团队论文被IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics期刊录用 - 首页
团队论文“An Accurate, Universal and Fast Time Domain Model for Different Types of Resonant Converters by Considering Parasitic Capacitors and Deadtime”被IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics期刊录用(中科院一区TOP期刊)。其中学生李子昂是该论文的第一作者。论文摘要如下:
Abstract: The existing time domain models for CLLLC class resonant converters have at least one of the following drawbacks: 1) the model cannot be applied for different resonant tanks and circuit topologies; 2) the effect of parasitic capacitors and deadtime is ignored; 3) large computation time is required to obtain steady state waveforms. To address these issues, an advanced state-space based analysis (ASSA) model is proposed in this article. The operation stages by considering parasitic capacitors and deadtime are proposed and equivalent to a universal circuit, which largely increases the accuracy with low model complexity. Additionally, the ASSA model is universal for different inverter structures, rectifier structures, and different resonant tanks, including LC, LLC, CLL, CLLC, CLLLC. To improve the calculation speed, a hybrid operation mode analysis (OMA) and ASSA model is proposed to obtain closer initial values and achieve steady state 2.15 times faster than traditional state- space based analysis (SSA) methods. Finally, experimental results of CLLLC, CLLC, and LLC resonant converters working in multiple conditions are presented to validate the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed ASSA model. Compared with the traditional time domain model, the relative error of resonant inductor current waveforms is reduced from 5.91%~43.54% to 2.83%~19.42%.