Publication - 田 锋
论文标题 | Structural Liveness Analysis of Automated Manufacturing Systems Modeled by S4PRs |
作者 | 冯彦翔,邢科义,周孟初,田锋,刘慧霞 |
发表/完成日期 | 2019-03-21 |
期刊名称 | IEEE Trans. Automation Science and Engineering |
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论文简介 | This paper presents a liveness analysis method for sequential automated manufacturing systems (AMSs), which can be modeled by a class of Petri nets named systems of sequential systems with shared resources (S⁴PR). We show that deadlocks in S⁴PR can be characterized by the saturation of its structural object named a perfect activity circuit (PA-circuits). Thus, S⁴PR is live if and only if no PA-circuits in it is saturated at all reachable states. A PA-circuits of an S⁴PR may not be saturated at any state; hence, we propose an integer linear program (ILP) to determine whether a PA-circuits can be saturated or not. Then an algorithm is proposed to compute the set of PA-circuits that may be saturated. This presented method nontrivially generalizes deadlock characterization and liveness condition of ordinary Petri nets to a broader class of nonordinary ones. |