






Email: yaochenli [At] mail.xjtu.edu.cn
地址:陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号西安交通大学软件学院  邮编:710049





2020年1月~至今:西安交通大学, 软件学院, 副教授

2016年10月~2019年12月:西安交通大学, 软件学院, 讲师


联合培养博士:加州大学洛杉矶分校, 专业:计算机视觉

博士学位 (硕博连读) :西安交通大学, 专业:模式识别与智能系统                                                

学士学位:西安交通大学, 专业:计算机科学与技术








  • 2023.06-2024.03  横向课题(编号:202308100),激光雷达检测建图定位视觉联合标注平台研究项目.
  • 2022.12-2023.05  横向课题(编号:202212113),华为Mindspore模型迁移合作项目.
  • 2022.10-2023.09  高校实验室开放课题(编号:JZ-202211022), 复杂背景下红外目标快速跟踪技术.
  • 2022.04-2022.07  横向课题(编号:20220567),华为NRE模型迁移合作项目.
  • 2022.01-2023.12  陕西省重点研发计划项目(编号: 2022GY-080), 关联模式挖掘的道路场景重建方法研究与应用.
  • 2021.12-2024.12  国家科技创新2030—“新一代人工智能”重大项目课题(编号:2021ZD0110702-ZKT02), 软件定义的科教资源共建共享支撑平台. (子课题负责人)
  • 2021.10-2022.03  横向课题(编号:202111177),华为昇腾众智模型迁移项目.
  • 2021.08-2023.07  中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目(编号:2021T140542),动态交通场景视频的高精度语义分割方法研究.
  • 2021.01-2022.06  横向课题(编号: 20211258), 基于人工智能的医养护理呼叫软件. 
  • 2020.08-2020.11  横向课题(编号:20200908), 面向移动端的智能照片分类.
  • 2019.01-2021.12  国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(编号:61803298), 道路场景视觉感知的交通要素线框模型表示与计算方法研究.
  • 2018.07-2020.07  苏州市科技计划重点产业创新前瞻性应用研究(编号:SYG201843), 动态交通场景实时目标检测与分析方法研究.
  • 2018.07-2021.06  江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目(编号:BK20180236), 多粒度视频特征融合的场景要素分析与合成方法研究.
  • 2017.01-2018.12  中国博士后科学基金面上项目(编号:2017M613142), 基于时空特征一致性的视频语义标注与建模方法研究.
  • 2017.01-2019.12  中央高校基本科研业务费综合交叉类项目(编号:xjj2017176), 基于多粒度视觉特征的场景分析建模及其在网络图像流中的应用研究.
  • 2017.09-2018.09  横向课题(编号:321100003301), 传送带商品智能检测.


  • 2020.01-2023.12   国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:61973245), 无人驾驶环境感知智能的测试模型与可靠性评估.(项目骨干)
  • 2019.11-2023.11   国家科技创新2030—“新一代人工智能”重大项目课题(编号:2018AAA0102504), 面向人机行为任务的协同决策理论与方法. (课题联系人)
  • 2014.01-2016.12   国家自然科学基金海外合作项目(编号:61328303),  运动视觉的计算模型研究.(项目骨干)
  • 2012.01-2014.12   国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目(编号:91120009), 无人驾驶车辆环境认知能力评估与离线测试系统.(项目骨干)
  • 2010.01-2012.12   国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目(编号:90920008), 基于选择性注意模型的可视媒体检测方法研究.(项目骨干)



[15] Gaojie Li, Yaochen Li*, Jingle Liu, Wei Guo, Wenneng Tang and Yuehu Liu. ESE-GAN: Zero-shot food image classification based on low dimensional embedding of visual features[J]. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2023. (Accepted).

[14] Anna Li, Xinnan Ma, Jiaxin Guo, Jingyue Zhang, Jing Wang, Kai Zhao and Yaochen Li*Driver Fatigue Detection and Human-machine Cooperative Decision-making for Road Scenarios[J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2023. (Accepted, IF 2023: 2.577).

[13] Yaochen Li, Haochuan Hou, Zikun Dong, Yujie Zang, Ying Zhang and Yonghong Song. Spatiotemporal analysis of static and dynamic traffic elements from road scenes[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022. (Accepted, IF 2022: 9.551).

[12] Yaochen Li, Yuhui Hong, Yonghong Song, Chao Zhu, Ying Zhang and Ruihao Wang. SiamPolar: Semi-supervised realtime video object segmentation with polar representation[J]. Neurocomputing, 2021. (IF 2021: 5.719).

