polarization in Monolayered MoS2 by Co-Doping with Transition Metals and Nonmetals, Journal of Materials Science, 51 (2016) 9514.

(104) Q. Zhao, T. Wang, Y. Miao, F. Ma, Y. Xie, X. Ma, Y. Gu, J. Li, J. He, B. Chen S. Xi, L. Xu, H. Zhen, Z. Yin, J. Li, J. Ren, W. Jie, Thickness-induced structural phase transformation of layered gallium telluride, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18 (2016) 18719.

(103) Zhi Yang, Yuhong Huang, Fei Ma, Yaping Miao, Hongwei Bao, Kewei Xu, Paul K. Chu, Energy dissipation in mechanical loading of nano-grained graphene sheets, RSC Advances 6 (2016) 60856.

(102) Long Zhang, Lan Sun, Shuai Liu, Yuhong Huang, Kewei Xu, Fei Ma, Effective charge separation and enhanced photocatalytic activity by the heterointerface in MoS2/reduced graphene oxide composites, RSC Advances 6 (2016) 60318.

(101) Xiangtai Liu, Tingwei Hu, Yaping Miao, Dayan Ma, Zhi Yang, Fei Ma, Kewei Xu, Paul K. Chu, Substitutional doping of Ag into epitaxial graphene on 6H-SiC substrates during thermal decomposition, Carbon 104 (2016) 233.

(100) Shuai Liu, Nan Peng, Yu Bai, Dayan Ma, Fei Ma, and Kewei Xu, Self-formation of thickness tunable Bi2Te3 nanoplates on thin films with enhanced thermoelectric performance, RSC Advances 6 (2016) 31668.

(99) Haitao Gao, Yanhuai Li, Cuilan Li, Fei Ma, Zhongxiao Song, and Kewei Xu, Tuning the electric properties in TaNx/Ag nanocomposite thin films, RSC Advances 6 (2016) 30998.

(98) Qin Li, Yanhuai Li, Leiwen Gao, Fei Ma, Zhongxiao Song, and Kewei Xu, Ru doping enhanced resistive switching behavior in InGaZnO thin films, RSC Advances 6 (2016) 42347.

(97) Hongwei Bao, Yuhong Huang, Fei Ma, Zhi Yang, Yaping Miao, Kewei Xu, and Paul K. Chu, Size-dependent elastic modulus of single-layer MoS2 nano-sheets, Journal of Materials Science 51 (2016) 6850.

(96) Yun Yuan, Yuhong Huang, Fei Ma, Zongquan Zhang, Xiumei Wei, and Gangqiang Zhu, Structural stability, band structure and optical properties of different BiVO4 phases under pressure, Journal of Materials Science 51 (2016) 6662.

(95) Zhefeng Lei, Yashan Liu, Fei Ma, Zhongxiao Song, Yanhuai Li, Oxidation resistance of TiAlN/ZrN multilayer coatings, Vacuum 127 (2016) 22.

(94) S. Liu, F. Liu, X.Q. Zhu, Y. Bai, D.Y. Ma, F. Ma, K.W. Xu, Limited grain growth in multilayered Bi/Te thin films and the influence on the thermal and electrical conductivity, Vacuum 127 (2016) 88.

(93) Xiang Peng, Xuming Zhang, Lei Wang, Liangsheng Hu, Samson Ho-Sum Cheng, Chao Huang, Biao Gao, Fei Ma, Kaifu Huo, and Paul K. Chu, Hydrogenated V2O5 Nanosheets for superior Lithium Storage Properties, Advanced Functional Materials 26 (2016) 784.

(92) Y. Meng, F. Ma, Z.X. Song, Y.H. Li, K.W. Xu, Nano-grained ZrB2 thin films as a high-performance diffusion barrier in Cu metallization, RSC Advances 6 (2016) 844.

(91) Zhi Yang, Yuhong Huang, Fei Ma, Yaping Miao, Hongwei Bao, Kewei Xu, Paul K. Chu, Lattice shearing in nano-grained graphene sheets: a molecular dynamics simulation, RSC Advances 5 (2015) 105194.

(90) Liang Zhou, Shan Cui, Fei Ma, Zhiping Sun, Fa Luo, Yanli Dong, Effect of feedstock characteristics on the dielectric and microwave absorption properties of plasma sprayed NiCrAlY/Al2O3 coatings, J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Electron 26 (2015) 6653-6658.

