
论文标题    An Improved Bubble Packing Method for Unstructured Grid Generation with Application to Computational Fluid Dynamics
作者    Lilong Wu, Bin Chen, Gaoling Zhou
发表/完成日期    2010-08-31
期刊名称    Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals
期卷    58(?)
论文简介    An improved bubble packing method (BPM) is proposed to generate high-quality unstructured grids for prediction of the flow field in a domain with complex geometry. For a curved-boundary domain, bubble departure from the curved boundaries during the dynamic movement of bubbles can be avoided by using the mapping and the arc-length parameterization methods. Furthermore, the grid density of the whole region can be controlled effectively. Local mesh refinement is achieved by adding bubbles with different sizes to the real and artificial vertices of the domain, and vertex information is transferred to the inner nodes of the domain using the Shepard interpolation method. In order to validate the proposed BPM, a finite-volume solver on an unstructured collocated grid is developed to simulate both square and polar lid-driven cavity flows. The numerical simulation results agree well with the experimental data under different Reynolds numbers.