招收2026年秋季研究生 ---> 有意于2026年秋季入学、2025年秋季保研的同学,欢迎联系交流,参与项目实习。
招收2025年秋季研究生 ---> I am looking to connect with students who have a strong research background, solid engineering skills, self-motivation, and a keen interest in scientific exploration. If this sounds like you, I'd love to hear from you. Let's chat!
- 希望你的研究生申请邮件包含:1. 简历;2. 成绩单;3. 个人陈述;4. 研究计划/未来规划;5. 推荐信(推荐人邮箱)
指导理念:My advising philosophy is to treat students as collaborators. Together, we push the boundaries of knowledge, solve complex engineering challenges, and grow as a team. This approach grants students significant freedom, including flexibility in managing their time and choosing research topics. However, it requires a strong curiosity, a proactive learning mindset, a positive attitude, and excellent communication skills. If a student's goal was simply to earn a master/phd degree, our team would not be the right fit for him/her.
我也与计算机学院的 惠维 教授(谷歌学术主页)、丁菡 副教授(谷歌学术主页)、王鸽 副教授(谷歌学术主页)合作招收研究生,招收的研究生将在合作导师名下、在其课题组完成研究生阶段学业,感兴趣的同学可直接与三位老师联系。
- 希望你的实习生交流邮件包括:1. 简历;2. 成绩单;3. 个人陈述; 4. 研究计划/未来规划
My research interest is building novel sensory systems for human, event, and things sensing, such as activity recognition, human pose estimation, person re-identification, etc. I have published papers at top-tier journals such as IMWUT, IoTJ, TII, TIP, and flag-ship conferences such as Globecom, ICCV, MobiHoc, CVPR, Ubicomp, etc. I received the Best Paper Award of IEEE Globecom 2019.
Currently, I lead an AIoT Group at Xi'an Jiaotong University. The research topic is sensing with knowledge of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Sensors, Robotics, Signal Processing, LLMs, etc. We have released some interesting projects on our GitHub homepage, such as Person in WiFi 3D (CVPR 2024), XRF55 Dataset (Ubicomp 2024), School Bullying Detection(IoTJ 2024), etc. I am also a founding leadership member of the Sensing Dataset Platform, designed for Intelligence Sensing and Communications, SDP4ISAC.
2024.3-至今 西安交通大学 电信学部软件学院 副教授、博士生导师
2020.9-2024.3 西安交通大学 电信学部软件学院 助理教授、硕士生导师
2020.9-至今 西安交通大学 控制科学与工程 博士后 导师:龚怡宏 教授 (IEEE Fellow)
2016.3-2020.3 西安交通大学 计算机科学与技术 博士 导师:韩劲松 教授
2019.11-2020.1 浙江大学 网安学院 访问 韩劲松 教授 、林峰 研究员、任奎 教授 (ACM/IEEE Fellow)
2017.10-2019.10 卡内基梅隆大学 机器人所 联合培养博士生 导师:黄东 博士、Fernando De la Torre
2014.9-2016.2 西安交通大学 计算机科学与技术 硕士 导师:赵银亮 教授
2009.9-2013.7 西安交通大学 计算机科学与技术 学士
1. 中央高校基本科研业务费,基于大模型微调的无线成像方法研究,2024.1.1.-2026.12.31,5万
2. 国家自然科学基金-青年项目 , 时空细粒度的跨模态无线感知方法研究,62102307,2022.1.1.-2024.12.31,30万
3. 陕西省重点研发-重点项目,基于WiFi的细粒度行为感知系统,2021GXLH-Z-021,2021.5.1-2023.4.30,50万
4. 中国博士后-面上项目,智能增强的非接触式行为理解方法研究,2021M692562,2021.9.1-2023.2.28, 8万
5. 华为公司,晟腾下的MindSpore开发,2021-2022 (已结题)
特邀编辑:MDPI Electronics, MDPI Sensors, Call for paper now, if=3.4
领域主席:ICSEE 2024
会议:ACM MM 2025, ACM UBICOMP 2025, ICCV 2025, IJCNN 2025, CVPR 2025, ICASSP 2025, AAAI 2025, HPCC 2024, UIST 2024, ECCV 2024, CVPR 2024, AAAI 2024, ICCV 2023, CVPR 2023, AAAI 2023, Socialcom 2023, ICCV 2021, AAAI 2020
Elsevier Computer Networks
MDPI Sensors, micromachines, Buildings, etc.
