
     2006 微软学者




 钱学明  教授、博士、博导        

                                    CCF Senior member,IEEE member, ACM member                                  

                                    国家自然科学基金委通信评委, 科技部重点研发计划评委,陕西省科技奖评委,

                                    担任VIE08国际会议分会主席, ICME, ICIMCS, MMM等国际会议技术委员会成员

                                    担任ICME2014,MMM2014,MMM2015, Speical Session Organizers/Chairs                                    





更多信息参见:    http://www.smiles-xjtu.com/

















Microsoft Research Asia, Food recognition and health management for standardized canteen, 负责人,2018.12-2019.12.

西安普睿泰信息科技有限公司,大数据服务推荐项目(网络爬虫、文本分析), 负责人,2018.6.1-2018.10. 






国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于对象的监控视频检索方法研究, 负责人,2018.1-2021.12. No. 61772407

国家自然科学基金重点项目, 面向复杂查询的异质媒体搜索, 子课题负责人,2018.1-2022.12. No.61732008







Microsoft Research Asia, Learning salient feature to enhance the mobile image retrieval 负责人,2016.3-2016.12.

中美计算机科学研究中心, 社会网络媒体分析与检索, 负责人,2016.3-2016.12.







2011太空信息协同创新中心, 基于多观测站空间目标序列融合的空间目标描述和识别方法研究负责人,2013.12-2014.12

微软亚洲研究院, Schedule Travel Life by Exploring Spectrums of Social User and City Services, 负责人,2013.12-2015.12

微软亚洲研究院,Mobile Sensing bas
ed Travel Guide and Travelogue Generation,负责人2011.5-2014.5.






[1]. 钱学明,韩振,张宇奇,邹屹洋,侯兴松,一种卷积神经网络特征融合的多尺度快速人脸检测方法,申 号:2018102767957,申 请 日:2018-03-30

[2]. 钱学明,周澎,一种以图快速检索景点的方法及导游系统,201611066278.4,授权20191129

[3]. 钱学明*杨锡玉,从多相关图片中挖掘显著特征实现图像检索的方法201510397208.6,申请日期2015-7-8,授权日期:2018-04-17

[4]. 钱学明*,赵一斯,一种基于区域挖掘和空间编码的图像位置估计方法,20150202266.9,申请日期2015-4-24,授权日期2018-3-2

[5] 蒋舒卉,钱学明,李婧等, 一种可视化的网络用户多媒体管理方法,ZL.201110364974.4.






Yuxia Wu, Ke Li, Guoshuai Zhao, Xueming Qian*, Personalized Long- and Short-term Preference Learning for Next POI Recommendation, IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering, (2020)DOI: 10.1109/TKDE.2020.3002531

Guoshuai Zhao, Zhidan Liu, Yulu Chao, Xueming Qian*, “CAPER: Context-Aware Personalized Emoji Recommendation, IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering, (2020)DOI:10.1109/TKDE.2020.2966971

Guoshuai Zhao, Peiliang Lou, Xueming Qian*, Xingsong Hou, “Personalized Location Recommendation by Fusing Sentimental and Spatial Context, Knowledge-Based Systems, 196: 105849 (2020).

Xueming Qian*, Yuxia Wu, Mingdi Li, Yayun Ren, Shuhui Jiang, Zechao Li, “LAST: Location-Appearance-Semantic-Temporal Clustering based POI Summarization, IEEE Trans. Multimedia, xx(xx): xx-xx(2020). DOI: 10.1109/TMM.2020.2977478

Ke Li, Yuxia Wu, Yao Xue, Xueming Qian*, Viewpoint Recommendation Based on Object Oriented 3D Scene Reconstruction, IEEE Trans. Multimedia, xx(xx): xx-xx(2020).

Yuanzhi Liang, Xueming Qian*, Li Zhu, "Towards Better Railway Service: Passengers Counting in Railway Compartment"  IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,xx(xx): xx-xx(2020).

Hongjia Zhai, Shenqi Lai, Hanyang Jin, Xueming Qian*, Tao Mei, "Deep Transfer Hashing for Image Retrieval"  IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,xx(xx): xx-xx(2020).DOI: 10.1109/TCSVT.2020.2991171.

Luo Wang, Xueming Qian*, Yuting Zhang, Jialie Shen, Xiaochun Cao, Enhancing Sketch-based Image Retrieval by CNN Semantic Re-ranking, IEEE Trans. Cybern. 50(7): 3330-3342 (2020)

Xuxiao Bu, Jihua Zhu, Xueming Qian, Personalized product search based on user transaction history and Hypergraph learning, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020.

