多组学与单细胞数据解释癌症异质性文章被Molecular Oncology 接受
发布者: 杨晓飞 | 2021-12-09 | 9696

文章肝癌单细胞及多组学数据分析揭示癌症异质性文章《Integrating single-cell RNA-seq with multi-omics data unravels the tumor heterogeneity and immunosuppressive mechanism in hepatocellular carcinoma》被 Molecular Oncology接受。 恭喜庭杰!!

We are delighted to inform you that your manuscript, entitled Integrating single-cell RNA-seq with multi-omics data unravels the tumor heterogeneity and immunosuppressive mechanism in hepatocellular carcinoma, has been accepted for publication in Molecular Oncology.