Special Issue on: Advancement in Wireless Communications, Networks and Signal Processing|征稿通知
发布者: 岳洋 | 2022-07-27 | 4267

About Applied Sciences

Applied Sciences (IF: 2.838) provides an advanced forum on all aspects of applied natural sciences.


Scope of this special issue: invite submissions involving recent advancements and cutting-edge original research in wireless communications, networks, and signal processing techniques. Such advancements in data communication systems and/or applied techniques can include wireless/optical/digital communications, mobile/optical/data-center networking, advanced signal processing techniques, application of machine learning in data infrastructures, and other emerging fields in communications. Theoretical, simulation, and experimental studies are all welcome.


Guest Editors for this Special Issue are: Runzhou Zhang, University of Southern California, USA – Lead Guest Editor; Lin Zhang, Tianjin University, China; Yang Yue, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China; Hao Feng, Intel Corporation, USA; Zheda Li, Amazon Lab126, USA; Dawei Ying, Intel Corporation, USA


Submission Deadline: 30 November 2022



Call for Paper