Bu Xuxiao Li, Bingfeng; Wang, Yaxiong; Zhu, Jihua; Qian, Xueming; Zhao, Marco, Semantic Gated Network for Efficient News Representation, ICMR, 2020: 251-255.




Luo Wang, Xueming Qian*, Xingjun Zhang, Xiongsong Hou, Sketch-based Image Retrieval with Multi-clustering Re-ranking, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2020, vol.xx, no.xx, pp.xx-xx. DOI: 10.1109/TCSVT.2019.2959875

Cheng Kang, Li Zhu, Xueming Qian*, Junwei Han, Meng Wang, Yuan Yan Tang, Geometry and Topology Preserving Hashing for SIFT Feature, IEEE Trans. Multimedia, vol.26, no.6, pp.1563-1576,2019.

Xiaoxia Shi, Xueming Qian*, Exploring Spatial and Channel Contribution for Object based Image Retrieval, Knowledge-Based Systems, 164: 107-121 (2019).

Xueming Qian*, Mingdi Li, Yayun Ren, Shuhui Jiang, Social Media based Event Summarization by User-Text-Image Co-clustering, Knowledge-Based Systems, 164: 107-121 (2019).

Guoshuai Zhao, Xiaojiang Lei, Xueming Qian*, Tao MeiExploring Users Internal Influence from Reviews for Social Recommendation. IEEE Trans. Multimedia, 21(3): 771-781 (2019).

G. Zhao, H. Fu, R. Song, T. Sakai, Z. Chen, X. Xie, Xueming Qian*Personalized Reason Generation for Explainable Song Recommendation. ACM TIST, 10(4):41:1-41:21 (2019)

Yaxiong Wang, Lin Ma, Xueming Qian, Hao Yang, Jing Lu, Biao Li, Xin FanPosition Focused Attention Network for Image-Text Matching, IJCAI2019, pp.3792-3798.

Yuanzhi LiangYalong BaiWei Zhang, Xueming Qian, Li ZhuTao Mei: VrR-VG: Refocusing Visually-Relevant Relationships, ICCV 2019: 10402-10411.

Yuanzhi LiangYalong BaiWei Zhang, Xueming Qian, Li ZhuTao Mei: Rethinking Visual Relationships for High-level Image Understanding. CoRRabs/1902.00313 (2019)

Yuxia Wu, Guoshuai Zhao, and Xueming Qian, Long- and Short-term Preference Learning for Next POI Recommendation,CIKM2019, pp.2301-2304.




Yaxiong WangLi ZhuXueming Qian*Junwei Han:Joint Hypergraph Learning for Tag-Based Image Retrieval. IEEE Trans. Image Processing27(9): 4437-4451 (2018).

Hanyu WangPing WangXueming Qian*: MPNET: An End-to-End Deep Neural Network for Object Detection in Surveillance Video.IEEE Access 6: 30296-30308 (2018).

Xueming Qian*Cheng Li, Ke Lan, Xingsong Hou, Zhetao Li, Junwei HanPOI Summarization by Aesthetics Evaluation from Crowd Source Social Media. IEEE Trans. Image Processing 27(3): 1178-1189(2018).

Zan ChenXingsong HouXueming QianChen Gong:Efficient and Robust Image Coding and Transmission Based on Scrambled Block Compressive Sensing. IEEE Trans. Multimedia 20(7): 1610-1621 (2018).

Rong QuanJunwei HanDingwen ZhangFeiping NieXueming Qian*Xuelong Li:Unsupervised Salient Object Detection via Inferring From Imperfect Saliency Models.IEEE Trans. Multimedia 20(5): 1101-1112 (2018).

Fan LiFu ShuangZiyi LiuXueming Qian:A Cost-Constrained Video Quality Satisfaction Study on Mobile Devices. IEEE Trans. Multimedia 20(5): 1154-1168 (2018).

Guoshuai Zhao, Tianlei Liu, Xueming Qian*, Tao Hou, Huan Wang, Xingsong Hou, Zhetao LiLocation Recommendation for Enterprises by Multi-Source Urban Big Data Analysis. IEEE Trans. Services Computing, x(x): xx-xx(2018) online.



Xueming Qian, Xiaoqiang Lu, Junwei Han, Bo DuOn Combining Social Media and Spatial Technology for Personalized Recommendation. Proceedings of the IEEE 105(10)1937-1952(2017).

