热烈祝贺博士生 孙菱同学的论文被国际TOP期刊《ACM Computing Surveys 》录用!!
发布者: 饶元 | 2022-09-07 | 1965


  热烈祝贺博士生孙菱同学的论文"Fighting False Information from Propagation Process: A Survey" 被国际TOP期刊《ACM Computing Surveys 》录用!!


  早晨参加项目答辩回来的路上,看到孙菱给我发的一个微信,其中有一个喜极而泣的一个表情.....,各种修改,各种难苦,各种努力, 最终获得了这样一种认可。这也是科研的一种特别的魅力。这篇文章真不容易,200多篇文献参考与阅读,一遍又一遍的调整和修改,从创新港一路改到了曲江,历时2年左右,终成正果。也欢迎大家对该文进行评价和指导。





《ACM Computing Surveys》目前是ACM旗舰期刊,是计算机学科最具影响力的期刊之一,其最新影响因子为:10.282,为中科院认定的一区Top期刊, CORE Rank A* 期刊,主要发表计算机科学领域代表性的综述。




Dear Miss Ling Sun:

Congratulations! Your manuscript, "Fighting False Information from Propagation Process: A Survey," has been accepted for publication in ACM Computing Surveys.  The comments of the Associate Editor and reviewer(s) who reviewed your manuscript are included at the foot of this letter.

Thank you for your contribution.  On behalf of the Editors of Computing Surveys, we look forward to your continued submissions to the Journal.

Prof. Albert Zomaya
ACM Computing Surveys