
吴 震 基于高温燃料电池混合发电的冷--电多联产系统研究 第七届全国储能科学与技术大会暨2020淄博先进能源材料论坛, 2020, 淄博, 中国 2020.12.11-12.13 (Invited talk)
吴 震 采用SOFC分布式能源系统实现生物质到热电冷能高效转换 第六届全国储能工程大会,2020, 德清, 中国


(Invited talk)

  Zhen Wu    The novel hybrid energy conversion systems based on solid oxide fuel cell technology for power generation International Virtual Conference on ‘Future Trends in Automotive Technologies’, 2020, Vellore, India


(Keynote talk)

Zhen Wu Computational design of novel hydrogen storage materials International Advances in Applied Physics & Materials Science Congress and Exhibition (9th APMAS2019), 2019, Oludeniz, Turkey


(Invited talk)

Zhen Wu Techno-economic evaluation of the hybrid energy conversion systems based on fuel cells for distributed electricity power generation The 2nd World Summit on Advances in Sciences, Engineering and Technology (IUPUI), Indianapolis, USA


(Invited talk)

Zhen Wu Techno-economic evaluation of the hybrid energy conversion systems based on fuel cells for distributed power plant 2019 World Fuel Cell Conference, Shanghai, China 2019.08.25-08.29 (Invited talk)
Zhen Wu Steady-state modelling and performance optimization of biogas fueled SOFC-IC engine hybrid power generation system The 4th International Conference on New Energy and Future Energy Systems, Macau, China 2019.07.21-07.24 (Invited talk)
Zhen Wu Study of Ni+N co-substitution for thermodynamic optimization of Mg(BH4)2 for hydrogen storage International Symposium on Inorganic Materials and Energy Chemistry 2019, Auckland, New Zealand 2019.01.18-01.21(Invited talk)
Zhen Wu Computational design of novel high-capacity Mg-based materials for hydrogen storage International Advances in Applied Physics & Materials Science Congress and Exhibition (8th APMAS2018), 2018, Oludeniz, Turkey 2018.04.24-04.30(Invited talk)

吴 震

基于固态储氢的氢燃料电池动力系统研究 2021国际能源化学工程大会(​ICECE),2021, 成都, 中国 2021.06.18-06.21(Invied talk)
吴 震 中毒情况下金属氢化物氢化反应动力学模型研究 2021中国材料大会, 2021, 厦门, 中国 2021.07.09-07.11(Invied talk)
Zhen Wu Study of solid-state hydrogen storage based on metal hydride and its application in fuel cell power system  The 13th International Green Energy Conference, 2021, Online 2021.07.15-07.18(Invied talk)
吴 震 以生物质为燃料的SOFC模拟及系统应用 第八届全国储能工程大会,2023,重庆,中国 2023.04.14-04.16(Invied talk)



论文标题 作者 发表/完成日期 期刊名称
New insights into the impurity transport and separation behaviours during metal hydride dehydrogenation for ultra-pure hydrogen Leilei Guo, Zhen Wu*, Ruiqing Li, Xianchun Huang, Bofei Wang, Fusheng Yang, Zaoxiao Zhang 2023-11-03 Applied Energy
Review on the thermal neutrality of application-oriented liquid organic hydrogen carrier for hydrogen energy storage and delivery Yikun Yang, Zhen Wu, Ruiqing Li, Huan Wang, Jianwei Ren, Bo Li, Fusheng Yang, Zaoxiao Zhang 2023-09-03 Results in Engineering
The dynamic response of solid oxide fuel cell fueled by syngas during the operating condition variations Pengfei Zhu,Zhen Wu*,Yuchen Yang,Huan Wang ,Ruiqing Li,Fusheng Yang,Zaoxiao Zhang 2023-07-23 Applied Energy
Fast design of catalyst layer with optimal electrical-thermal-water performance for proton exchange membrane fuel cells Jing Yao, Yuchen Yang, Xiongpo Hou, Yikun Yang, Fusheng Yang, Zhen Wu*, Zaoxiao Zhang 2023-03-27 Journal of Energy Chemistry


奖项名称 获奖年份 奖项类型 奖项等级 申报部门
第九届全国氢能博士生论坛优秀汇报奖 2021 其他 其他 第九届全国氢能博士生论坛组委会
2021年丝绸之路能源化工国际产学研用成果奖 2021 其他 三等奖 西安交通大学
2017年国际应用能源大会最佳论文奖 2017 其他 其他 Applied Energy & Elsevier
2013年国际应用能源大会最佳论文奖 2013 其他 其他 Applied Energy & Elsevier