[11] Yaochen Li, Chao Zhu, Yuehu Liu, Yuhui Hong and Jianji Wang. Geometric and semantic analysis of road image sequences for traffic scene construction[J]. Neurocomputing, 2021. (IF 2021: 5.719).

[10] Yaochen Li, Yuting Chen, Sheng Yuan, Jingle Liu, Xi Zhao, Yang Yang and Yuehu Liu. Vehicle detection from road image sequences for intelligent traffic scheduling[J]. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2021. (IF 2021: 3.818).

[9] Yaochen Li, Chuan Wu, Ling Li, Yuehu Liu and Jihua Zhu. Caption generation from road images for traffic scene modeling[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021. (IF 2021: 6.492).

[8] Zhichao Cui, Yaochen Li*, Chi Zhang, Yuehu Liu and Fuji Ren. Coarse-to-fine 3D road model rigistration for traffic video augmentation[J]. IET Image Processing, 2020, 14(12): 2690-2700. (SCI, WOS:000582146100009)

[7] Yaochen Li, Xiao Wu, Danhui Lu, Ling Li, Yuehu Liu and Li Zhu. Style transfer of urban road images using generative adversarial networks with structural details[J]. IEEE Multimedia, 2020, 27(3): 54-65. (SCI, WOS:000567430300007)(IF 2020: 4.962)

[6] Yaochen Li, Yuehu Liu, Jihua Zhu, Shiqi Ma, Zhenning Niu and Rui Guo. Spatiotemporal road scene reconstruction using superpixel-based Markov random field[J]. Information Sciences, 2020, 507: 124-142. (SCI, WOS:000489000500008)(IF 2020: 5.910)

[5] Yaochen Li, Rui Sun, Ying Liu, Yang Yang, Shuangxun Ma and Yuehu Liu. Interactive foreground segmentation and shape reconstruction from RGBD images [J]. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2019, 79: 1-13. (SCI, WOS:000492799200006)(IF 2019: 2.189)

[4] Yaochen Li, Ying Liu, Rui Sun, Rui Guo, Li Zhu and Yong Qi. Multi-view point cloud registration with adaptive convergence threshold and its application in 3D model retrieval[J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020, 79(1): 14793-14810. (SCI)(IF 2019: 2.101)

[3] Yaochen Li, Yuehu Liu, Yuanqi Su, Gang Hua and Nanning Zheng. Three-dimensional traffic scenes simulation from road image sequences[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2016, 17(4): 1121-1134. (SCI,  WOS:000373133600021; EI: 20160301821973)(IF 2019: 5.744)

[2] Yaochen Li, Yuanqi Su and Yuehu Liu. Fast two-cycle curve evolution with narrow perception of background for object tracking and contour refinement[J]. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2016, 44: 29-43. (SCI, WOS:000376714000003; EI: 20161302174611)(IF 2019: 3.059)

[1] Yaochen Li, Yuehu Liu and Nanning Zheng. Creating Walk-Through Images from Traffic Video Sequence. UCLA Cam Report, 2013:13-82.



[28] Yujie Zang, Yaochen Li*, Luguang Cao, and Ruitao Lu. Template-guided data augmentation for unbiased scene graph generation[C]//In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Seoul, Apr. 2024.

[27] Zhifeng Zhu, Yaochen Li*, Yifan Li, Jinhuo Yang, Peijun Chen and Yuehu Liu. SEIT: Structural Enhancement for Unsupervised Image Translation in Frequency Domain[C]//In Proceedings of  AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Vancouver, Feb. 2024.

[26] Yujie Zang, Yaochen Li*, Yuan Gao, Yimou Guo, Wenneng Tang, Yanxue Li and Meklit Atlaw. Refine and Redistribute: Multi-Domain Fusion and Dynamic Label Assignment for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation[C]//In Proceedings of  IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, Hawaii, Jan. 2024.

[25] Wenneng Tang, Yaochen Li*, Yifan Li and Bo Dong. Efficient Point-based Single Scale 3D Obiect Detection from Traffic Scenes[C]//In Proceedings of  Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV), Xiamen, Oct. 2023.

[24] Yifan Li, Yaochen Li*, Wenneng Tang, Zhifeng Zhu, Jinhuo Yang and Yuehu Liu. Swin-UNIT: Transformer-based GAN for High-resolution Unpaired Image Translation[C]//In Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Ottawa, Oct. 2023.

