祝贺博士研究生丁兰琳有关住房和健康不平等的合作研究被Health and Place接受
发布者: 聂鹏 | 2022-01-10 | 6657

       近日,团队中博士生丁兰琳的题为“Income-related health inequality in urban China (1991-2015): The role of homeownership and housing conditions”的研究被Health and Place (IF=4.078, JCR Q1)接受,该研究是团队与法国PSE的Andrew Clark教授和卢森堡大学Conchita D'Ambrosio教授的合作研究成果。该研究也得到国家自然科学基金(grant number 71804142)的资助。


Income-related health inequality in urban China (1991-2015): The role of homeownership and housing conditions


Unprecedented economic growth has been experienced over the several decades worldwide, but such rapid economic growth wasn’t accompanied by equally-substantial improvement in health, especially health inequalities between the rich and poor. This study examines the role of housing in income-related health inequalities (income-health gradient) in urban China. We here analyze 1991-2015 China Health and Nutrition Survey data to ask how housing affects income-related health inequalities in urban China. We find pro-poor inequalities in self-reported bad health but pro-rich inequalities in objective bad health (general overweight/obesity, central obesity and high blood pressure). Housing conditions serve to reduce the health gradient, especially for objective health. On the contrary, homeownership exacerbates the health gradient. Improving housing conditions thus appears to be an effective way of reducing the income-health gradient in urban China.


Weblink: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2022.102743.