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Patent Name Application Number Application Date
基于卡尔曼滤波和神经网络的航迹补全方法 XJ2021CN00312 Invention 2023.01.16
基于毫米波雷达与可见光图像融合的目标检测方法 XJ2022CN09573 Invention 2022.12.06


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Paper Name Author Publication/Completion Time Magazine Name
Phase Modulation of Photonic Band Gap Signal Zhiguo Wang, Mengqin Gao, et al 2016-03-04 Scientific Reports
Analogy of transistor function with modulating photonic band gap in electromagnetically induced grating Zhiguo Wang, Zakir Ullah, Mengqin Gao, et al 2015-08-30 Scientific Reports
Phase regulated suppression and enhancement switches of four-wave mixing and fluorescence Zhiguo Wang, Yanpeng Zhang, et al 2014-04-10 Front. Phys.
Switching suppression and enhancement of fluorescence and six-wave mixing by phase modulation Zhiguo Wang,Yanpeng Zhang, et al 2013-09-01 Scientific Reports
Controllable ultra-narrow fluorescence and six-wave mixing under double electromagnetically induced transparency Zhiguo Wang, Yanpeng Zhang 2013-06-02 Laser Phys. Lett.
Observation of Ultra-narrow Fluorescence and Four-wave Mixing in Electromagnetically Induced Transparency Windows Zhiguo Wang, Peiying Li, Zhaoyang Zhang 2013-03-20 IEEE Photonics Journal
Observation of angle-modulated switch between enhancement and suppression of nonlinear optical processes Zhiguo Wang, Zhengyang Zhao, Peiying Li 2013-03-05 Opt. Express

Science Project

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Project number Project name Project origin Start time Roles Project kind
JZ-202212001 ***目标识别研究 其他 2022-07~2023-12 负责人 Vertical project
JZ-202105008 ***智能检测与跟踪技术研究 国家级 2021-05~2021-10 负责人 Vertical project
JZ-202006005 ***智能感知研究 其他 2019-12~2020-11 负责人 Vertical project
61108017 奇阶波混频的Autler-Townes 分裂和增强效应研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2012-1~ 负责人 Vertical project