
出版物 作者 出版日期 出版社
Hydrogen Enriched Compressed Natural Gas (HCNG) Engines 黄佐华,马凡华,王金华 2023-12-06 Elsevier
Advances in Chemistry Research, Chapter 8: Premixed combustion of methanol-air-nitrogen flames 王显刚,黄佐华 2010-08-08 NOVA Publishing Ltd.
内燃机节能与洁净利用开发与研究的现状与前沿 黄佐华 2010-06-15 清华大学汽车安全与节能学报
内燃机燃烧研究及面临的挑战 黄佐华,蒋德明,王锡斌 2008-12-20 天津大学内燃机学报
Natural Gas Research Progress, Chapter 10 :Premixed laminar flame of CH4/O2/Ar 王金华,黄佐华 2008-08-28 NOVA Publishing Ltd
Natural Gas Research Progress, Chapter 11: Direct injection engine fueled with CNG-H2 mixtures 黄佐华,王金华 2008-08-28 NOVA Publishing Ltd
内燃机替代燃料燃烧学 蒋德明,黄佐华主编 2007-09-01 西安交通大学出版社
学科发展蓝皮书(内燃机篇) 黄佐华 2005-12-20 科学技术出版社
内燃机燃烧学 周龙保, 刘巽俊, 高宗英, 刘圣华, 黄佐华 2005-10-18 机械工业出版社
学科发展蓝皮书(内燃机篇) 黄佐华 2002-12-20 科学技术出版社
环境保护与节能 李荫堂,黄佐华 1998-08-15 西安交通大学出版社

国际刊物论文Publications in International Journals (PDF articles downloadable) and cited by SCI

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How to write and submit article to the international journals (PDF Available) Zuohua Huang 2024-12-31 Xi'an Jiaotong University
How to Write and Submit a Paper (PPT) Zuohua Huang 2024-12-31 Xi'an Jiaotong University
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A shock tube study of the ignition delay time of DME/ammonia mixtures: Effect of fuel blending from high temperatures to the NTC regime (PDF Available) Xue Jiang, Qiying Zhang, Xiyu Liu, Tianqi Zhang, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Fuquan Deng, Ningbo Zhao, Hongtao Zheng, Yingwen Yan 2024-07-01 Fuel