(89) S. Zhang, M.N. Liu, F. Ma, F.M. Ye, H.F. Li, X.Y. Zhang, Y. Hou, Y.C. Qiu, W.F. Li, J. Wang, J. Wang, Y.G. Zhang, A high energy density Li2S@C nanocomposite cathode with a nitrogen-doped carbon nanotube top current collector, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015) 18913-18919. 

(88) H.Y. Xu, Y.H. Huang, J.P. Li, F. Ma, K.W. Xu, Effect of porous morphology on phase transition in vanadium dioxide thin films, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 33 (2015) 061508.

(87) X.L. Nie, F. Ma, D.Y. Ma, K.W. Xu, Thermodynamics and kinetic behaviors of thickness-dependent crystallization in high-k thin films deposited by atomic layer deposition, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 33 (2015) 01A140.

(86) Z. Yang, Y.H. Huang, F. Ma, Y.J. Sun, K.W. Xu, P.K. Chu, Temperature and strain-rate effects on the deformation behaviors of nano-crystalline graphene, European Physical Journal B 88 (2015) 1-8

(85) Y.P. Miao, F. Ma, Y.H. Huang, K.W. Xu, Strain effects on electronic states and lattice vibration of monolayer MoS2, Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures 71 (2015) 1-6.

(84) F. Li, Y.H. Li, Z.X. Song, F. Ma, K.W. Xu, H. Cui, Evolution of the crystalline structure of zirconia nanoparticles during their hydrothermal synthesis and calcination: Insights into the incorporations of hydroxyls into the lattice, Journal of The Eupopean Ceramic Society 35 (2015) 2361-2367.

(83) Z. Yang, Y.H. Huang, F. Ma, Y.J. Sun, K.W. Xu, P.K. Chu. Size-dependent deformation behavior of nanocrystalline graphene sheets, Materaials Science and Engineering B 198 (2015) 95-101.

(82) H. T. Gao, C.L. Li, F. Ma, Z.X. Song, K.W. Xu, Fabrication of Ta-Si-N/Ag nanocomposite thin films with near-zero temperature coefficient of resistance, Journal of Alloys and Compouds, 640 (2015) 147-153.

(81) Y. Meng, Z.X. Song, J.H. Chen, F. Ma, Y. H. Li, J.F. Wang, C.C. Wang, K.W. Xu, Ultrathin ZrBxOy films as diffusion barriers in Cu interconnets, Vacuum 119 (2015) 1-6.

(80) T. W. Hu, X. T. Liu, F. Ma, D. Y. Ma, K. W. Xu, and P. K. Chu, High-Quality, Single-Layered Epitaxial Graphene Fabricated on 6H-SiC (0001) by Rapid Thermal Annealing in Pb Atmosphere and Mechanism, Nanotechnology 26 (2015) 105708.

(79) Qin Li, Zhong Xiao Song, Fei Ma, Yan Huai Li, Ke Wei Xu, Effects of high-temperature thermal annealing on the electronic properties of In-Ga-Zn oxide thin films, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 33 (2015) 021520. 

(78) X.T. Liu, T.W. Hu, Y.P. Miao, D.Y. Ma, Paul K. Chu, Fei Ma, and K.W. Xu, Selective growth of Pb islands on graphene/SiC buffer layers, Journal of Applied Physics, 117 (2015) 065304.

(77) Yuhong Huang, Zongquan Zhang, Fei Ma, Paul K. Chu, Cuiping Dong, Xiumei Wei, First-principles calculation of the band structure, elecronic states, and optical properties of Cr-doped ZnS double-wall nanotubes, Computational Materials Science, 101 (2015) 1-7.

(76) Hong-Bo Wang, Fei Ma, Qian-Qian Li, Miao Wang, Jia-Bin Liu, Meng-Long Sun, Da-Yan Ma, Hong-Tao Wang, Ke-Wei Xu, Dynamic morphology instability inepitaxial ZnO/AZO (aluminum-doped ZnO) core-shell nanowires, Journal of Materials Science, 49 (2014) 6020-6028.

(75) Tianwei Zhang, Yuhong Huang, Weilin Zhang, Fei Ma, Kewei Xu, Effect of stacking sequence on crystallization in Al/a-Ge bilayer thin films, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology, 32 (2014) 031501.

