Basic Information


Professor, Dr. Qiang Zhou

Born in Jining, Shandong, 1982


National-level Young Talent (2016)

Top Young Talent at Xi'an Jiaotong University

Director of the Chemical Engineering Research Institute

Leader of the Young Innovation Team for Multiphase Reaction Flow in Chemical Engineering

Deputy Secretary-General of the Second Specialized Committee of Process Simulation and Simulation under the Chinese Society of Chemical Engineering

Council Member of the Fourth Youth Council of the Chinese Society of Particulology

Member of the Multiphase Flow Branch of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics


School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Address:28 West Xianning Road, Xi’an 710049, Shaanxi, P. R. China


Research Interests

  1. Fundamental Research on Gas-Solid Reaction Flow: The rapid development of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has made a significant impact in the aerospace field, but its role in energy and chemical engineering, which is more closely related to daily life, remains limited. This is mainly due to the complexity of multiphase flows involving particles or bubbles in the energy and chemical engineering sectors. The research group is dedicated to exploring the influence of heterogeneous particle structures on interphase forces, heat transfer, mass transfer, and reaction characteristics, with a focus on revealing the mechanisms of "three transfers and one reaction" at different scales. The ultimate goal is to develop mesoscopic models that can fully analyze these influences and establish high-fidelity numerical methods for gas-solid reaction flow. This will facilitate the prediction and optimization of gas-solid flow in large-scale reactors and lay a theoretical foundation for the digitalization and intelligence of process industries. This direction has successfully been awarded funding for four National Natural Science Foundation projects.

  1. Digital Twin Technology for Reactors: In process industries, key equipment often involves extremely complex multiphysics processes, such as gasification furnaces, catalytic cracking reactors, catalytic pyrolysis reactors, cold hydrogenation fluidized bed reactors, granular silicon fluidized beds, polymerization reactors, ethylene cracking furnaces, fine chemical stirring tanks, and distillation equipment. These key devices involve the coupling of multiphase, multi-component, and multiphysics interactions. The research group aims to develop multiphysics digital twin technology based on high-fidelity numerical methods and real-time monitoring data, utilizing artificial intelligence. This technology will enable (1) visualization of "black box" equipment, (2) optimization of production efficiency to fully utilize equipment potential, and (3) assurance of long-term, high-efficiency operation. This technology is one of the essential technologies leading to future smart factories.
  2. Carbon Neutrality Technology and Energy Storage Technology.

We welcome students who are grounded, innovative, passionate about science, and eager to explore to join our research group! Specific research directions include:

  1. Theory and application of gas-solid reaction flow, fluidization numerical simulation, micro and mesoscopic modeling
  2. Strongly coupled mesoscopic modeling and reactor simulation for "three transfers and one reaction"
  3. Multiphysics reconstruction, AI-based multiphysics digital twins, and smart chemical engineering
  4. CO2 solidification technology

Research methods:

  1. Direct numerical simulation, two-fluid simulation, discrete element simulation, machine learning
  2. Experimental studies on gas-solid flow

We welcome graduates or soon-to-be graduates with backgrounds in chemical engineering, energy dynamics, fluid mechanics, or related fields to join our team as postdoctoral researchers, associate researchers, or young talents!

Research platforms:

Shaanxi Province Key Laboratory for Energy and Chemical Process Enhancement

Green Hydrogen Electricity National Key Laboratory, formerly known as the National Key Laboratory for Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering. (

Student training disciplines:

Chemical Engineering and Technology

Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics

Materials and Chemical Engineering (Chemical Engineering)

Energy Dynamics (Power Engineering)

Awards Received by Students in the Research Group:

  • 2023: Yuan Shouzheng - Excellent Presentation at the 12th National Fluidization Conference and Particulate Technology Conference
  • 2023: Wang Lingxue and Jiang Ming - Second Bettersize-Particuology Excellent Article Award
  • 2023: Wang Lingxue, Zhang Yu, Duan Fan, Yuan Shouzheng, Zhao Liwen, He Xieyu - Silver Award at the Provincial Finals of the 8th China International "Internet Plus" College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (Industry Proposition Track)
  • 2023: Wang Lingxue - Excellent Presentation at the First Future Particulate Frontiers Forum
  • 2022: Wang Lingxue - Third Prize at the 2022 University of Minnesota and Xi'an Jiaotong University Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition
  • 2020: Duan Fan - Excellent Student Presentation Award at the Second National Conference on Process Simulation and Simulation.