[23] Ying Zhang, Yaochen Li*, Wei Guo, Gaojie Li, Shaohan Yang and Yuehu Liu. Mixed Spatiotemporal Modeling for Vehicle Behavior Recognition[C]//In Proceedings of CVPR Workshop on Vision-Centric Autonomous Driving, Vancouver, Jun. 2023.

[22] Ruihao Wang, Jian Qin, Kaiying Li, Yaochen Li, Dong Cao, Jintao Xu. V-BEV-LaneDet: An Efficient 3D Lane Detection Method Based on Virtual Camera via Key-Points[C]//In Proceedings of IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Vancouver, Jun. 2023.

[21] Min Yang, Yaochen Li*, Su Wang, Shaohan Yang, Hujun Liu. RITNet: A rotation invariant transformer based network for point cloud registration[C]//In Proceedings of  IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), Washington D.C., Nov. 2022.

[20] Kai Zhao, Yaochen Li*, Yuan Gao, Hujun Liu, Anna Li, Jiaxin Guo and Yuehu Liu. Driver behavior decision making based on multi-action deep Q network in dynamic traffic scenes[C]//In Proceedings of  Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV), Shenzhen, Dec. 2022.

[19] Liangyu Zuo, Yaochen Li*, Mengtao Han, Qiao Li and Yuehu Liu. Frustum FusionNet: Amodal 3D object detection with multi-modal feature fusion[C]//In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Indianapolis, Sep. 2021. 

[18] Haochuan Hou, Yaochen Li*, Chi Zhang, Hao Liao and Ying Zhang. Vehicle behavior recognition using multi-stream 3D convolutional neural network[C]//In Proceedings of Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC), Nanchang, May. 2021. 

[17] Mengtao Han, Yaochen Li*, Liangyu Zuo, Qiao Li, Chi Zhang, Yuanqi Su and Ping Li. Point cloud segmentation via edge-fused local graph learning[C]//In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Xi'an, May. 2021. 

[16] Zikun Dong, Yaochen Li*, Haochuan Hou and Ruihao Wang. Spatiotemporal analysis of traffic scene layout using scene stages[C]//In Proceedings of International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (ISAIR), Fukuoka, Aug. 2021. 

[15] Ling Li, Yaochen Li*, Chuan Wu, et al. Detail Fusion GAN: High-quality translation for unpaired images with GAN-based data augmentation[C]// In Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Milano, Jan. 2021.(EI)

[14] Kang Song, Yaochen Li*, Yuhui Hong, Yuting Chen, Chenming Song and Yuehu Liu. FFSSD: Improved vehicle detection with multi-scale convolution feature fusion[C]//In Proceedings of ChinaMM (ChinaMM), Qingdao, Sep. 2020.

[13] 刘荧, 李垚辰*, 刘跃虎, 付靖文, 马飞. 基于相关熵的多视角彩色点云配准[C]//第二十届全国图象图形学学术会议, 乌鲁木齐, 2020.

[12] Chuan Wu, Yaochen Li*, Ling Li, Le Wang and Yuehu Liu. Caption generation from road images for traffic scene construction[C]//In Proceedings of IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IVS), Las Vegas, Oct. 2020.

[11] Xiao Wu, Yaochen Li*, Zelin Hao, Chuan Wu, Xiaochun Wang and Yuehu Liu. Image style transformation based on structureGAN[C]//In Proceedings of Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), Hangzhou, Nov. 2019.(EI)

[10] Chao Zhu, Yaochen Li*, Yuehu Liu, Zhiqiang Tian, Zhichao Cui, Chi Zhang and Xinyu Zhu. Road scene layout reconstruction based on CNN and its application in traffic simulation[C]//In Proceedings of IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IVS), Paris, Jun. 2019. (EI:20193807453140)

[9] Xiao Wu, Yaochen Li*, Yuehu Liu, Shanmin Pang, Le Wang, Chuan Wu and Huihui Huo. Jointly detecting and retrieving vehicles from road image sequences based on CNN[C]//In Proceedings of IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IVS), Paris, Jun. 2019. (EI:20193807453259)​​​​​​

[8] Yuxiao Wang, Yaochen Li*, Ming Zeng, Zikun Dong, Jian Yuan and Ziwei Wang. Bottom-up estimation of geometric layout for indoor images[C]//In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Systems (ICUS), Beijing, Oct. 2019. (EI:20201008261335)