(74) Man Zhao, Yaping Miao, Yuhong Huang, Kewei Xu, Fei Ma, The effect of H adsorption on the electric and magnetic state in the hybrid structure of graphene and BN, Computional Materials Science, 93 (2014) 50-55.

(73) Ling Li, Lina Fan, Yanhuai Li, Zhongxiao Song, Fei Ma, Chunliang Liu, Effect of thermal annealing on the properties of transparent conductive In-Ga-Zn oxide, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 32 (2014): 021506.

(72) Xianglong Nie, Fei Ma, Dayan Ma, Kewei Xu, Growth mode evolution of hafnium oxide by atomic layer deposition, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 32 (2014): 01A109.

(71) J. J. Yang, F. M. Miao, J. Tang, X. Y. Shu, F. Ma, K. W. Xu, Y. Y. Yang, J. L. Liao, N. Liu, Surface dynamics transition during the growth of compositionally gradeded CrNx films, Applied Physics Letters, 104 (2014): 031602.

(70) Y. J. Sun, Y. H. Huang, F. Ma, D. Y. Ma, T. W. Hu, K. W. Xu, Molecular dynamics simulation on double-elastic deformation of zigzag graphene nanoribbons at low temperature, Materials Science and Engineering: B, 180 (2014) 1-6.

(69) Y. Meng, Z. X. Song, D. Qian, W. J. Dai, J. F. Wang, F. Ma, Y. H. Li, K. W. Xu, Thermal stability of RuZr alloy thin films as the diffusion barrier in Cu metallization, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 588 (2014) 461-464.

(68)  Fei Ma, Ke-Wei Xu, Paul K. Chu, Surface-induced structural transformation in nanowires, Materials Science & Engineering R, 74 (2013) 173-209. 

(67)  Y. J. Sun, F. Ma, Y. H. Huang, T. W. Hu, K. W. Xu, Paul K. Chu, Effects of loading mode and orientation on deformation mechanism of graphene nanoribbons, Applied Physics Letters, 103 (2013) 191906.

(66) T.W. Hu, F. Ma, D. Y. Ma, D. Yang, X.T. Liu, K.W. Xu, Evidence of atomically resolved 6×6 buffer layer with long-range order and short-range disorder during formation of graphene on 6H-SiC thermal decomposition, Applied Physics Letters, 102 (2013) 171910.

(65) M. Zhao, Y. H. Huang, F. Ma, T.W. Hu, K. W. Xu, P. K. Chu, Electronic states in hybrid boron nitride and graphene structures, Journal of Applied Physics, 114 (2013) 063707.

(64) Tingwei Hu, Dayan Ma, Fei Ma, Kewei Xu, Paul K. Chu, Direct and diffuse reflection of electron waves at armchair edges of epitaxial graphene, RSC Advances, 48 (2013) 25735-25740.

(63) Hong-Bo Wang, Fei Ma, Qian-Qian Li, Ce-Zhou Dong, Da-Yan Ma, Hong-Tao Wang, Ke-Wei Xu, Synthesis and stress relaxation of ZnO/Al-doped ZnO core-shell nanowires, Nanoscale, 5 (2013) 2857-2863.

(62) Lu Lian, Fei Ma, Haibin Zheng, Dong Yang, Kewei Xu, Effect of Uniaxial Strain on Heat Capacity and Thermal Conductivity of Graphene Nanoribbons Passivated by Hydrogen, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 144 (2013) 101-106.

(61) Haipeng Jia, Xunjia Su, Genliang Hou, Fei Ma, Song Bi, Zhaohui Liu, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Interactions on Graphene/Polypyrrole Nanocomposites Interface, Integrated Ferroelectronics, 145(2013) 130-139.

(60) H. L. Sun, M. Wei, J. M. Zhan, Z. X. Song, F. Ma, K. W. Xu, Study on self-formed regular copper and aluminum particles on the surface of annealed Cu (Al)-Zr alloyed films, Review on Advanced Materials Science, 33 (2013) 7-11.

(59) Man Zhao, Fei Ma, Hai Bin Zheng, Dong Yang, Ke Wei Xu, Lattice vibration, heat capacity and vibration entropy of single-layer hexagonal-BN, Advanced Materials Research, 669 (2013) 138-143.