Xueming Qian, Dan Lu, Yaxiong Wang, Li Zhu, Yuanyan Tang, Meng WangImage Re-ranking based on Topic Diversity. IEEE Trans. Image Processing 26(8): 3734-3747 (2017)

Xueming Qian, Huan WangYisi ZhaoXingsong HouRichang HongMeng WangYuan Yan Tang: Image Location Inference by Multisaliency Enhancement. IEEE Trans. Multimedia 19(4): 813-821 (2017)

Guoshuai Zhao, Xueming Qian, Chen Kang: Service Rating Prediction by Exploring Social Mobile Users' Geographical Locations. IEEE Trans. Big Data 3(1): 67-78 (2017)




Guoshuai Zhao, Xueming Qian*, Xiaojiang Lei, Tao, Mei, Service Quality Evaluation by Exploring Social Users' Contextual Information,” IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering, 28(12): 3382-3394 (2016).

Xiaojiang Lei, Xueming Qian*, Guoshuai Zhao, “Rating Prediction based on Social Sentiment from Textual Reviews, IEEE Trans. Multimedia, 2016, vol.18, no.9, pp.1910-1921.

Dan Lu, Xiaoxiao Liu, Xueming Qian*, Tag based Image Search by Social Re-Ranking, IEEE Trans. Multimedia, 2016, vol.18, no.8, pp.1628-1639.

Guoshuai Zhao, Xueming Qian*, Xing Xie, “User-Service Rating Prediction by Exploring Social Users’ Rating Behaviors, IEEE Trans. Multimedia, 2016, vol.18, no.3,pp.496-506. 入选2017年度ESI论文

Xueming Qian*, Xiaoxiao Liu, Xiang Ma, Dan Lu, Chengyang Xu, What Is Happening in The Video? Annotate Video by Sentence, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2016, vol.26, no.9, pp.1746-1757.

Xueming Qian*, Xianglong Tan, Yuting Zhang, Richang Hong, Meng Wang, “Enhancing Sketch-Based Image Retrieval by Re-ranking and Relevance Feedback ”,IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol.25, no.1, 2016, pp.195-208.

Xiwen Yao, Junwei Han, Gong Cheng, Xueming Qian, Lei Guo, “Semantic Annotation of High-Resolution Satellite Images via Weakly Supervised Learning, IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2016, vol.54, no.6,pp.3660-3671.

Yuting Zhang, Xueming Qian, Xianglong Tan, Junwei Han, Yuan Yan Tang, “Sketch-based Image Retrieval by Salient Contour Reinforcement, IEEE Trans. Multimedia, 2016, vol.18, no.8,pp.1604-1615.

Shuhui Jiang, Xueming Qian*, Yun Fu, Tao Mei, “Personalized Travel Sequence Recommendation on Multi-Source Big Social Media, IEEE Trans. Big Data, 2016, vol.1, no.2,pp.43-56.


Xueming Qian*, Yisi Zhao, and Junwei Han, Image Location Estimation by Salient Region Matching, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol.24, no.6, 2015, pp.4348-4358.

Yun Gu, Xueming Qian*, Qing Li, Meng Wang, Richang Hong, and Qi Tian, “Image Annotation by Latent Community Detection and Multi-Kernel Learning, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol.24,no.11, 2015, pp.3450-3463.

Shuhui Jiang, Xueming Qian*, Jialie Shen, Yun Fu, and Tao Mei, Author Topic Model-Based Collaborative Filtering for Personalized POI Recommendations”, IEEE Trans. Multimedia, 2015, vol.17, no.6,pp.907-918. ESI 高引论文

Xueming Qian, Yao Xue, Yuan Yan Tang, Xingsong Hou, and Tao Mei, “Landmark Summarization with Diverse Viewpoints”, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol.25, no.11, 2015, pp.1857-1869.

Xiang Ma, Huansheng Song, and Xueming Qian, “Robust Framework of Single-Frame Face Superresolution Across Head Pose, Facial Expression, and Illumination Variations, IEEE Trans. Human-Machine Systems, 2015, vol.45, no.2, pp.238-250.

Xiyu Yang, Xueming Qian*, and Yao Xue, “Scalable Mobile Image Retrieval by Exploring Contextual Saliency, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol.24, no.6, 2015, pp.1709-1721. 

Xiyu Yang, Xueming Qian*, and Tao Mei, “Learning Salient Visual Word for Scalable Mobile Image Retrieval, Pattern Recognition, 2015, vol.48, no.10,pp.3093-3101.

