Graphical abstract of Xing's paper used on the cover of the journal
发布者: 井新利 | 2021-04-03 | 315


In the Volume 186 (2021) of Polymer Degradation and Stability, the Graphical abstract of the paper by Xiaolong Xing was used in the journal cover. The title of the paper is “In-depth understanding on the early stage of phenolic resin thermal pyrolysis through ReaxFF-molecular dynamics simulation”. This paper reported the important achievement of RGFP on the pyrolysis mechanism of phenolic resin.

The paper was published on February 19, 2021, and officially published on April 1, 2021. ​​​​(Written by Zhen Wang; proofread by Xiaolong Xing)


行小龙博士生论文的Graphical abstract被选为期刊封面

在愚人节这一天出版的第186(2021)Polymer Degradation and Stability中,行小龙论文的Graphical abstract被用于期刊封面。行小龙论文的题目为In-depth understanding on the early stage of phenolic resin thermal pyrolysis through ReaxFF-molecular dynamics simulation,论文报道了RGFP对酚醛树脂热裂解机理研究的重要成果。该论文在线发表于2021219日,正式发表于202141日。​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​(撰稿:王  镇;校对:行小龙)