
论文标题    CFD simulation of a SCWO reactor containing a hydrothermal flame
作者    Lu Zhou, Shuzhong Wang, Yang Guo
发表/完成日期    2012-05-01
期刊名称    Advanced Materials Research
期卷    2012.516-517
论文简介    A supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) reactor containing a hydrothermal flame as heat source is simulated by computational fuild dynamics (CFD) simulation. Methanol solution and oxygen are fed separately into the reactor as fuel and oxidizer, and at the same time the cold waste water is also fed into the reactor. The combustion of methanol is simulated by the eddy dissipation concept (EDC) model with an Arrhenius law kinetic. This simulation is conducted to study the behavior of the hydrothermal flame at different inlet fuel temperatures and the relationship between the ignition temperature and methanol mass fraction. (EI:20122315088794)