
论文标题    Viscosity measurements of hydrocarbon fuel at temperatures from (303.2 to 513.2) K and pressures up to 5.1 MPa using a two-capillary viscometer.
作者    Zhuqiang Yang, Zhaohui Liu∗, Qincheng Bi, Song Feng, Hui Pan, Yong Guo.
发表/完成日期    2015-08-06
期刊名称    Thermochimica Acta
期卷    617
相关文章    杨竹强 粘度.pdf   
论文简介    tA two-capillary method based on the Hagen–Poiseuille theory was proposed for on-line measurements ofdynamic viscosity of hydrocarbons at high temperatures and high pressures. A two-capillary viscometerwas designed and proved to be applicable to the viscosity measurements in a mini-tube. The standarduncertainty of dynamic viscosity measurements is identified as (2.22–5.28) % (coverage factor k = 2). N-heptane, n-octane and their binary mixture were tested respectively in the calibration experiments ofthe viscometer. Results showed that the measured maximum relative deviations of all substances wereall within 2% and the average absolute deviations were within 0.72%. Finally viscosities of a kerosenekind hydrocarbon fuel were measured using the two-capillary viscometer at temperature from (303.2 to513.2) K and supercritical pressures of (3.00 and 4.00) MPa.