[7] Huihui Huo, Yaochen Li*, Chuan Wu, Xiao Wu, Zhiqiang Tian, and Yuehu Liu. Semantic segmentation and scene reconstruction for traffic simulation using CNN [C]//In Proceedings of 2nd China Symposium on Cognitive Computing and Hybrid Intelligence (CCHI), Xi'an, Sep. 2019. (EI:20194907772809)

[6] Huayun Pan, Yaochen Li*, Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, Yuxiao Wang, and Yuehu Liu. Fast two-cycle level set tracking with interactive superpixel segmentation [C]//In Proceedings of 2nd China Symposium on Cognitive Computing and Hybrid Intelligence (CCHI), Xi'an, Sep. 2019. (EI:20194907772830)

[5] Jian Yuan, Yaochen Li*, Huayun Pan, Zhichao Cui and Yuehu Liu. 3D traffic scenes construction and simulation based on scene stages[C]//In Proceedings of Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), Xi'an, Dec. 2018. (Oral Paper)(EI:20191106633140)​​​​​

[4] Yaochen Li, Yuanqi Su and Yuehu Liu. Fast two-cycle level set tracking with narrow perception of background[C]//In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), Turin, Jun. 2015. (Oral Paper)(EI:20154501514030)

[3] Yaochen Li, Yuehu Liu, Chi Zhang, Danchen Zhao and Nanning Zheng. The “floor-wall” traffic scenes construction for unmanned vehicle simulation evaluation[C]//In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Qingdao, Oct. 2014. (Best Student Paper Award) (EI:20152901040876)

[2] Yaochen Li, Yuehu Liu, Xiao Huang, Ming Hou and Yang Yang. Vertex Saliency Computation from 3D facial meshes[C]//In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Access Spaces (ISAS), Yokohama, Jun. 2011. (EI:20113414253229)

[1] Yaochen Li, Yuehu Liu, Yuanchun Wang, Zhengwang Wu and Yang Yang. 3D facial mesh detection using geometric saliency of surface[C]//In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), Barcelona, Jun. 2011.(EI:20114514487529)



[6] 李垚辰,吴潇,宋晨明,刘跃虎,一种多任务联合判别学习的车辆重识别方法, 专利号码:ZL202010432575.6, 授权时间:2022.4.26

[5] 李垚辰,袁建,董子坤,王雨潇,刘跃虎,一种基于结构化学习的道路场景布局分析方法, 专利号码:ZL202010431561.2, 授权时间:2022.8.16

[4] 李垚辰,祝超,刘跃虎,一种基于深度学习的道路边界点检测方法, 专利号码:ZL201910232810.2, 授权时间:2020.11.10

[3] 李垚辰,刘跃虎,祝继华,牛振宁,郭瑞,马士琦,一种道路行驶区域的视觉检测方法, 专利号码:ZL201710437201.1, 授权时间:2019.10.18

[2] 刘跃虎,李垚辰,苏远岐,杨旸,张驰,一种道路场景视频图像序列的背景修复方法, 专利号码:ZL201410239942.5, 授权时间:2017.2.8

[1] 刘跃虎,李垚辰,苏远岐,杨旸,张驰,一种窄带背景探测的快速双循环水平集方法, 专利号码:ZL201410239863.4,  授权时间:2016.11.30



[4] 李垚辰,李高洁,张莹,郭威,一种小样本异常车辆行为识别方法,专利号码:ZL2023118230736,申请时间:2023.12.27

[3] 李垚辰,唐文能,李一帆,一种可变形注意力的三维点云目标检测方法,专利号码:2023118227521,申请时间:2023.12.27

[2] 李垚辰,高源,廖浩,张腾文,邱超,一种无监督交通要素对齐的道路场景语义分割方法,专利号码:2023118231207,申请时间:2023.12.27

[1] 李垚辰,臧宇杰,高源,一种基于生成式模板的无偏场景图构造方法,专利号码:202311823118,申请时间:2023.12.27


[2] 李垚辰,宋康,吴潇,宋晨明,陈雨婷, 刘敬乐, 道路场景车辆检测与检索软件[简称: xjtu-vehicle], 登记号码:2021SR0039050, 2021.2.2.

[1] 李垚辰,袁建,霍慧慧,吴霄,左良玉,三维走廊式道路场景建模软件[简称: TITV], 登记号码:2019SR0772750, 2019.6.14.