副教授 博导
汽车工程系 党支部书记
副教授 博导
汽车工程系 党支部书记
长期致力于醇醚类低碳含氧清洁替代燃料的理论及应用研究,先后参加完成了包括国家973项目、863计划“甲醇汽油的燃烧分析及非常规排放特性实验研究”项目和自然科学基金“甲醇汽油发动机醇醛排放机理以及甲醛检测快速方法的研究 ”项目等纵向课题。同时和玉柴、潍柴、吉利、一汽(长春)、通用(上海)公司等国内外发动机及汽车企业开展了广泛的发动机开发合作研究。
Wei Yanju, Doctoral Supervisor, Associate Professor of Xi’an Jiao Tong University, China.
His main research direction is on the combustion and emission fundamentals of clean fuel engines, including emissions and control, working process numerical simulation, engine performance development, fuel spray, droplet combustion, methanol cracking hydrogen production, etc. He has presided over 1 major research program (general) project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2 General projects, 1 youth project, and 2 key research and development programs of Shaanxi Province. The engine design, performance development, emission regulation technical route, and combustion mechanism of methanol, ethanol, dimethyl ether, PODE, and other clean fuels in methanol engines have been systematically carried out, solving a series of key scientific and technical problems faced by carbon neutral fuel engine. The research has published over 80 papers including top journals such as Applied Physics, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Applied Energy, Fuel, and Physics of Fluids, and authorized 7 invention patents. Currently, he is a director of the China Internal Combustion Engine Society, a member of the China Internal Combustion Engine Industry Association, Vice President and Secretary General of Shaanxi Internal Combustion Engine Society and a young editorial board member of the journal “Internal Combustion Engine Engineering”.
2000.09-2004.07 西安交通大学 能动学院,本科
2004.09-2009.06 西安交通大学 能动学院 汽车工程系,硕博
2010.01-2015.12 西安交通大学 能动学院 汽车工程系,讲师,硕导
2016.12-2017.12 普林斯顿大学,访问学者
2016.01- 至今 西安交通大学 能动学院 汽车工程系,副教授,博导
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