
论文标题    Linling-up and Cooperation along the Silk Road Economic Belt and Central Asia's Regional Economic Plans
作者    Hua Wang, Fang Long, Zongxian Feng
发表/完成日期    2017-05-25
期刊名称    Silk Diplomacy (塔吉克斯坦国立大学出版,塔吉克、中、印、俄、土库曼、吉尔吉斯、土耳其联合创刊)
期卷    1
论文简介    The economic development of five Central Asian countries is uneven. In recent years, the fluctuations of economic growth rates in these five countries have been relatively large. The rapid growth of China's trade with the five countries, coupled with strong economic complementarity between China and them, make Central Asia the most important region in the economic cooperation under China's initiative of the Silk Road Economic Belt. This requires China not only to strengthen and promote the propaganda and understanding of the Silk Road Economic Belt in the five Central Asian countries, but also to link up the Silk Road Economic Belt with the local economic development plans of the Central Asian countries. This linking-up or docking can be carried out from the aspects of ideas, plans, channels, industry chains, mechanism, rules, projects, funding platforms, etc.. At the same time, due to the huge differences and complexities among these countries, we should also analyze its impact factors and risk factors to this docking, and do a good job of risk control, and ultimately achieve win-win results of cooperation and development.