New progress on the pyrolysis mechanism of PR published in Polymer Degradation and Stability
发布者: 井新利 | 2021-02-26 | 448

Recently, one paper titled as In-depth understanding on the early stage of phenolic resin thermal pyrolysis through ReaxFF-molecular dynamics simulation was published in Polymer Degradation and Stability, co-authored by Xiaolong Xing, Xiaoru Niu, Yun Liu, Changhong Yang, Shujuan Wang, Yu Li, Xinli Jing. (Link to 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2021.109534.).


This paper clarified the early stage of the pyrolysis process of phenolic resin and proved that the cleavage reaction of PR occurs beside (CRb) and on (CRo) the backbone by means of molecular simulation based ReaxFF. It was concluded that the reduction of char yield was resulted from the VOC formation.

(Written by Zhen Wang; proofread by Xiaolong Xing)


日前,RGFP的一篇论文在学术期刊Polymer Degradation and Stability上在线出版,论文题目为“In-depth understanding on the early stage of phenolic resin thermal pyrolysis through ReaxFF-molecular dynamics simulation”。论文的作者为行小龙、牛晓茹、刘芸副教授、杨长红高工、王淑娟副教授、李瑜副教授和井新利教授。


 (撰稿:王  镇;校对:行小龙)