
论文标题    Critical heat balance error for heat exchanger experiment based on entropy generation method
作者    Zhifeng Zhang, Yanfeng Zhang, Wenxue Zhou, Bofeng Bai*
发表/完成日期    2016-02-01
期刊名称    Applied Thermal Engineering
期卷    94 (2016)
相关文章    2016-Critical heat balance error for heat exchanger experiment based on entropy generation method.pdf   
论文简介    This research is inspired by one interesting question: whether entropy generation measured (indirected measurement) in a heat exchanger experiment is always positive, and what criterion is needed to keep a positive entropy generation measurement. As is well-known, the entropy generation method is a second-law method in heat exchanger design and evaluation. However, according to authors’ knowledge, most design and evaluation ignores the influence of error. In this paper, the relation of the entropy generation number and heat balance error is investigated through both analytical and experimental methods. Based on this relation, the concept of critical heat balance error is proposed. Being zero entropy generation in the experiment, the critical heat balance error is a perfect criterion to filter the invalid negative entropy generation in the heat exchanger experiment. The analytical form of critical heat balance error is expressed as: -(1-τ)(1-ε), where ε and τ are heat exchanger efficiency and inlet temperature ratio, respectively. In following experiment section, out of 975 experimental cases, 39 invalid cases are found. After verification of analytical relations, the filteration efficiency of the analytical criterion is reported to be as high as 82%. Present paper proposed a new definition called critical heat balance error and provided its application on heat exchanger experiment.