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Paper Name Author Publication/Completion Time Magazine Name
Experimental and kinetic study of methanol reforming and methanol-syngas co-oxidation at high pressure Haochen Zhan, Shuming Li, Geyuan Yin*, Yibo Gao, Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang* 2023-08-26 Fuel Processing Technology
Experimental and kinetic modeling study on propane enhancing the laminar flame speeds of ammonia Yin, Geyuan*, Xiao Bo, You Jiajun, Zhan Haochen, Hu Erjiang*, Huang Zuohua 2023-06-13 Fuel Processing Technology
Jet-stirred reactor measurements and chemical kinetic study of ammonia with dimethyl ether Yin, Geyuan, Li Jinglun, Hu Erjiang*, Huang Zuohua. 2023-06-01 Combustion and Flame
Experimental and kinetic study on laminar burning velocities of ammonia/ethylene/air premixed flames under high temperature and elevated pressure Liu Bowen, Hu Erjiang*, Yin Geyuan*, Huang Zuohua. 2023-03-11 Combustion and Flame
Chemical kinetic study of ammonia with propane on combustion control and NO formation Yin, Geyuan*, Xiao Bo, Zhan Haochen, Hu Erjiang*, Huang Zuohua. 2023-02-13 Combustion and Flame
Experimental and model investigation of the low temperature oxidation and pyrolysis of 2-methyl-2-butene in a jet-stirred reactor Yin, Geyuan, Hu Erjiang, Zhao Yun, Zhan Haochen, Huang Zuohua 2022-08-12 Combustion and Flame
Experimental and chemical kinetic study on the low temperature oxidation of 1,3-butadiene in a jet-stirred reactor Yin, Geyuan, Lv Xin, Hu Erjiang*, Xiao Bo, Huang Zuohua 2022-05-01 Fuel
Experimental and kinetic study on laminar flame speeds of ammonia/dimethyl ether/air under high temperature and elevated pressure Yin, Geyuan, Li Jinglun, Hu Erjiang*, Huang Zuohua 2022-04-01 Combustion and Flame
Experimental and kinetic study on laminar flame speeds of ammonia/syngas/air at a high temperature and elevated pressure Yin Geyuan, Wang Chaojun, Zhou Meng, Zhou Yajie, Hu Erjiang, Huang Zuohua 2021-11-01 Frontiers in Energy
Rate coefficients for 1,2-dimethyl-allyl + HO2/O-2 and the implications for 2-methyl-2-butene combustion Yin, Geyuan*, Goldsmith Franklin*, Chen Xi, Huang Zuohua 2021-08-02 Combustion and Flame
Kinetic Study on the Isomerization and Decomposition of the Alkenyl Radicals of 2,4,4-Trimethyl-1-pentene Yin, Geyuan, Hu Erjiang*, Zhou Meng, Zhan Haochen, Huang Zuohua. 2021-01-29 Energy & Fuels
Experimental and kinetic study on the low temperature oxidation and pyrolysis of formic acid in a jet-stirred reactor Yin, Geyuan, Xu Jiawei, Hu Erjiang*, Gao Qunfei, Huang Zuohua 2021-01-21 Combustion and Flame
Experimental and kinetic study on laminar flame speeds of formic acid Yin, Geyuan, Gao Qunfei, Hu Erjiang*, Xu Jiawei, Huang Zuohua 2020-10-06 Combustion and Flame
Comprehensive experimental and kinetic study of 2,4,4-trimethyl-1-pentene oxidation Yin Geyua, Gao Zhenhua, Hu Erjiang, Xu Zhaohua, Huang Zuohua 2019-10-06 Combustion and Flame
Experimental and kinetic study of diisobutylene isomers in laminar flames Yin, Geyuan, Hu Erjiang*, Huang Shihan, Ku Jinfeng, Huang Zuohua 2019-03-22 Energy
Theoretical Study of Abstraction and Addition Reactions of 2,4,4-Trimethyl-1-pentene with H and O(P-3) Radical Yin, Geyuan, Hu Erjiang*, Li Xiaotian, Ku Jinfeng, Gao Zhenhua, Huang Zuohua 2018-12-18 Energy & Fuels
Experimental and kinetic study of 2,4,4-trimethyl-1-pentene and iso-octane in laminar flames Yin, Geyuan, Hu Erjiang*, Ku Jinfeng, Gao Zhenhua, Huang Zuohua 2018-07-26 Proceeding of the Combustion Institute
Kinetics of H abstraction and addition reactions of 2,4,4-trimethyl-1-pentene by OH radical Yin, Geyuan, Hu Erjiang*, Yang Feiyu, Ku Jinfeng, Huang Zuohua 2017-12-15 Fuel
Experimental and kinetic modeling study on 2,4,4-trimethy1-1-pentene ignition behind reflected shock waves Yin, Geyuan, Hu Erjiang*, Gao Zhenhua, Liu Yang, Ku Jinfeng, Huang Zuohua 2017-05-01 Fuel

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