2004.9-2010.7 PhD in Fluid Mechanics, School of Aerospace Engineering,

                           Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
                            Supervisor: Feng He

2000.9-2004.7 Bachelor in Engineering Mechanics, College of Mechanical and Energy Engineering,

                            Chu Kechen Honors College,

                            Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

                            Supervisor: Jianzhong Lin

Work Experience

10/2016-present, Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering,

                                 Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

08/2015-09/2016, Research Fellow, Department of Chemical Engineering,

                                 Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

01/2014-08/2015, Research Associate, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering,

                                 The Ohio State University, U.S.

                                 Supervisor: Liang-Shih Fan
10/2010-12/2013, Post-doctoral Researcher, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering,

                                 The Ohio State University, U.S.

                                 Supervisor: Liang-Shih Fan


2014, American Institute of Chemists (AIC) Foundation Awards-Outstanding Postdoctoral Award. (
2012, Outstanding Post Doctoral Researcher, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, The Ohio State University, USA

Journal Publications

For pdf files of these papers see

Z. Huang, Z. Zhang, L. Wang, Q. Zhou*, Filtered reaction rate and interphase mass transfer models in reactive gas-solid flows, AIChE Journal.

M. Pan, Q. Zhou, Z. Huang*, 2024 Numerical simulation of transpiration cooling in porous nose cone under hypersonic conditions, Applied Thermal Engineering.

段凡, 贺煊, 周强*, 2023, 中等雷诺数双分散悬浮系统流固曳力以及固固曳力[J/OL]. 过程工程学报.

Y. Zhang, Y. Yu, X. Chen, S. Du*, Q. Zhou, 2024 Construction and Analysis of the Mesoscale Drag Force Model Based on Machine Learning Methods, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 63(4): 2044-2056.

S. Yuan, Y. Zhao, X. Chen, Q. Zhou*, 2024 A corrected filtered drag model considering the effect of the wall boundary in gas-particle fluidized bed, Powder Technology, 2024, 432: 119158.

S. Du, X. Chen, T. Ma, L. Wang, Q. Zhou*, 2023 Verification of a microscale drag model considering the effect of gas–Structure interface via fine-grid two-fluid simulations, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2023, 62(29), 11697-11711.

R. Basit, X. Li, Z. Huang, Q. Zhou*, 2023 Effect of particle orientation on heat transfer in arrays of prolate particle, Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 136(2), 1509-1526.

X. Li, X. Chen, B. Yang,  Q. Zhou*, 2023 Direct numerical simulation of moderate-Reynolds-number flow past arrays of ellipsoids, AIChE Journal69(10): e18162.

S. Du, Y. Zhao, L. Zhao, Q. Zhou, X. Chen*, 2023 Direct numerical simulation of flow past a reactive/inert mixed particle pair, Physics of Fluids, 35(6), 063308.

X. Chen, Y. Zhao, S. Du, L. Zhao, Q. Zhou*, 2023 Impact of Stefan flow on the interphase scalar transfer in flow past random particle arrays, Chemical Engineering Journal, 470: 143885.

X. Chen, M. Pan, Q. Wan, Q. Zhou, Z. Huang*, 2023 An effective thermal conductivity model for the three-phase porous media based on the numerical simulation, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 1-16.

袁守正, 陈啸, 蒋鸣, 余亚雄, 周强*, 2023, 气固下行床中壁面对介尺度曳力的影响规律探究. 化工进展, 42(05): 2272-2281.