(58) Gengrong Chang, Fei Ma, Dayan Ma, Kewei Xu, Interface constraint effect and stress relaxation in nano-sandwiched thin film, Advanced Materials Research, 669 (2013) 154-160.

(57) Ting Han, Gengrong Chang, Yunjin Sun, Fei Ma, Kewei Xu, Microstructure Characterization of Si/C Multilayer Thin Films, Materials Science Forum, 743-744 (2013) 910-914.

(56) Y. J. Sun, F. Ma, K. W. Xu, Size Dependent Mechanical Properties of Graphene Nanoribbons: Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Materials Science Forum, 749 (2013) 456-460,

(55) F. Ma, H. B. Zheng, Y. J. Sun, D. Yang, K. W. Xu, Paul K. Chu, Strain effect on lattice vibration, heat capacity, and thermal conductivity, Applied Physics Letters, 101 (2012) 111904. 

(54) T. W. Hu, D. Y. Ma, F. Ma, K. W. Xu, Preferred armchair edges of epitaxial grapheme on 6H-SiC(0001) by thermal decomposition, Applied Physics Letters, 101 (2012) 241903.

(53) Tian-Wei Zhang, Fei Ma, Wei-Lin Zhang, Da-Yan Ma, Ke-Wei Xu, Paul K. Chu, Diffusion-controlled formation mechanism of dual-phase structure during Al induced crystallization of SiGe, Applied Physics Letters, 100 (2012): 071908.

(52) Fei Ma, Zhankui Guo, Kewei Xu, Paul K. Chu, First-principle study of energy band structure of armchair grapheme nanoribbons, Solid State Communications, 152 (2012): 1089.

(51) Fei Ma, Ben Ma, Ke-Wei Xu, Growth stress in Bi thin films and self-formed nanowires, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 135 (2012): 82.

(50) Y. J Sun, F. Ma, D. Y. Ma, K. W. Xu, Paul K. Chu, Stress-induced annihilation of Stone-Wales defects in grapheme nanoribbons, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45 (2012): 305303.

(49) Dong Yang, Fei Ma, Yunjin Sun, Tingwei Hu, Kewei Xu, Influence of typical defects on thermal conductivity of grapheme nanoribbons: An equilibrium molecular dynamics simulation, Applied Surface Science, 258 (2012): 9926.

(48) Hong-Bo Wang, Da-Yan Ma, Fei Ma, Ke-Wei Xu, Impact of ultrathin Al2O3 interlayer on thermal stability and leakage current properties of TiO2/Al2O3 stacking dielectrics, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 30 (2012) 040601.

(47) J. J. Yang, J. Tang, N. Liu, F. Ma, W. Tang, K. W. Xu, Unstable kinetic roughening during the island coalescence stage of sputtered tantalum films, Journal of Applied Physics, 111(2012) 104303.

(46) Fei Ma, Yunjin Sun, Dayan Ma, Kewei Xu and Paul K Chu, Reversible phase transformation in graphene nano-ribbons: Lattice shearing based mechanism, Acta Materialia, 59 (2011):6783.

(45) Fei Ma, Tianwei Zhang, Kewei Xu, Paul K. Chu, Conversion of strain state from biaxial to uniaxial in strained silicon, Applied Physics Letters, 98(2011):1907.

(44)  Fei Ma, Haoliang Sun, Jingmei Zhan, Kewei Xu, Self-formation of single-crystal metal particles driven by inhomogeneous stress in thin films, Thin Solid Films, 519 (2011):5188.

(43) Weilin Zhang, Fei Ma, Tianwei Zhang, Kewei Xu, Stress and microsture evolution in Al-induced crystallization of amorphous Ge thin films, Thin Solid Films, 520 (2011):708.

(42) Geng-rong Chang, Fei Ma, Da-yan Ma and Ke-wei Xu, Fabrication and characterization of Silicon Quantum Dots in Si-rich silicon carbide films, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 11 (2011): 10824.

(41) Yunjin Sun, Fei Ma and Kewei XuMolecular Dynamics Simulation on Tensile Deformation of Graphene with Nanomeshes, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 128 (2011): 118.

