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Republication Author Republication date Publisher
中国公司治理前沿问题研究 冯根福 2009-01-01 经济科学出版社
西安地区国有经济战略性调整与改组问题研究 冯根福 2001-01-01 西北大学出版社
企业定价探索 冯根福 1990-01-01 经济科学出版社


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Paper Name Author Publication/Completion Time Magazine Name
The impacts of energy insecurity on green innovation: A multi-country study 冯根福 2022-06-01 Economic Analysis and Policy
The influence of political ideology on greenhouse gas emissions. 冯根福 2022-05-01 Global Environmental Change
Terrorism and green innovation in renewable energy 冯根福 2021-12-01 Energy Economics
The impacts of democracy on innovation: Revisited evidence 冯根福 2021-12-01 Technovation
股票流动性、股权治理与国有企业绩效 冯根福 2021-07-01 经济学季刊
中国共产党工业化思想的百年演进 冯根福 2021-07-01 中国工业经济
Environmental protection and performance: A bi-directional assessment 冯根福 2021-06-01 Science of the Total Environment
Government Fighting Pandemic, Stock Market Return, and COVID-19 Virus Outbreak 冯根福 2021-05-01 Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
究竟哪些因素决定了中国企业的技术创新? 冯根福 2021-01-01 中国工业经济
Does the shale gas boom change the natural gas price-production relationship? Evidence from the US market 冯根福 2021-01-01 Energy Economics
The road to innovation vs. The role of globalization: A dynamic quantile investigation 冯根福 2019-12-01 Economic Modelling
The assessment of globalization on innovation in Chinese manufacturing firms 冯根福 2019-09-01 Structural Change and Economic Dynamics
The impacts of government ideology on innovation: What are the main implications? Feng, G.-F. 2019-05-01 Research Policy
“经济社会人假说”与中国经济学构建 冯根福. 2019-01-01 当代经济科学
附属企业集团的上市公司技术创新能力更强吗? 冯根福 2018-09-01 中国软科学
Venture capital and innovation in China: The non-linear evidence 冯根福 2018-09-01 Structural Change and Economic Dynamics
The impacts of environmental governance on political turnover of municipal party secretary in China 冯根福 2018-06-18 Environmental Science and Pollution Research
The pioneer evidence of contagious corruption 冯根福 2018-04-02 Quality & Quantity
Stock liquidity and enterprise innovation: New evidence from China 冯根福 2018-04-01 European Journal of Finance
风险投资与企业创新:“增值”与“攫取”的权衡视角 冯根福 2018-02-01 经济研究