Xingsong Hou, Min Han, Chen Gong, Xueming Qian: SAR complex image data compression based on quadtree and zerotree Coding in Discrete Wavelet Transform Domain: A Comparative Study. Neurocomputing 148: 561-568 (2015).

Meng Wang, Chenyang Xu, Jianguo Jiang, Xueming Qian: Image Classification Based on Low-Rank Matrix Recovery and Naive Bayes Sparse Coding. Neurocomputing 169: 110-118 (2015).

Jing Li, Xueming Qian*, Qing Li, Yisi Zhao, Liejun Wang, and Yuan Yan Tang, “Ming Near Duplicate Image Groups”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol.74, no.2, 2015, pp.655-669.

Jing Li, Xueming Qian*, et al., “Improved Image GPS Location Estimation by Mining Salient Features”, Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol.38, 2015, pp.141-150.

2014 发表

Xueming Qian, He Feng, Guoshuai Zhao, and Tao Mei, “Personalized Recommendation Combining User Interest and Social Circle”, IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol.26, no.7, 2014, pp.1487-1502. ESI 高引论文

Xueming Qian, Xian-Sheng Hua, Yuan Yan Tang, and Tao Mei, “Social Image Tagging with Diverse Semantics”, IEEE Trans. Cybernetics, vol.44, no.12, 2014, pp.2493-2508.

Xueming Qian, Huan Wang, and Xingsong Hou, Video Text Detection and Localization in Intra-Frames of H.264/AVC Compressed Video”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 70, no.3, pp.1487-1502, 2014.

Xueming Qian, D.Guo, Huan Wang, Guizhong Liu, and Xingsong Hou, “HWVP: Hierarchical Wavelet Packet Texture Descriptors and Their Applications in Scene Categorization and Semantic Concept Retrieval, Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol.69, no.3, pp.897-920, 2014.

He Feng, and Xueming Qian*, “Mining User-Contributed Photos for Personalized Product Recommendation”, Neurocomputing, vol.129, 2014, pp.409-420. (ESI数据库收录)

Xingsong Hou, Lan Zhang, Chen Gong, Lin Xiao, Jingqiang Sun, Xueming Qian, SAR image Bayesian compressive sensing exploiting the interscale and intrascale dependencies in directional lifting wavelet transform domain Neurocomputing, vol.133, 2014, pp.358-368.

X. Liu, X. Qian, et al., “Personalized Tag Recommendation for Flickr Users”, In Proc. ICME, 2014, pp.xx-yy.
X. Yang, L. Liu, X. Qian, et al, “Mobile Visual Search via Hierarchical Sparse Coding”, In Proc. ICME, 2014, pp.xx-yy.
J. Li, X. Qian, Q. Li, et al., “Ming Near Duplicate Image Groups”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol.xx, no.y, 2014, pp.xx-xx. .
X. Yang, X. Qian, “Spatial Verification for Scalable Mobile Image Retrieval”, ACM CIKM, vol.xx, no.y, 2014, pp.xx-xx. Accepted.
X. Qian, H. Feng, G. Zhao, and T. Mei, “Personalized Recommendation Combining User Interest and Social Circle”, IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data   Engineering, vol.x, no.y, 2013, pp.xx-yy. Accepted
X. Qian, X. Hua, Y. Tang, and T. Mei, “Social Image Tagging with Diverse Semantics”, IEEE Trans. Cybernetics, vol.x, no.y, 2013, pp.xx-yy. Accepted
J. Li, X. Qian*, Y. Tang, L. Yang, and T. Mei, “GPS estimation for places of interest from social users’ uploaded photos”, IEEE Trans. Multimedia 2013.
X. Hou, Jing Yang, G. Jiang, and X. Qian*, “Sparse representation and compression of complex SAR images using directional lifting wavelet transform”, IEEE Trans.Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol.51, no.1, 2013, pp.527-538.
X. Qian, Y. Tang, Z. Yan, and K., “ISABoost: A weak classifier inner structure adjusting based adaboost algorithm - ISABoost based application in scene categorization”, Neurocomputing, vol.103, 2013, pp.104-113.
X. Qian, X. Liu, C. Zheng, Y. Du, and X. Hou, “Tagging photos using users’ vocabularies”, Neurocomputing, vol.111, 2013, pp.144-153.
H. Feng, and X. Qian*, “Mining User-Contributed Photos for Personalized Product Recommendation”, Neurocomputing, accepted.
Y. Du, Feng Chen, Wenli Xu, and X. Qian*, “Video content categorization using the double decomposition”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol.66, no.3, 2013, pp.545-572.
L. Ke, Z. Xu, Z. Feng, and X. Qian. Proportion based robust optimization and team orienteering problem with interval data. European Journal of Operational Research,vol.2226,no.1,2013,pp.19-31.
X. Hou, L. Zhang, C. Gong, L. Xiao, J. Sun, X. Qian, “SAR image Bayesian compressive sensing exploiting the interscale and intrascale dependencies in directional lifting wavelet transform domain” Neurocomputing, accepted.
Q. Li, Y. Gu, and X. Qian*, “LCMKL: Latent-community and multi-kernel learning based image annotation”, ACM CIKM 2013.
H. Feng, and X. Qian*, “Recommendation via user’s personality and social contextual”, ACM CIKM 2013.
H. Feng, and X. Qian*, “Recommend Social Network Users Favorite Brands”, PCM 2013.
Y. Xue, X. Qian*, and B. Zhang, “Mobile image retrieval using multi-photos as query”, In Proc. ICME, 2013, pp.xx-yy.
S. Jiang, X. Qian*, Y.Xue, F. Li and X. Hou, “Generating Representative Images for Landmark by Discovering High Frequency Shooting Locations from Community-Contributed Photos”, In Proc. ICME, 2013, pp.xx-yy.
S. Jiang, X. Qian*, T. Mei, K. Lan, and L. Zhang, “Mobile multimedia travelogue generation by exploring geo-locations and image tags”, In Proc. ISCAS, 2013, pp.881-884.
J. Li, X. Qian*, Y. Tang, L. Yang, and C. Liu, “GPS estimation from users’ photos”, In Proc. MMM 2013, pp.118-129.
G. Zhao, X. Qian*, and H. Feng, “Personalized Recommendation by Exploring Social Users’ Behaviors”, In Proc. MMM 2014.