S. Du, J. Wang, Y. Yu, Q. Zhou*, 2023 Coarse-grained CFD-DEM simulation of coal and biomass co-gasification process in a fluidized bed reactor: Effects of particle size distribution and operating pressure, Renewable Energy, 202, 483-498.

余亚雄, 段凡, 张宇, 周强*, 2022, 粗粒化CFD-DEM的离散松弛模型[J/OL]. 过程工程学报, 22(12): 1652-1665.

马腾, 陈啸, 周强*, 2022, 低雷诺数下气固两相中浓稀相界面对微尺度曳力的影响及建模[J/OL]. 过程工程学报, 22(11): 1490-1503.

蒋鸣, 周强*, 2022, 气固流化床介尺度结构形成机制及过滤曳力模型研究进展[J]. 化工学报, 73(06):2468-2485.

刘怡琳, 李钰, 余亚雄, 黄哲庆, 周强*, 2022, 基于重置温度方法的双参数介尺度气固传热模型构建[J], 化工学报, 2022,73(06):2612-2621.

X. Chen, T. Ma, Q. Zhou*, 2022 Theoretical and numerical analysis of drag force at the interface between the dilute and dense phases, Physics of Fluids, 34(9), 093306.

F. Duan, Y. Yu, X. Chen, Q. Zhou*, 2022 Particle-particle drag force in inertial bidisperse gas-particle suspensions, Journal of Fluid Mechanics952: A11.

T. Ma, Y. Li, Q. Zhou, X. Chen*, 2022 Microscale drag model considering the effect of interface between dense and dilute phases for gas-solid suspensions at moderate Reynolds numbers, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 157, 104270.

Y. Li, S. Han, Y. Yu, X. He, Z. Huang, Q. Zhou*, 2022 Modeling filtered heat transfer model by considering dimensionless temperature difference between gas and solid phases, AIChE Journal, 69(1): e17917.

Z. Huang, Q. Huang, Y. Yu, Y. Li, Q Zhou*, 2022 A comparative study of models for heat transfer in bidisperse gas–solid systems via CFD-DEM simulations. Axioms, 11(4), 179. DOI: 10.3390/axioms11040179

L. Zhao, Q. Zhou, B. Yang, X. Chen*, 2022 Inhomogeneous drag correction based on surrounding solid volume fraction in low-Reynolds-number regime. Powder Technology, 401: 117292.

S. Du, L. Zhao, X. H. Chen, B. Yang, Q. Zhou*, 2022 Effect of Stefan flow on the drag force of single reactive particle surrounded by a sea of inert particles. Chemical Engineering Science, 253, 117546.

L. Wang, M. Jiang, Q. Zhou*, 2022 Development of a filtered drag model considering effect of the solid shear rate. Particuology71, 63-74.

T. Fu, Y. T. Tsai, Q. Zhou*, 2022 Numerical simulation of magnesium dust dispersion and explosion in 20 L apparatus via an Euler–Lagrange method. Energies, 15(2), 402. 

Y. T. Tsai, T. Fu, Q. Zhou*, 2021, Explosion characteristics and suppression of hybrid Mg/H2 mixtures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46(78), 38934-38943.

M. Jiang, Y. Zhang, Y. Yu, Q. Zhou*, 2021 A scale-independent modeling method for filtered drag in fluidized gas-particle flows. Powder Technology, 394, 1050-1076.

D. Zhang, T. Min, M. Jiang, Y. Yu, Q. Zhou*, 2021 Numerical simulation of fluidized bed gasifier coupled with solid oxide fuel cell fed with solid carbon. Energies, 14(10), 2800.

Y. Yu, Y. Li, X. Chen, F. Duan, Q. Zhou*, 2021 Improvement of the Coarse-Grained Discrete Element Method for Frictional Particles. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 60(15), 5651-5664.

