Yanjun Sun, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Research interests:
1) Building sustainable technologies;
2) Multi-form industrial waste heat recovery;
3) New energy technology;
4) Refrigeration cycle and system optimization;
5) Thermodynamics;
06/2018-now, Associate Professor, School of Human Settlements and Architectural Engineering, Xi 'an Jiaotong University;
06/2015-05/2018, Assistant Professor, School of Human Settlements and Architectural Engineering, Xi 'an Jiaotong University;
12/2016-12/2017, Visiting Scholar, The Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of California, Berkeley;
10/2013-12/2013, Visiting Scholar, National Research Council, Institute of Construction Technologies, Division of Padova, Italy.
Honor & Awards:
2019, Young Science and Technology Star of Shaanxi Province;
2017, One-hundred Excellent Doctoral Theses of Shaanxi Province;
2017, Excellent Doctoral dissertation of Xi 'an Jiaotong University
Reviewers for International Journals:
1) International Journal of Energy Research
2) International Journal of Refrigeration
3) Applied Energy
4) Applied Thermal Engineering
5) AIChE Journal
6) Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data
7) Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Journal articles:
1) Yanjun Sun, Xingdan Wang, Shibiao Wang, Xiaopo Wang. Oil solubility effect on evaporation performance with R290 as refrigerant. International Journal of Refrigeration. 2023, 151, 200-207.
2) Yanjun Sun, Qiming Wei, Xingdan Wang, Xiaopo Wang, Maogang He. Absorption Separation of Hydrofluorocarbon/Hydrofluoroolefin Refrigerant Mixtures Using Ionic Liquids. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2022, 61, 34, 12787–12796.
3) Tao Jiang, Xiangzhao Meng, Qiming Wei, Yanjun Sun. The Development of SF6 Green Substitute Gas. Sustainability. 2021, 13(16): 9063.
4) Yanjun Sun, Jian Wang, John M. Prausnitz. Interfacial properties between ionic-liquid-based electrolytes and lithium-ion-battery separator. AIChE Journal. 2021, 67(6), 281-298.
5) Yanjun Sun, Gaolei Di, Jian Wang, Maogang He. Gaseous solubility and thermodynamic performance of absorption system using R1234yf/IL working pairs. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2020, 172:115161.