 X. Qian, X. Hou, Y. Tang, H. Wang, and Z. Li, “Hidden Conditional Random Fields based Soccer Video Events Detection”, IET Image Processing, vol.6, no.9, 2012, pp.1338-1347.
X. Qian, and H. Wang, “Video Text Detection and Localization in Intra-Frames of H.264/AVC Compressed Video”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, June 2012.
X. Qian, H. Wang, G. Liu, and X. Hou, “HWVP: Hierarchical Wavelet Packet Texture Descriptors and Their Applications in Scene Categorization and Semantic Concept Retrieval”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, May 2012.
X. Qian, and G. Liu, “An Effective GM/LM Based Video Error Concealment”, Signal Image and Video Processing, 2012, vol.6,no.1, pp.9-17.
X. Qian, H. Wang, G. Liu, and X. Hou, “HMM Based Soccer Video Event Detection Using Enhanced Mid-Level Semantic”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol.60, no.1, 2012,pp.233-255.
X. Qian, X. Hua, and X. Hou, “Tag Filtering based on Similar Compatible Principle”, In Proc. ICIP, 2012,pp. 2349-2352.
Y. Xue, and X. Qian, “Visual Summarization of Landmarks via Viewpoint Modeling”, In Proc. ICIP, 2012, pp.2873-2876.
蒋舒卉, 钱学明, “一种重要区域重采样的人脸检索方法”, 西安交通大学学报,2012.
X. Qian, H. Wang, G. Liu, and X. Hou, “HMM Based Soccer Video Event Detection Using Enhanced Mid-Level Semantic”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2011. (online)
X. Qian, X. Hua, “Graph-Cut based Tag Enrichment”, in Proc. SIGIR 2011,pp.1111-1112.
X. Qian, X. Hua, P. Chen, and L. Ke, “PLBP: An Effective Local Binary Patterns Texture Descriptor with Pyramid Representation”, Pattern Recognition, 2011, vol.44, pp. 2502-2515.
Z. Li, G. Liu, X. Qian, D. Guo, and H. Jiang, “Effective and Efficient Video Text Extraction Using Key Text Points”, IET Image Processing, 2011, vol.5, no.8, pp.671-683.
X. Qian, Z. Yan, and K. Hang, “Boosted Scene Categorization Approach by Adjusting Inner Structures and Outer Weights of Weak Classifiers”, in Proc. MMM, 2011, pp.413-423.
X. Qian, G.Liu, Z. Li, Z. Wang, and H. Wang “Highlight Events Detection in Soccer Video using HCRF”, in Proc. ICIMCS, 2010,pp.171-174.
X. Qian, and G.Liu, “An Effective GM/LM Based Video Error Concealment”, Signal Image and Video Processing, 2010.
H. Wang, X. Qian, and G.Liu, “Inter Mode Decision Based on Just Noticeable Difference Profile”, in Proc. ICIP 2010.
X. Qian, H. Wang, G.Liu, Z. Li, and Z. Wang, “Soccer Video Event Detection by Fusing Middle Level Visual Semantics of an Event Clip”, in Proc. PCM 2010.
X. Qian, Z. Yan, K, Hang, G.Liu, H. Wang, Z. Wang and Z. Li, “Scene Categorization Using Boosted Back-Propagation Neural Networks”, in Proc. PCM 2010.