(40) Haoliang Sun, Zhongxiao Song, Fei Ma, Kewei Xu, Effect Of a Thin Cr Layer on the Microstructures and Fracture Behaviors of Copper Films, Advanced Materials Research, 194-196(2011) 2376-2379.

(39) Fei Ma, Zhongxiao Song, Yanhuai Li, and Kewei Xu, Plastic deformation in bi-metal multilayer nanowires, Microelectronic engineering, 87 (2010): 426.

(38) Gengrong Chang, Fei Ma, Dayan Ma and Kewei Xu, Multi-band silicon quantum dots embedded in an amorphous matrix of silicon carbide, Nanotechnology, 21 (2010) 465605.

(37) Haoliang Sun, Zhongxiao Song, Dagang Guo, Fei Ma, Kewei Xu, Microstructure and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline tungsten thin films, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 26 (2010): 87-92.

(36) Zhongxiao Song, Jianfeng Wang, Yanhuai Li, Fei Ma, Kewei Xu, Shaowei Guo, The self-formation graded diffusion barrier of Zr/ZrN, Microelectronic Engineering, 87 (2010): 391.

(35) Tianwei Zhang, Fei Ma, Kewei Xu, Effect of Oxide Layer on Al-induced Crystallization of Amorphous Si(1-x)Ge(x) Thin Films, INEC: 2010 3RD INTERNATIONAL NANOELECTRONICS CONFERENCE, 1-2(2010) 493-494.

(34) G. R. Chang, F. Ma, B. Ma, K. W. Xu, Stress Relaxation in Sandwiched Si3N4/Al/Si3N4 Thin Films, Advanced Materials Research, 89-90 (2010) 91.

(33) H. L. Sun, F. Ma, Z. X. Song, Y. H. Li, K. W. Xu, Effect of Substrate Constraint on Stress-Induced Deformation Mechanism of Tungsten Thin Film, Advanced Materials Research, 89-90 (2010) 539.

(32) Fei Ma, Shengli Ma, Kewei Xu and Paul K Chu, Asymmetrical Reorientation of Bi-metallic Core-Shell Nanowires, Nanotechnology, 20(2009):045601.

(31) Haoliang Sun, Zhongxiao Song, Fei Ma, Jingmei Zhan, and Kewei Xu, Microstructure, formation mechanism and compression plasticity of regularly faceted Cu particles, Scripta Materialia, 60 (2009): 305-308

(30) Haoliang Sun, Zhongxiao Song, Fei Ma, Kewei Xu, Stress relaxation induced faceted Cu and W particles on the surfaces of Cu-Zr and W thin films, Applied Surface Science, 255 (2009): 8972.

(29) Jingmei Zhan, Haoliang Sun, Fei Ma, Kewei Xu, Self-Formed Submicron-Scale Faceted Copper Particles on the Surface of Annealed Cu-Zr Films, 2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ELECTRON DEVICES AND SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, 154-157 (2009).

(28) Fei Ma, Shengli Ma, Kewei Xu and Paul K Chu, Interface-Induced Pseudo-Elastic Behavior in Bi-metal Multilayer Nanowires, Appl. Phys. Lett., 92 (2008): 123103.

(27) Fei Ma, Shengli Ma, Kewei Xu and Paul K Chu, Surface Stability of Platinum Nanoparticles Surrounded by High-Index FacetsJ. Phys. Chem C, 112 (2008): 3247.

(26) Fei Ma and Kewei Xu, Quantum size effect of electron density in ultra-thin metal films and its influence on the interlayer relaxation, Applied Surface Science, 254 (2008): 4415.

(25) Sha Zhao, Fei Ma, Kewei Xu and H.F. Liang, Optical properties and structural characterization of bias sputtered ZrO2 films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 453 (2008): 453-457.

(24) Sha Zhao, Fei Ma, Zhongxiao Song, Kewei Xu, Thickness-dependent structural and optical properties of sputter deposited ZrO2 films, Optical Materials, 30 (2008): 910-915.

(23) Sha Zhao, Fei Ma, Zhongxiao Song, Kewei Xu, The growth behavior and stress evolution of sputtering-deposited LaNiO3 thin films, Materials Science and Engineering A, 474 (2008): 134.

(22) Mingxia Liu, Fei Ma, Ping Huang, Jianmin Zhang and Kewei Xu, Scale dependent plastic deformation of nanomultilayers with competitive effects of interphase boundary and grain boundary, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 477(2008):295.

