
论文标题    Computation of supersonic branching flow with aerosol particle separation
作者    Bofeng Bai*, Xing Li, Shuiqing Li
发表/完成日期    2016-04-29
期刊名称    AIAA J
期卷    54(7)
相关文章    2016-Computation of Supersonic Branching Flow with Aerosol Particle Separation.pdf   
论文简介    Supersonic branching flows are commonly found in industrial processes like the supersonic aerosol particle separation process and the supersonic inlet of combined aero-engines such as turbo/ramjet engines. In this research, we carry out a numerical study on the supersonic branching flow to reveal its features and its effects on aerosol particle separation. We find that there are four flow regimes and a critical state in the supersonic branching flow in terms of the shock wave positions which are determined by the back pressures of the two outlets. The gas flow rate ratio and the particle separation ratio are closely related to the flow regimes. In terms of the main channel stream, there is a steady working zone where the gas flow rate ratio and particle separation ratio maintain constant as the two back pressures vary. Compared with non-swirl flows, in swirl flows there is a drift of the critical state, which means the swirl changes the conditions for the occurrence of the four regimes. In addition, in the range of particle size we study, the particle motion is not sensitive to the variations of the particle size in the absence of swirl, but it’s not the case for swirl flows. Finally, we discuss some features of the steady working zone. This work is a preliminary research into supersonic branching flow and provides a foundation for the design of relevant devices.