Z. Huang, L. Wang, Y. Li, Q. Zhou*, 2021 Direct numerical simulation of flow and heat transfer in bidisperse gas-solid systems. Chemical Engineering Science, 239, 116645.

S. Du, S. Yuan, Q. Zhou*, 2021 Numerical investigation of co-gasification of coal and PET in a fluidized bed reactor. Renewable Energy, 172, 424-439.

L. Zhao, X. Chen, Q. Zhou*, 2021 Inhomogeneous drag models for gas-solid suspensions based on sub-grid quantities. Powder Technology, 385, 170-184.

X. H. Chen, S. Du, L. Zhao, B. Yang, Q. Zhou*, 2021 Effect of Stefan flow on the drag force in flow past random arrays of spheres. Chemical Engineering Journal, 412, 128691.

Z. Huang, L. Wang, Q. Zhou*, 2021 Development of a filtered reaction rate model for reactive gas-solid flows based on fine-grid simulations. AIChE Journal, 67(5): e17185.

Y. Li,Y. Yu,C. Zhang,Z. Huang,Q. Zhou*,2021 Improved filtered mesoscale interphase heat transfer model. Particuology, 57, 176-186.

F. Duan, L. Zhao, X. Chen, Q. Zhou*, 2020 Fluid-particle drag and particle-particle drag in low-Reynolds-number bidisperse gas-solid suspensions. Physics of Fluids, 32(11), 113311.

Romana Basit, X. Li, Z. Huang, Q. Zhou*, 2020 Heat transfer studies of arrays of prolate particles in gas-solid flows. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020, 6639172, Special Issue entitled "Recent Advances in Multiphase Flows in Engineering"

Y. Yu, L. Zhao, Y. Li, Q. Zhou*, 2020 A model to improve granular temperature in CFD-DEM simulations. Energies, 13(18), 4730. Special Issue entitled "DEM of Multiphase Flows and Powder Processing" by Guest Editor Prof. Yutaka Tsuji.

X. Li, M. Jiang, Z. Huang, Q. Zhou*, 2021 Effect of particle orientation on the drag force in random arrays of oblate ellipsoids in low-Reynolds-number flows. AIChE Journal, 67(1), e17040.

赵利, 陈啸, 周强*, 2020, 一种限制周期气固两相流直接数值模拟中整体质量流率的新方法[J], 工程热物理学报, 41(03):648-652.

X. Chen, N. Song, M. Jiang, Q. Zhou*, 2020 Theoretical and numerical analysis of key sub-grid quantities' effect on filtered Eulerian drag force. Powder Technology, 372, 15-31.

Y. Zhang, M. Jiang, X. Chen, Y. Yu, Q. Zhou*, 2020 Modeling of the filtered drag force in gas-solid flows via a deep learning approach. Chemical Engineering Science, 225, 115835.

Y. Yu, Y. Li, M. Jiang, Q. Zhou*, 2020 Meso-scale drag model designed for coarse-grid Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation of gas-solid flows. Chemical Engineering Science, 223,115747.

X. Chen, N. Song, M. Jiang, T. Ma, Q. Zhou*, 2020 A microscopic gas-solid drag model considering the effect of interface between dilute and dense phases. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 128, 103266.

T. Ma, Y. Yu, X. Chen, Q. Zhou*, 2020 Effect of anisotropic micro-structures on fluid-particle drag in low-Reynolds-number monodisperse gas-solid suspensions. AIChE Journal, 66(4), e16910.

M. Jiang, X. Chen, Q. Zhou*, 2020 A gas pressure gradient dependent subgrid drift velocity model for drag prediction in fluidized gas-particle flows. AIChE Journal, 66(4), e16884. 

Z. Huang, C. Zhang, M. Jiang, Q. Zhou*, 2020 Development of a filtered interphase heat transfer model based on fine-grid simulations of gas-solid flows. AIChE Journal, 66(1), e16755.