Selected papers:
- Cui Zhao, Guotong Fang, Han Ding#, Xinhui Liu, Fei Wang, Ge Wang, Kun Zhao, Zhi Wang, Wei Xi, Federated Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for mmWave-based Human Activity Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2025 (CCF A类期刊,中科院一区期刊)
- R.D. Lin, Pengcheng Weng(大四), Yinqiao Wang(大三), Ding Han, Jinsong Han, Fei Wang#,HiLoTs: High-Low Temporal Sensitive Representation Learning for Semi-Supervised LiDAR Segmentation in Autonomous Driving, IEEE/CVF CVPR2025 (CCF A类会议)
- Teng Huang, Han Ding#, Wenxin Sun, Cui Zhao, Ge Wang, Fei Wang, Kun Zhao, Zhi Wang, Wei Xi, One Snapshot is All You Need: A Generalized Method for mmWave Signal Generation, IEEE INFOCOM 2025 (CCF A类会议)
- Xiangyan Liu, Bo Lan, Zhiyuan Hu, Yang Liu, Zhicheng Zhang, Fei Wang, Michael Shieh, Wenmeng Zhou, CodexGraph: Bridging Large Language Models and Code Repositories via Code Graph Databases, NAACL 2025 (NLP三大顶会)
- Bo Lan, Fei Wang# , Lekun Xia, Fan Nai(大四), Shiqiang Nie, Han Ding, Jinsong Han, BullyDetect: Detecting School Physical Bullying with Wi-Fi and Deep Wavelet Transformer, IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2024 (中科院一区期刊)
- Kangwei Yan, Fei Wang#, Bo Qian, Han Ding, Jinsong Han, Xing Wei, Person-in-WiFi 3D: End-to-End Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation with Wi-Fi, CVPR 2024 (CCF A类会议)
- Han Ding, Linwei Zhai, Cui Zhao#, Fei Wang, Ge Wang, Wei Xi, Zhi Wang, Jizhong Zhao, Genre Classification Empowered by Knowledge-Embedded Music Representation, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 2024(中科院一区期刊)
- Fei Wang#, Yizhe Lv, Mengdie Zhu, Han Ding, Jinsong Han, XRF55: A Radio Frequency Dataset for Human Indoor Action Analysis, ACM Ubicomp/IMWUT 2024 (CCF A类会议)
- Jingang Shi, Yusi Wang, Zitong Yu, Guanxin Li, Xiaopeng Hong, Fei Wang#, Yihong Gong, Exploiting Multi-scale Parallel Self-attention and Local Variation via Dual-branch Transformer-CNN Structure for Face Super-resolution, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2023 (中科院一区期刊, ESI高被引,Top1%)
- Fei Wang, Yiao Gao, Bo Lan, Han Ding, Jingang Shi#, Jinsong Han#, U-shape Deep Networks are Unified Backbones for Human Action Understanding from Wi-Fi Signals, IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2023 (中科院一区期刊)
- Guanxin Li, Jingang Shi#, Yuan Zong, Fei Wang, Tian Wang, Yihong Gong, Learning Attention from Attention: Effcient Self-Refnement Transformer for Face Super-Resolution, IJCAI 2023 (CCF A类会议)
- Han Ding, Zhenbin Chen, Cui Zhao#, Fei Wang, Ge Wang, Wei Xi, Jizhong Zhao, MI-Mesh: 3D Human Mesh Construction by Fusing Image and Millimeter Wave, ACM Ubicomp/IMWUT 2023 (CCF A类会议)
- Jingang Shi, Yusi Wang, Songlin Dong, Xiaopeng Hong, Zitong Yu#, Fei Wang, Changxin Wang, Yihong Gong, IDPT: Interconnected Dual Pyramid Transformer for Face Super-Resolution, IJCAI 2022 (CCF A类会议)
- Fei Wang, Ruonan Liu#, Qinghua Hu, Xuefeng Chen, Cascade Convolutional Neural Network With Progressive Optimization for Motor Fault Diagnosis Under Nonstationary Conditions, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 2021 (中科院一区期刊)
- Sanping Zhou, Jinjun Wang#, Le Wang, Jimuyang Zhang, Fei Wang, Dong Huang, Nanning Zheng, Hierarchical and Interactive Refinement Network for Edge-Preserving Salient Object Detection, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2021 (中科院一区期刊)
- Ruonan Liu, Fei Wang, Boyuan Yang#, S. Joe Qin, Multiscale Kernel Based Residual Convolutional Neural Network for Motor Fault Diagnosis Under Nonstationary Conditions, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 2020 (中科院一区期刊, ESI高被引,Top1%)
- Fei Wang, Sanping Zhou, Stanislav Panev, Jinsong Han#, Dong Huang#, Person-in-WiFi: Fine-grained Person Perception using WiFi, ICCV 2019 (CCF A类会议)
- Sanping Zhou, Fei Wang, Zeyi Huang, Jinjun Wang#, Discriminative Feature Learning With Consistent Attention Regularization for Person Re-Identification, ICCV 2019 (CCF A类会议)
- Fei Wang, Zhejiang Li#, Jinsong Han#, Continuous User Authentication by Contactless Wireless Sensing, IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2019 (中科院一区期刊)
- Fei Wang, Jinsong Han, Feng Lin#, Kui Ren, WiPIN: Operation-free Passive Person Identification Using Wi-Fi Signals, IEEE Globecom 2019 (Best Paper Award)