(21) Shengli Ma, Bin Xu, Guizhi Wu, Yanfeng Wang, Fei Ma, Dayan Ma, Kewei Xu, Tom Bell, Microstructure and mechanical properties of SiCN hard films deposited by an arc enhanced magnetic sputtering hybrid system, Surface & Coating Technology, 202 (2008) 5379-5382.

(20) 刘明霞,胡永峰,马飞,徐可为,a-W膜在单晶硅基片上的共格生长及其力电性能的膜厚效应,金属学报44 (2008): 631-635.

(19) Fei Ma, Shengli Ma, Kewei Xu and Paul K Chu, Spontaneous reorientation of Bi-metal Multilayer nanowires, Appl. Phys. Lett., 91 (2007): 253114.

(18) Fei Ma, Shengli Ma, Kewei Xu and Paul K Chu, Energy Anisotropy of Bimetal Core-Shell Nanorods and Its Effects on Morphology, Nanotechnology, 18 (2007): 445101.

(17) Fei Ma, Shengli Ma, Kewei Xu and Paul K Chu, Activation Volume and Incipient Plastic Deformation of Uniaxially-Loaded Gold Nanowires at Very High Strain Rates, Nanotechnology, 18 (2007): 455702.

(16) Fei Ma and Kewei Xu, Size-dependent structural phase transition of face-centered-cubic metal nanowires, Journal of Materials Research, 22 (2007): 1299.

(15) Fei Ma and Kewei Xu, Using dangling bond density to characterize the surface energy of nanomaterials, Surface and Interface Analysis, 39 (2007): 611.

(14) Fei Ma and Kewei Xu, Size-dependent multilayer relaxation of nanowires and additional effect of surface stresses, Solid State Communication, 141 (2007): 273.

(13) Mingxia Liu, Youlan Huang, Fei Ma, and Kewei Xu, Template-induced formation of -W and size-dependent properties of tungsten thin films, Materials Science & Engineering B, 139 (2007): 99-104.

(12) 刘明霞,马飞,黄友兰,黄平,余花娃,张建民,徐可为,多层膜晶界和膜界间竞比变形及其对硬度测量的影响,金属学报43 (2007): 603-606.

(11)  Fei Ma and Kewei Xu, Surface induced electron redistribution: A mechanism for mechanical strengthening of Au nanowires, Scripta Materialia, 55 (2006): 951-954.

(10)   Fei Ma and Kewei Xu, Size-dependent theoretical tensile strength and other mechanical properties of [001] oriented Au, Ag, and Cu nanowires, Journal of Materials Research, 21 (2006): 2810-2816.

(9) Fei Ma and Kewei Xu, Dimension-induced structural stability transition: The stable and metastable phases of nanowires, Solid State Communication, 140 (2006): 487-490.

(8) Fei Ma, Kewei Xu and Duowang Fan, Strain energy anisotropy in germanium and other diamond-cubic polycrystalline films, Thin Solid Films, 500 (2006): 164.

(7) 杨吉军,马飞,徐可为,多晶柱状Cu膜的表面粗化与织构,金属学报42 (2006): 1233-1237.

(6) Fei Ma, Jianmin Zhang and Kewei Xu, Surface-energy-driven abnormal grain growth in Cu and Ag films, Applied Surface Science, 242 (2005): 55-61.

(5) Fei Ma, Jianmin Zhang and Kewei Xu, Theoretical analysis of interface energy for unrelaxed Ag (001)/Ni(001) twist interface boundaries with MEAM, Surface and Interface Analysis, 36 (2004): 355-359.

(4) Jianmin Zhang, Fei Ma and Kewei Xu, Calculation of the surface energy of FCC metals with modified embedded atom method, Applied Surface Science, 229 (2004): 34-42.

(3) Jianmin Zhang, Fei Ma, Kewei Xu and Xiaotian Xin, Anisotropy analysis of the surface energy of diamond cubic crystals, Surface and Interface Analysis, 35 (2003): 805-809.

(2) Jianmin Zhang, Fei Ma and Kewei Xu, Calculation of the surface energy of bcc metals by using the modified embedded atom method, Surface and Interface Analysis, 35 (2003): 662-666.

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