X. Li, M. Jiang, Z. Huang, Q. Zhou*, 2019 Effect of particle orientation on the drag force in random arrays of prolate ellipsoids in low-Reynolds-number flows. AIChE Journal, 65(8), e16621.

Z. Huang, C. Zhang, M. Jiang, H. Wang, Q. Zhou*, 2019 Effects of particle velocity fluctuations on inter-phase heat transfer in gas-solid flows. Chemical Engineering Science, 206, 375-386.

Z. Huang, H. Wang, Q. Zhou*, T. Li, 2017 Effects of granular temperature on inter-phase drag in gas-solid flows, Powder Technology, 321, 435-443.

Q. Zhou, L.S. Fan*, 2015 Direct numerical simulation of moderate-Reynolds-number flow past arrays of rotating spheres, Physics of Fluids, 27(7), 073306.

Q. Zhou, L.S. Fan*, 2015 Direct numerical simulation of low-Reynolds-number flow past arrays of rotating spheres, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 765, 396-423.

周强, 何枫*, 沈孟育, 2014, 可压缩混合层的涡结构演化与流质混合, 空气动力学学报, 32(03), 273-279.

Q. Zhou, L.S. Fan*, 2014 A second-order accurate immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method for particle-laden flows, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 268, 269-301.

Q. Zhou, L. Zeng, L.S. Fan*, 2013 Syngas chemical looping process: dynamic modeling of a moving bed reducer. AIChE Journal, 59(9), 3432-3443.

H. Yang, Q. Zhou, L.S. Fan*, 2013 Three-dimensional numerical study on droplet formation and cell encapsulation process in a micro T-junction. Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 87, 100-110.

Z. Sun, Q. Zhou (co-first authors), L.S. Fan*, 2013 Formation of core-shell structure composite micro-particles via cyclic gas-solid reactions. Langmuir, 29(40), 12520-12529.

Z. Sun, Q. Zhou, L.S. Fan*, 2012 Reactive solid surface morphology variation via ionic diffusion. Langmuir, 28(32), 11827-11833.

Q. Zhou, Feng He*, M.Y. Shen, 2012 Direct numerical simulation of a spatially developing compressible plane mixing layer: flow structures and mean flow properties. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 711, 437-468.

Q. Zhou, F. He*, M.Y. Shen, 2012 A family of efficient high-order hybrid finite difference schemes based on WENO schemes. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 26(04), 205-229.

周强, 何枫*, 沈孟育, 2010, 可压缩混合层中的激波和涡结构, 空气动力学学报, 28(03), 245-249.

Q. Zhou, Z.H. Yao, F. He*, M.Y. Shen, 2007 A new family of high-order compact upwind difference schemes with good spectral resolution. Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 227(2), 1306-1339.

Q. Zhou, F. He, M.Y. Shen, 2009 The evolution of three-dimensional temporally evolving plane mixing layers under strong vortex disturbances. The International Workshop on Aerospace Engineering (IWAE2009), Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2009 Vol. 14(S2), 17-21

周强, 王嘉豪, 蔡昀廷. 一种二氧化碳通过金属氢化物转化为甲烷的方法: 中国, CN202111426033.9[P]‬, CN114105723A,2022-3-1[已授权].

​​​​​周强, 张东旭, 闵婷, 郝文斌. 一种固体氧化物燃料电池与流化床集成的发电装置及方法: 中国, ZL202110437325.6[P]. 2021-4-22[申请中].

周强, 张东旭, 闵婷, 郝文斌. 一种固体氧化物燃料电池与流化床集成的发电装置: 中国, ZL202120843021.5[P]. 2021-4-22[2021-11-23].

周强, 王嘉豪, 杜少华. 一种制备合成气的循环流化装置及方法:中国, ZL202211027879X[P]. 2022-08-25[申请中].



Z.H. Yao., Q. Zhou, 2010. English to Chinese translation of the book “Computational fluid dynamics: the basics with applications” (by J. D. Anderson). Tsinghua University Press.