

Project A


      (1) MOF等多孔材料在能源气体存储方面的应用



  柔性金属有机框架材料 (Flexible MOFs) 作为新一代的分子基多孔材料,具有结构动态响应的特点,在能源气体存储领域表现出更大的发展潜力。这种柔性材料在一定的甲烷压力下可以发生无孔相和多孔相之间的互变,进而可以得到理想的“阶梯”型甲烷吸附等温线,这是传统刚性多孔材料无法实现的。只需在较低的甲烷压力下,柔性材料就会扩张并吸附大量甲烷。相反,降低压力,这种柔性材料便会收缩,把所有吸附的甲烷高效的全部释放出来 (具有更高的工作量),用于驱动车辆发动机。


Relevant  publications:

[1]  Yang, Q.-Y.; Lama, P.; Sen, S.; Lusi, M.; Chen, K.-J.; Gao, W.-Y.; Shivanna, M.; Pham, T.; Kusaka, S.; Hosono, N.; Perry IV, J. J.; Ma, S.; Space, B.; Barbour, L. J.; Kitagawa, S.; Zaworotko, M. J., Reversible switching between highly porous and non-porous phases of an interpenetrated diamondoid coordination network that exhibits gate-opening at methane storage pressures. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2018, 57, 5684-5689.

[2]  Zhu, A-X#.; Yang, Q.-Y.#;  Kumar, A.; Crowley, C.; Mukherjee, S.; Chen, K.-J.; Wang, S.-Q.; O'Nolan, D.; Shivanna, M.; Zaworotko, M. J*.,A coordination network that reversibly switches between two non-porous polymorphs and a high surface area porous phase. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018140, 15572-15576.

[3]  Shivanna, M#.; Yang, Q.-Y.#; Bajpai, A.; Sen, S.; Hosono, N.; Kusaka, S.; Pham, T.; Forrest, K. A.; Space, B.; Kitagawa, S*.; Zaworotko, M. J*., Readily accessible shape memory effect in a porous interpenetrated coordination network. Science Advances 2018, 4, aaq1636. 

[4]  Shivanna, M.; Yang, Q.-Y. Bajpai, A.; E. Patyk-Kazmierczak, M. J. Zaworotko*, A dynamic and multi-responsive porous flexible metal–organic material, Nature Commun., 2018, 11692.

[5] Song, B.-Q.; Yang, Q.-Y.; Wang, S.-Q.; Vandichel, M.; Kumar, A.; Crowley, C.; Kumar, N.; Deng, C.-H.; GasconPerez, V.; Lusi, M.; Wu, H.; Zhou, W.; Zaworotko, M. J*., Reversible Switching between Nonporous and Porous Phases of a New SIFSIX Coordination Network Induced by a Flexible Linker Ligand. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2020, 142, 6896-6901.



Project B


      (2) 新型多孔材料在吸附分离等方面的应用





Relevant  publications:

[1] Wang, S.-M.; Shivanna, M.; Yang, Q.-Y.* Nickel-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks for Coal-Bed Methane Purification with Record CH4/N2 Selectivity. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2022, 10.1002/anie.202201017

[2]  Chen, K.-J.#; Yang, Q.-Y.#; Sen, S.; Madden, D. G.; Kumar, A.; Pham, T.; Forrest, K. A.; Hosono, N.; Space, B.; Kitagawa, S.; Zaworotko, M. J*., Efficient CO2 Removal for Ultra-Pure CO Production by Two Hybrid Ultramicroporous Materials, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.2018, 57, 3332-3336.

[3] Wang, S.-M.; Mu, X-T.; Liu, H.-R.; Zheng, S.-T.; Yang, Q.-Y.*  Pore-Structure Control in Metal–Organic Frameworks (MOFs) for Capture of the Greenhouse Gas SF6 with Record Separation. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2022, e202207066.

[4]  Shivanna, M.;  Otake, K.-i.;  Song, B.-Q.;  van Wyk, L. M.;  Yang, Q.-Y.;  Kumar, N.;  Feldmann, W. K.;  Pham, T.;  Suepaul, S.;  Space, B.;  Barbour, L. J.; Kitagawa, S., Zaworotko, M*. Benchmark acetylene binding affinity and separation through induced fit in a flexible hybrid ultramicroporous material. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2021, 10.1002/anie.202106263.

[5]  Zhu, A-X#.; Yang, Q.-Y.#  Mukherjee S., Kumar A., Deng C. H., Bezrukov A., Shivanna M., Zaworotko M. J. *, Tuning the gate-opening pressure in a switching pcu coordination network, X-pcu-5-Zn, by pillar ligand substitution, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.  201918212-18217.


Project C



       (3) 功能分子材料光电性质的研究






Relevant  publications:

[1]  Yang, Q.-Y.; Pan, M.; Wei, S.-C.; Li, K.; Du, B.-B.; Su, C.-Y., Linear Dependence of Photoluminescence in Mixed Ln-MOFs for Color Tunability and Barcode Application. Inorganic Chemistry, 2015, 54, 5707-5716. (Cover paper)

[2]  Yang, Q.-Y.; Lehn, J.-M., Bright White-Light Emission from a Single Organic Compound in the Solid State. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.,  2014, 53, 4572-4577.

[3]  Yang, Q.-Y.; Wu, K.; Jiang, J.-J.; Hsu, C.-W.; Pan, M.; Lehn, J.-M.; Su, C.-Y., Pure white-light and yellow-to-blue emission tuning in single crystals of Dy (III) metal–organic frameworks. Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 7702-7704.

[4]  Yang, Q.-Y.; Li, K.; Luo, J.; Pan, M.; Su, C.-Y., A simple topological identification method for highly (3, 12)-connected 3D MOFs showing anion exchange and luminescent properties. Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 4234-4236.

[5] Liu, Y.; Pan, M.; Yang, Q.-Y.; Fu, L.; Li, K.; Wei, S.-C.; Su, C.-Y.*, Dual-Emission from a Single-Phase Eu–Ag Metal–Organic Framework: An Alternative Way to Get White-Light Phosphor. Chem. Mater., 2012, 24, 1954-1960. (Cover paper, ESI highly cited paper)