期刊论文 Journal publications

论文标题    Intra-operative tumour localisation in robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery: A review
作者    M Li, H Liu, A Jiang, L D Seneviratne, P Dasgupta, K Althoefer
发表/完成日期    2014-05-17
期刊名称    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H
期卷    228(5)
相关文章    literaturereviewpaperProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H Journal of Engineering in Medicine (2).pdf   
论文简介    Robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery has many advantages compared to conventional open surgery and also certain drawbacks: it causes less operative trauma and faster recovery times but does not allow for direct tumour palpation as is the case in open surgery. This article reviews state-of-the-art intra-operative tumour localisation methods used in robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery and in particular methods that employ force-based sensing, tactile-based sensing, and medical imaging techniques. The limitations and challenges of these methods are discussed and future research directions are proposed.