
论文标题    Synergy of N and P Co-Doping on Improving Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production: A Case over Beta-Gallium Oxide
作者    Li Jing, Chaoqian Ai, Xueyu Guo, Jiamei Cao, Dengwei Jing, Bing Luo*, and Lijing Ma*
发表/完成日期    2023-04-10
期刊名称    Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
期卷    62(15)
论文简介    Non-metal doping of photocatalysts is an effective strategy to resolve the strait of the insufficient light absorption of large-bandgap semiconductors, to improve the photocatalytic performance. Gallium oxide (Ga2O3) is a well-known optoelectronic material but greatly hindered by the large bandgap in the photocatalytic community. In this work, the method of N and P co-doping was proposed, and the influence on photocatalytic hydrogen production was comprehensively evaluated. The N/P co-doped β-Ga2O3 reaches a hydrogen production rate of 235.86 μmol·g–1·h–1 (λ ≥ 420 nm), which is 1.93 and 97.86 times that of P- and N-doped β-Ga2O3, respectively. Herein, N/P co-doping endows broader light absorption, thus rendering an outstanding photocatalytic ability under visible light, with the synergistic contribution of the improved charge carrier separation/transfer properties. This work provides a viable and facile avenue and deep insights for modulating the properties of photocatalysts in a doping way.