
论文标题    Parameters’ Selection in Confocal Technology
作者    Zhao Wang, Li Jinian, Zhu Shengcheng, Jiang Kejian
发表/完成日期    2005-10-05
期卷    VOL.6150
论文简介    3-D information becomes more and more important in engineering field. With the advent of miniaturization and the emergence of micromechanics, microdynamics and nanotechnology, 3-D measurement was introduced in confocal technology in recently years because of its high precision, non-contact, and wide field. This paper describes the principle, the characteristics of confocal microscopy. Main conclusions based on Fourier coherent theory are given. According to the conclusions, some key parameters can be selected. In addition, some actual case should be concerned. The paper also gives the practical set-up in the experiment which is designed for surface topography. Experiment results obtained for different conditions are also presented.