恭喜课题组博士生郭璊的文章被Journal of the European Ceramic Society接收!
发布者: 武康宁 | 2021-09-27 | 3455

恭喜课题组博士生郭璊的工作“Simultaneously Improving the Electrical Properties and Long-term Stability of ZnO Varistor Ceramics by Reversely Manipulating Intrinsic Point Defects”被陶瓷领域著名期刊ournal of the European Ceramic Society接收!




"The Journal of the European Ceramic Society publishes the results of original research and reviews relating to ceramic materials. Papers of either an experimental or theoretical character will be welcomed on a fully international basis. The emphasis is on novel generic science concerning the relationships between processing, microstructure and properties of polycrystalline ceramics consolidated at high temperature. Papers may relate to any of the conventional categories of ceramic: structural, functional, traditional or composite. The central objective is to sustain a high standard of research quality by means of appropriate reviewing procedures."