Z. Wang, G.Liu, Y. Ma, X. Qian, and Y. Yang, “An Improved Fusion Method Based on Adaboost Algorithm for Semantic Concept Extraction”, in Proc. ICIMCS, 2010, pp.19-22.
Z. Wang, G.Liu, X. Qian, and D. Guo, “An Approach to the Compact and Efficient Visual Codebook Based on SIFT Descriptor”, in Proc. PCM 2010.
Z. Li, G. Liu, X. Qian, C. Wang, Y. Ma and Y. Yang, “A Video Text Detection Method based on Key Text Points”, PCM2010.
Z. Li, G.Liu, X. Qian, and C.Wang, “Scale and Rotation Invariant Gabor Texture Descriptor for texture Classification”, in Proc. VCIP2010.
王喆,刘贵忠,钱学明, “基于H.264/AVC压缩域信息的全局运动估计方法,” 电子学报, 2010.
X. Qian, G. Liu, and H. Wang.Recovering Connected Error Region Based on Adaptive Error Concealment Order Determination. IEEE Trans. Multimedia, vol.11, no.4, pp.683-695, 2009.
X. Qian, G. Liu, D. Guo, Z. Li, Z. Wang, and H. Wang, “Object Categorization using Hierarchical Wavelet Packet Texture Descriptors,” in Proc. ISM 2009, pp.44-51.
L. Sun, G. Liu, X. Qian, and D. Guo, “A Novel Text Detection and Localization Method Based on Corner Response,” in Proc. ICME 2009.
Z. Li, G. Liu, H. Jiang, and X. Qian, “Image Copy Detection Using a Robust Gabor Texture Descriptor,”in Proc. ACMLSMM 2009.
Y. Li, G. Liu, and X. Qian, “Ball and Field Line Detection for Placed Kick Refinement,”in Proc. WRI Global Congress on Intelligent Systems, GCIS 2009.
王喆,刘贵忠,钱学明, “基于H.264/AVC压缩域信息的全局运动估计方法,”in Proc. HHME 2009.
X. Qian, G. Liu, and H. Wang, “GMLM based Error Concealment for MPEG-4 Video Transmission over High Lossy and Noisy Networks,” IIHMSP, 2008.
N. Nan, G. Liu, X. Qian, and C. Wang, “An SVM-Based Soccer Video Shot Classification Scheme Using Projection Histograms,” in Proc. PCM 2008.
H. Jiang, G. Liu, X. Qian, et al., “A Fast and Effective Text Tracking in Compressed Video,” in Proc. ISM 2008.
X. Qian, G. Liu, H. Wang, R. Su, “Text detection, localization, and tracking in compressed video,” Signal Processing: Image Communication, vo.22, pp.752-768, 2007.
X. Qian, G Liu, “Global motion estimation from randomly selected motion vector groups and GM/LM based applications,” Signal, Image and Video Processing, 2007, pp.179-189.
X. Qian, G. Liu, and H. Wang, “Texture based Selective Block Matching Algorithm for Error Concealment,” in Proc. ICME, 2007, pp.739-742.
X. Qian, G. Liu, R. Su, “Effective Fades and Flashlight Detection Based on Accumulating Histogram Difference,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. vol.16, no.10, pp.1245-1258, 2006.
X. Qian, G. Liu, “Text Detection, Localization and Segmentation in Compressed Videos,” in Proc. ICASSP, 2006, vol.2, pp.385-388.

钱学明,刘贵忠, “基于GA的压缩域中全局运动估计及在字幕遮挡区域恢复中的应用,”电子学报, vol.34, no.10, pp.1920-1924, 2006.




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