
2021-2023   国家自然科学基金青年项目 考虑温-湿耦合效应的黄土裂隙演化机理及理论模型研究 主持

2018-2020   国家重点研发计划子课题 黄土斜坡水力耦合致灾机理与预测模型 主持

2018-2019   中国博士后科学基金面上项目 古土壤沉积序列的力学特性变化规律及其微观机制研究 主持

2018-2022   国家自然科学基金委重大基金项目子课题 黄土地质结构及介质灾变力学行为与水循环模式 参与

2016-2018   中央财政科研项目 堆填黄土裂隙产生机制及其优势流 主持

2015-2016   法国卡尚高等师范学院与法国国家科学研究院联合项目 多孔建筑材料在温度、湿度、风力耦合条件下的力学行为研究 参与

2010 – 2014   法国放射废料管理局与法国国家科学研究院联合项目 放射性废料贮藏环境下粘土裂隙的宏观与微观研究 参与




1. SCI 及核心期刊论文 :

  1. Xin Wei*, Zhengtian Yang, Jean-Marie Fleureau, Mahdia Hattab, Said Taibi, Ling Xu.  (2022) Tensile strength identification of remolded clayey soils. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 81:405. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-022-02879-6.
  2. Xin Wei*, Mahdia Hattab, Said Taibi, Katia V. Bicalho, Ling Xu and Jean-Marie Fleureau.  (2021) Crack development and coalescence process in drying clayey loess. Geoechanics and Engineering. 25(6),535-552.
  3. WEI X., BICALHO K.V., HAJJAR A.EI., TAIBI S., HATTAB M., FLEUREAU J.M (2020) Experimental techniques for the study of the cracking mechanisms in drying clays. Geotechnical Testing Journal. 44(2), 323-338.
  4. WEI X., GAO C.Y., LIU K. (2020) A review of cracking behavior and mechanism in clayey soils realted to desiccation. Advances in Civil Engineering. Doi: 10.1155/2020/8880873.
  5. WEI X., GAO C.Y., YAN D.D., LIU K. (2020) Experimental study on cracking behavior and mechanism in desiccating soils in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China. Doi: 10.1155/2020/8874986.
  6. WEI X., GAO C.Y., AI K.Y., ZHAO J., XU L. (2020) Mechanical interpretation of effects of aeolian fine sands on coal fly ash in Northern Shaanxi Province, China. Doi: 10.1155/2020/8885090.
  7. WEI X., DUC M., HATTAB M., REUSCHLE T., TAIBI S., FLEUREAU J.M. (2016) Effect of decompression and suction on macroscopic and microscopic behavior of a claystone. Acta Geotechnica. 12(1), 47-65.
  8. WEI X., HATTAB M., BOMPARD P., FLEUREAU J.M. (2016) Highlighting some mechanisms of crack formation and propagation in clays on drying-path. Géotechnique. 66(4), 287-300. 
  9. WEI X., HATTAB M., FLEUREAU J.M., HU R.L. (2013) Micro-macro-experimental study of two clayey materials on drying paths, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 72: 495-508. 

2. 国际会议论文

  1. WEI X., FLEUREAU J.M., HATTAB M., SOULI H., TAIBI S., REUSCHLE T., DUC M. Micro-macro-mechanical study of a clayey rock on drying-wetting path. EMI Conference 2016, Metz, France, 25-27 october.
  2. FLEUREAU J.M., WEI X., Hattab M.Experimental Study of the Cracking Mechanisms of Clay during Drying, Alert workshop 2016, Aussois, France, 3-5 october.
  3. FLEUREAU J.M., WEI X., IGHIL AMEUR L., HATTAB M., BICALHO K.V. (2015) Experimental study of the cracking mechanisms of clay during drying, communication accepted in XV Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Buenos Aires (Argentina), November 15-18, 2015.
  4. WEI X., IGHIL AMEUR L., FLEUREAU J.M., HATTAB M. (2015) Caractérisation expérimentale des mécanismes de fissuration d’un mélange argileux non-saturé par dessiccation libre, Symposium International Retrait et Gonflement des Sols – Climat et Construction (SEC), Marne-La-Vallée (France), 18-19 Juin, 2015.
  5. WEI X., IGHIL AMERU L., FLEUREAU J.M., BOMPARD P., HATTAB M. (2015) Micro-macro-mechanical study of a clay rock on drying-wetting path, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI), Stanford University (USA), June 16-19, 2015.
  6. WEI X., DUC M., REUSCHLE T., SOULI H., TAIBI S., FLEUREAU J.M., HATTAB M. (2015) Micro-macro-mechanical study of a clay rock on drying-wetting path. International Conference “Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement” (Bruxelles), Mars 2015.
  7. WEI X., Duc M., Hattab M., Reuschlé T., Souli H., Taibi S., Fleureau J.-M. (2013) Micro-macro-mechanical study of a clay rock on drying-wetting path, Conference of the ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute, Chicago, August 4 – 7, 2013.
  8. L.H. Li, L. F. F., X.L. Deng, R.-L. Hu, J. Zhang & X. Wei (2013). Engineering geological characteristics of sand liquefaction in Wenchuan earthquake. International Symposium & 9th Asian Regional Conference of IAEG, Beijing, Taylor & Francis Group.
  9. WEI X., FLEUREAU J.M., HATTAB M. (2012) Etude expérimentale par analyse d’image de la dessiccation et de la fissuration d’un kaolin , JNGG, Bordeaux, France, Volume 2, July 21-24, 2012.
  10. WEI X., LUONG T.H.N., HATTAB M., FLEUREAU J.M. (2011) Etude expérimentale de la fissuration par dessiccation dans une kaolinite, 29th Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil (Tlemcen), May 10-15, 2011.