
项目编号 项目名称 项目来源 起讫时间 承担角色 项目类别
52271136 石墨烯增强铜基复合材料强韧性与热/电传输特性的协同调控机制 国家自然科学基金委 2023-01~2026-12 负责人 纵向项目
2022YFB4002102 电解水制高压氢电解堆及系统关键技术 国家重点研发计划子课题 2022-12~2025-11 负责人 纵向项目
2021YFB3400805 高强极薄铜箔制造成套技术及关键装备 国家重点研发计划子课题 2021-12~2024-11 负责人 纵向项目
2019- 液压支架部件再制造剩余寿命评估 其他 2019-8~ 负责人 横向项目
2019TD-020 先进薄膜与生物涂层创新团队 其他 2019-6~ 负责人 纵向项目
2019JLM-30 HfO2/Al2O3/IGZO薄膜材料的制备及界面特性研究 其他 2019-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
HT-JDYYA31-07-2017005 燃料及材料辐照行为的微观尺度数值模拟计算分析 其他 2018-7~ 负责人 纵向项目
51771144 TMDs二维原子晶体的2H-1T相变及界面特性增强机制研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2018-1~ 负责人 纵向项目


论文标题 作者 发表/完成日期 期刊名称
Effect of Uniaxial Strain on Heat Capacity and Thermal Conductivity of Graphene Nanoribbons Passivated by Hydrogen Lu Lian, Fei Ma, Haibin Zheng, Dong Yang, Kewei Xu 2013-02-08 Integrated Ferroelectrics
Preferred armchair edges of epitaxial grapheme on 6H-SiC(0001) by thermal decomposition T. W. Hu, D. Y. Ma, F. Ma, K. W. Xu 2012-12-20 Applied Physics Letters
Impact of ultrathin Al2O3 interlayer on thermal stability and leakage current properties of TiO2/Al2O3 stacking dielectrics Hong-Bo Wang, Da-Yan Ma, Fei Ma, Ke-Wei Xu 2012-08-08 Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B
Stress-induced annihilation of Stone-Wales defects in graphene nanoribbons YJ Sun, F Ma, DY Ma, KW Xu, Paul K Chu 2012-08-01 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS
First-principle study of energy band structure of armchair graphene nanoribbons Ma, F;Guo, ZK; Xu, KW; Chu, PK 2012-07-31 SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS
Influence of typical defects on thermal conductivity of graphene nanoribbons: An equilibrium molecular dynamics simulation D. Yang, F Ma, YJ Sun, TW Hu, KW Xu 2012-06-23 Applied Surface Science
Unstable kinetic roughening during the island coalescence stage of sputtered tantalum films Yang, JJ; Tang, J; Liu, N; Ma, F;Tang W;Xu KW 2012-05-31 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS
Diffusion-controlled formation mechanism of dual-phase structure during Al induced crystallization of SiGe Zhang, TW; Ma, F; Zhang, WL 2012-02-01 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
Growth Stress in Bi Thin Films and Self-Formed Nanowires Ma, F; Ma, B; Xu, KW 2012-01-02 INTEGRATED FERROELECTRICS
Fabrication and Characterization of Silicon Quantum Dots in Si-Rich Silicon Carbide Films Chang, GR; Ma, F; Ma, DY; Xu, KW 2011-11-03 JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY
Stress and microstructure evolution in Al-induced crystallization of amorphous Ge thin films Zhang, WL; Ma, F; Zhang, TW; Xu, KW 2011-11-01 THIN SOLID FILMS
Reversible phase transformation in graphene nano-ribbons: Lattice shearing based mechanism F Ma, YJ Sun, DY Ma, KW Xu and Paul K Chu 2011-10-01 Acta Materialia
Self-formation of single-crystal metal particles driven by inhomogeneous stress in thin films Ma, F; Sun, HL; Zhan, JM; Xu, KW 2011-03-13 THIN SOLID FILMS
Conversion of strain state from biaxial to uniaxial in strained silicon, Applied Physics Letters Fei Ma, Tianwei Zhang, Kewei Xu, Paul K. Chu 2011-03-04 Applied Physics Letters
Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Tensile Deformation of Graphene with Nanomeshes Sun, YJ; Ma, F; Xu, KW 2011-01-31 INTEGRATED FERROELECTRICS
Plastic deformation in bi-metal multilayer nanowires, Microelectronic engineering Fei Ma, Zhongxiao Song, Yanhuai Li, and Kewei Xu 2010-03-10 Microelectronic engineering
Asymmetrical reorientation of bi-metallic core-shell nanowires 7) Fei Ma, Shengli Ma, Kewei Xu and Paul K Chu 2009-03-04 Nanotechnology
Asymmetrical Reorientation of Bi-metallic Core-Shell Nanowires Fei Ma, Shengli Ma, Kewei Xu and Paul K Chu 2008-12-22 Nanotechnology
Interface-Induced Pseudo-Elastic Behavior in Bi-metal Multilayer Nanowires Fei Ma, Shengli Ma, Kewei Xu and Paul K Chu 2008-02-22 Appl. Phys. Lett.
Spontaneous Reorientation of Bi-Metal Multilayer Nanowires Fei Ma, Shengli Ma, Kewei Xu and Paul K Chu 2007-12-12 Appl. Phys. Lett.