Xinke WANG
Professor, Ph.D,Supervisor of Ph.D
Deputy Secretary of the College Party Committee
Department of Civil Engineering
School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering
Xinke WANG
Professor, Ph.D,Supervisor of Ph.D
Deputy Secretary of the College Party Committee
Department of Civil Engineering
School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering
Xi'an Jiaotong University China Western Innovation Harbor
School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering
Shaanxi Xianyang Qindou District Diaotai Street
Postal Code: 712046
Email: [](
Office Location: Building 19, Room 5081
2002-2008,Department of Bulding Science, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Ph.D
1998-2002,Department of Bulding Science, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Bachelor of Engineering
2018-present,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Professor
2014-2015,University of Texas at Austin, Visiting Scholar
2011-2017,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Associate Professor
2008-2010,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Assistant Professor
Member of International Socioty of Indoor Air Quality and Climate
Secretary, Member, Air conditioning Professional Committee, China Association of HVAC
Commitee Member of Indoor Environment and Health Branch of Chinese Environmental Society, member of Youth Committee
Expert of National Healthy Building Evaluation Labeling
Member of Shaanxi Green Building Evaluation Expert Committee
Member of intelligent building and building automation Professional Committee of Shaanxi Automation Society
Reviewers of SCI Indexed Journals: Environment Science & Technology Letters, Science of the Total Environment, Indoor Air, Chemosphere, Building and Environment, Energy and Buildings, PLOS ONE, Indoor and Built Environment, Energy Conversion and Management, Chinese Science Bulletin, Building Simulation, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences, The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering and so forth.
Foundmental Research on Indoor Environments and Health Effect
Application Research on Building Energy and Carbon Emissions